Gary D. Barnett -- Americans are Pathetic Cowardly Fools
September 20, 2021

by Gary D Barnett
Only a nation of pathetic cowardly fools would allow such an abominable fate for their own defenseless offspring. This type of behavior indicates a total lack of intellect, and a mass ignorance of reality. It also indicates widespread indifference, which is the incarnate of a sick and immoral society.

With this comes the consequences of non-action, and under these circumstances, those consequences are always at the discretion of the tyrants. What has happened to date should be enough for anyone to see the folly of having confidence in any state or nation. What began with lockdowns and quarantines, led to business closings, job loss, extreme stress, supply line disruption, shortages, higher prices for goods and services, (inflation) and of course economic chaos. This in turn led to much more poverty, despair, and starvation, setting the stage for the next phase of this takeover. By this time, the people should have recognized the totalitarian nature of what was going on, but alas, they remained obedient and passive, and watched as their world was decimated.
In order to see the writing on the wall, one must seek out and accept the truth, regardless of the risk involved in doing so. To avoid the truth in favor of hiding from reality, hoping that someone else will 'fix' things, is exactly what all tyrannical rulers seek in the populations they are attempting to control. It is my expressed opinion, that the timing of this takeover coup was based fully on the fact that the master class knew that the general population was too afraid, too dependent, and too apathetic to fight back against this dictatorial authoritarianism that had been planned for decades. The timing of this was genius, because the masses acted in exactly the manner desired.

While this 'pandemic' is thought to be about a mystery virus, it is not, as the virus narrative is just the tool being used to accomplish the real agenda, which has its roots based in the guise of 'sustainable development' marketed through the idiocy of man-made climate change.

This is not a new threat, but it has been carefully manipulated to occur at this time in order to coincide with the people's ignorance and indifference, their prepared division, their weakness and dependence on the state, and therefore their cowardice in the face of adversity. This 'vaccine' is the key to success for the evil and criminal rulers, so the fewer of us that take this witches brew, the more of us who will be able to fight back against this heinous attempt to destroy humanity.
Gary D. Barnett [send him mail] is a retired investment professional that has been writing about freedom and liberty matters, politics, and history for two decades. He is against all war and aggression, and against the state. He recently finished a collaboration with former U.S. Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, and was a contributor to her new book, "When China Sneezes" From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Political-Economic Crisis." Currently, he lives in Montana with his wife and son. Visit his website.
The silent weapon that is the mRNA 'vaccine'
The non-existent 'virus' called 'Covid-19'
Sustainability and super pandemics
Agenda 2030: Global communism unleashed
'Covid' equals murder: the children are next
Covid-19 'Vaccine': A slow-motion genocidal bioweapon
First Comment from Tony B
I'm getting very tired of those who keep putting the blame for
this genocide on "the government" or any other place which is not
the basis of it.
When are these people going to recognize that THERE IS NO
ADMINISTRATION." That the same satanist/talmudic/masonic
criminals who are behind ALL such travesties against God's earth
and its inhabitants are behind this also. Does not every American
citizen already know that Biden is a brain dead pedophile
Do they never ask themselves: "Just who are those
actually making the decisions supposedly governmental?" Or
financial? Or healthwise? Or mediawise? Or in so-called
"education?" Or policing? Or whatever else? How many times must
you, and others like you, put up unending lists of talmudic Jews
and their masonic lackeys who actually run every last place of
financial, political, media, now medical, and any other seat of
any other crucial power?
I'm also very tired of the damned whining about the present
situation from a nation where the people have more guns than there
are people. What the hell is the holdup? No, you can't just jump
out individually, yes it does take a bit of local planning and
the hell are you waiting for?
The damned schools have been very efficient at turning the younger
Americans into watchers who have no idea of how to do anything on
their own. Mothers who whine about satanic things being taught in
the schools have never a single thought of teaching their kids real
knowledge at home. It might cut into their free babysitter hours
for most of the day. Or their unnecessary second job in the
family taken because they want to live like kings - let the
government do as it pleases with their kids, just get them out of
the way.
It's as though 300 million out of 350 million Americans are
totally brain dead. Maybe more. And it IS disgusting.
For the first time, I wish I was about 40 years younger.
EB said (October 12, 2021):
The decent awakened people who are willing to step up are definitely in a minority here. People filling up football stadiums, but not enough to actively work against suppression. A lot of that has to do with economics as well as poor health. Sad to see what's happening in Canada and Australia as well. I know western Canada is talking of separation and it may come down to that here in the US as well.