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Eustace Mullins - Being "Jew Wise"

June 7, 2021

(Priest performs last rites for Christian who died in bubonic plague 1347-1351, which killed as many as 200 million.)

In response to my article, "Their Sole Purpose is to Destroy Us- Their Lame Excuses are Diversions," (May 13) a "David" left this comment:

"As I see it , until every synagogue (sin-agog) has been torched and every Masonic Lodge razed, every Jew ( yes...ALL, for they are ALL complicit ) and every Freemason slaughtered, humanity will have NO chance of living in peace and serving our Creator. 

A Bishop friend and inspiration, in consideration of these manifestations of Satan stated calmly and with authority, "There is no sin in killing that which is already dead." (Dead to The Father, to Spirit, our Creator, the very Source of Life here and throughout the Universe.)" 

Makow - As an ethnic Jew, naturally I take exception to this idea. People who regard themselves as innocent victims are the first to victimize other innocent people. But worse, killing all Jews would not change anything since the Jewish disease (Cabalism, Satanism) has spread to the goyim through Freemasonry. Do you think Anthony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Lindsey Graham or Doug Ford are ethnic Jews?  Altiyan Childs has revealed that practically everyone who is successful belongs to a satanic cult, Freemasonry.

Gentiles are more pro-Israel than many US Jews who hate what Israel  is doing to the Palestinians. Ten percent of US Jews support boycotting Israel. 

"Antisemites" conflate the Jewish problem to the point that they miss the target altogether. 

The target should be the Masonic Jewish world banking cartel and its proxies, Organized Jewry and initiated Freemasonry (33 degree & above.) 

Judaism like Freemasonry is a secret society. Only the initiated know the true satanic agenda (to enslave and dispossess mankind.)  Whether rank-and-file Jew or Freemason, should being a dupe carry a death penalty?

Yes, globalism = Communism = Cabalist Judaism = covid scam. See "What is Communism?"

Yes, a great many Jews are a subversive satanic influence. But many other Jews are assimilated like myself and put the common interest first. 

Mankind would flourish if it discerned and obeyed God's instructions. God is the Moral Order. The Creator's instructions are indispensable. The reason this is so hard to hear is that the satanists have possessed us. We are satanically possessed. God is the bliss we are all really seeking. 

Let's focus on the manipulators, not the manipulated. Fundamental change will never happen until central banks are disbanded and nations gain control of their credit and currency. 

by "David"

[Mullins begins by showing how Jews destroyed every civilization they were part of.]

[This is probably from Mullins's "A New History of the Jews" (1968]

A few excerpts from the works of Eustace Mullins shed further light on the Jewish monster. 

 "As President of the International Institute of Jewish Studies, and having spent thirty-six years of constant research on the Jewish problem, I state with certainty that to be Jew-wise is to survive. 

To accept Jewish domination not only means that one abandons all precepts of human civilization which have accreted over five thousand years of recorded history: it also means that one accepts a zombie mode of existence, a life in death which excludes all of the glory and honor of living in Christ.

Being Jew-wise means that one recognizes the basic precepts of the Jewish problem. The first precept is -- " THE JEW ALWAYS EXISTS IN A STATE OF WAR WITH ALL CIVILIZED NATIONS". There can be no peace between the biological parasite and the host people. The second precept i s -- "EVERY JEW IS AN AGENT OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL". 

No Jew can hold a position in any Gentile government unless he wields that position to advance the cause of the State of Israel. Even if he wished to do so, no Jew could escape the total mobilization of the Jewish people in their war against the gentiles.

The third precept is -- " THE JEW ALWAYS KNOWS WHO HE IS". When I first encountered Jews, I was mildly disturbed by the cool manner of self-confidence with which they regarded me. I did not understand that they were looking at me from their pedestal of self knowledge, while I did not yet know who I was, who my enemies were; or who my friends were. In almost every instance, the Gentile fails to understand what is going on in the struggle between the biological parasite and the host people, or if he does get an inkling of what is going on, he finds out too little and too late.

The fourth precept is--"WHATEVER AMBITIONS YOU MAY HAVE, YOU CANNOT REALIZE THESE GOALS BECAUSE OF THE PRESENCE OF THE JEW". It is the function of the Jew to systematically destroy the habitat and the life style of the host people. This renders them unable to resist or to dislodge his parasitic presence. 

At the beginning of this biological relationship, it is the Jew who is the displaced person, seeking a place for himself, while the host is secure in his home. In establishing his biological presence among the host people, the Jew works furiously to replace the life style of the host with a totally synthetic environment, tailored to the needs and purposes of the Jew. With spider-like precision, the Jew spins his web about the host people, using satire, pornography, and the host's own system of communications to entrap them in the web of the Jew. 

"When the web is complete, the host is unable to move, and finds himself at the mercy of the Jew, who is not slow to administer his fatal poison."


Eustace Mullins - My Struggle Against The Jews   This eye-opening account shows how Organized Jewry has controlled the US, including the FBI, for more than one hundred years. 

-------------- Even Jews Ask: Is Judaism a Satanic Cult?

In 2018, 89 Senators and Congressmen Held Dual Citizenship with Israel  i.e. 15% are a Fifth Column. Then, most of the Demonrats are communists. 

Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom?
by Dan Eden
December 3, 2007 [GW Bush administration]

Israeli Dual Citizens in the US Congress and the Obama Administration
August 23, 2012, Updated May 19, 2014

First Comment from Stephen Coleman

I take great exception with Mullins' Hitler like stance on Jews. I have Jewish friends, a Jew once saved my life and he didn't have to, he could have just allowed that bad to happen to me. He stuck his neck out on the line for me.

No, there are good Jews there are mediocre Jews and bad Jews, just like there are the same among the non Jews.

My grandfather was a NSBer, a member of the Dutch Nazi party. His daughter, my mother risked her life hiding Jews from them. Ironically, searching his family genealogy, I discovered that his ancestors were Sephardic Jews. How many millions have Jewish heritage and have no idea that they are descendants of the "house of Israel"?  Perhaps Eustace Mullins should consider culling himself. [Mullins died in 2010 at age 87)

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Eustace Mullins - Being "Jew Wise""

R said (June 8, 2021):

Just like Jews couldn't keep God's contract, Christians have also fallen short. God used Jews to wipe out satanic tribes and even to crucify His Son to fulfill His promise. He is also using them, Muslims and other satanists to destroy the sinful goyim. Jews aren't parasites. The are more like maggots or vultures that consume a rotting corpse. If you were righteous and obedient to God's Law they would have no power over you. A great culling is coming and God will be in charge of it.

Tony E said (June 8, 2021):

I'm very pleased this topic has been breached, I want to whole heartily disagree with a grand scale murder of an entire group of people such as Jews or their freemason dupes. Judaism if practiced to the letter whether Torah or Talmudic is a scourge upon humanity, most Christians and Muslims adhere to this abrahamic ideology in various forms of expression

That said I want to site an example of a great man, a genius with 180 IQ, Bobby Fischer although genetically Jewish he was not Jewish nor is any other Jewish person who does not practice the ideology of being at war with all other peoples and nations ie goyim. It is my belief that when the apostle Paul called the heathens a "peculiar" people and brought them into the fold offering various concessions to hardline Mosaic law. Once into this fold people have slowly lost their humanity, become materialistic and thus become Jews themselves.

The USA consists of a majority of non- racial Jews who believe the lie that they are exceptional secular for " chosen" this philosophy allows a people to see others as less human.

Conclusion; Regardless of race ethnicity or religion if we are silent and participants in this beast system then we are Jews, that said, Henry is not a jew nor was Bobby Fischer, George Bush, prince Charles, and many other non-racial jews are actually Jews perhaps many of us are also, that's for each of us to decide based on how we live our lives.

Amber said (June 7, 2021):

We don’t necessarily need a cull, whether Gentile or Jew—all we need is a system with the right foundational underpinnings—which, most significantly, has no need for politics:

What does not resonate with it—will wither away.

Doug P said (June 7, 2021):

You cannot blame a man for the group or cult he is born into. It is anti-Christian to believe that all should be exterminated. Christianity has a better doctrine - the doctrine of forgiveness for those who are truly repentant, but Christ also brought the sword. Many are already dead - the Bishop was right about the active participants in this. To be convicted one must have used their hands in the crime or the covering of one, not merely the knowing of it.

No other hypothesis other than the suicide of humanity 1.0 to make room for a new humanity 2.0 composed of people with the very best genetics adds up. This cannot be discredited by what we have seen. Imagine a new humanity that starts with a few thousand of the very most capable among us. Judaism is a perfect "death cult" to make this happen.

Henry - we need a working hypothesis and not merely outrage to get along further in our understandings - this is the scientific method. We need to understand the motive to understand the crime.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at