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The Mask Represents Enslavement ("Compliance")

May 11, 2022


(left, masking means you're been forced to accept an illusion)

We're being inducted into the Illuminati satanic cult

as slaves, at the base of the pyramid. 

This article summarizes where we stand and where we're headed. 

When you neglect anything too long, it collapses. When you allow a satanic cult, Freemasonry, to infiltrate all social institutions, you will be destroyed. Slavery is making a comeback. And the slaves are embracing it.

Latest-  Masks are worse than useless in preventing transmission of viruses.....

More evidence that their purpose is political.

from Sept 30, 2020

by Wicked Truths

(abridged by

Masks are incapable of stopping COVID-19 virus particles.

The COVID-19 virus' size has been reported to be 80, 120 or 150 nanometers (Britannica).

The best mask (3M) cannot stop particles smaller than 300 nanometers (0.3 microns). 
It's like trying to stop flies with chicken wire...

If you're still not convinced, here you find links to peer-reviewed research which concludes face masks are useless and dangerous

Mask harm:

  • Decreased oxygen intake (PubMed)
  • Increased toxic CO2 uptake (video 1 below)
  • Increased inhalation of toxic chemicals from the mask
  • Increased pathogen intake: the moist and warm mask fibers are an ideal breeding ground for pathogens.
CO2 measurements inside a mask. [full screen]
Panel of 100+ doctors vote masks to be unnecessary and harmful. [full screen]


The government:

  • mandates masks while they don't work.
  • violates the constitution & human rights.
  • forces you to harm your own health: a crime against humanity.
  • claims you cannot do with your own body what you want.
    • A dangerous precedent that will undoubtedly continue when the vaccines arrive.

Masks as social engineering tool:

Create fear, division, separation, and dehumanization

When we see people wear masks, we think there's a real threat. Mask wearers might be infected. People without masks might infect us. Regardless if there's a pandemic or not, when we go out on the streets, it certainly looks like there is one. As such, it reminds us every time and propagates fear throughout societies. Fear weakens the immune system.

Mask wearing creates a great division in the population. Often, mask wearers attack those that won't, verbally and even physically.

Face masks cover our mouths and noses and rob us of our individuality and expression. They block us from truly connecting to the people we talk to. I surely feel like I'm talking to a masked robot, zombie or slave. 

Historically a muzzle for slaves:

In the past, mouth masks were used to punish and silence slaves. The psychos behind the scamdemic must be pissing themselves, seeing people putting it on themselves, only because they believe the propaganda.

Pagan initiation ritual:

To knowledge to write this chapter comes from this source.

Sects and cults often perform initiation rituals to introduce new members. The ceremony is meant to tear down the old way of thinking and to introduce the cult's mindset (rules, rituals, etc.).

Strategies in the tear-down-process include isolation, repetition and trauma.

mask-submission.jpgAnother key component is masks.

The purpose of masks in an initiation ritual

  • Ego/identity death
  • Imposed silence
  • Token of submission (to ritual master and cult mindset)
  • Signal consent for transformation
  • Signals acceptance of 'the spirit of the mask'
    • The spirit of the mask depends on the nature of ritual.
    • In this case, the nature of the ritual is satanism.
    • The mask wearer welcomes the spirit of satan...

UN Agenda 30 has sugar-coated, deceptive propaganda on the website of United Nations, videos on YouTube etc...

The new world envisioned by UN Agenda 30, is a one-world government. A global high-tech surveillance prison state, controlled by AI and drones.

Key points

  • Global inventory & control plan of all the resources of the world
    • Resources include food, water, energy, land, production, education, animals, people and more.
    • Centralized global resource control IS a one-world government (in this context)
    • Complete monitoring, tracking, tracing & control of everybody's day-to-day lives
  • Clear out rural areas => move people to the smart megacities
  • Communitarianism: community goals override individual rights
    • Community "interests" dictated by governments & corporations
    • Dissidents will be outcast
  • No private property for living and business
A compilation of Rosa Koire & James Corbett on UN Agenda 30. [full screen]

Before the new world can be built, the old world has to be destroyed.

COVID-19 is the battering ram to destroy the old world: depopulate the masses, destroy the economy, make people accept loss of freedom, rights violations (because there's a "health emergency"), introduce violent police & so on.

Once UN Agenda 30 is completedthis is the new normal. COVID-19 is just a temporary deception to make us accept it temporarily, which is never temporarily as we should all know by now.

To be able to have AI control populations, a technological connection needs to be established between the people and the information technology infrastructure. This can be achieved by introducing nano-tech into the bodies of the people e.g. via vaccination.

The nanobots in the body are able to send and receive information using wireless communication: 5G cell towers & satellites. This technology is so far advanced that it is possible to read out the thoughts of people, and introduce thoughts artificially. Needless to say to stay away of the vaccine by all means necessary.

Black-and-white evidence that COVID-19 is a long-standing plandemic is found on the World Economic Forum (WEF) website.

In their insanely detailed COVID-19 transformation map, you can read about topics that have nothing to do with a pandemic, such as 5G, AI and global government.


  • Digital identity: ID2020
  • Digital health card: COVI-PASS
  • Digital monetary system, cashless society
    • Connected to your identity and health records via blockchain.
  • Vaccination
  • AI
    • Resource control
    • Population control
  • Smart cities
    • Facial recognition cameras
    • Digital access control
    • 5G
    • Smart meters
    • Self-driving cars
  • Gobal totalitarian police state
  • Wildlands project (to "restore wildlife")
    • Remove people from rural areas.
      Example: "SDGs marked your land as a wildlife reserve. Leave."
    • Move them into smart mega cities.
  • No private property
    • Land, house
    • Business
    • Your body
      • Mandatory vaccination
      • Masks
  • Communitarianism: the ideology of 'the common good'
    • Community goals trump individual rights.
    • Community "interests" dictated by governments & corporations.
    • Dissidents will be outcasts.

The Great Reset (World Economic Forum):

The technocrats want a fully digital money system, linked to identity and health data via blockchain.

According to them, the best way to achieve that is to completely destroy the old system and introduce the new system.

The World Economic Form (WEF) has already come out publicly with 'the new' and calls it The Great Reset.

Spiro Skouras covers WEF's The Great Reset. [full screen]

Destroying the middle class:

The first lockdown has already dealt a major blow to the middle class, self-employed, SMEs.

A second, longer, tougher lockdown will completely wipe out the middle class. Anyone who observes the media with open eyes sees that the second wave is planned on the basis of infections. Infections are irrelevant because the PCR test is scientific fraud and because only the death toll is important.

An awake population will not accept a second lockdown.

Collection of DNA, vaccination and transhumanism:

Via the COVID test the state is able to acquire the DNA of the population.

Via vaccination, the state can modify the DNA of the population and bring in nanorobotics.

If you hear the people of WEF (partner of the UN) talking, you can see that transhumanism is an important goal for them. Such is the kind of people that are the driving force behind covid and vaccination.

High-tech surveillance:

Face recognition to"monitor that you're wearing your slave mask". Attendance registration. Temperature measurements. Contact tracing. Resource access based on your health (now masks, later COVI-PASS).

All sensitive practices that would never have been accepted without a "health crisis".

Police state:

The rollout of these agendas will meet resistance, requiring a tougher, more violent police force. As long as the COVID illusion persists, the police can always hide behind the mantra for your safety.

Fundamental freedoms and basic rights are violated. Now "for your safety", after COVID that's the"new normal". It gives an idea of how long they want to hold on to the virus illusion. They want to complete the agenda by 2030.



Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for " The Mask Represents Enslavement ("Compliance") "

Essel said (May 12, 2022):

n the very relevant post titled "The Mask Represents Enslavement" we read that :

"The government ...
... human rights.
forces you to harm your own health: a crime against humanity.
claims you cannot do with your own body what you want."

Well, we must note that the Revolution, in the true sense, not of simple intra-human revolt, but of total war against God and concomitantly divinization of Man, has left deep traces even among the best.
1°/ The term "Human Rights", appeared with the French Revolution (1789) and unknown until then to any civilization on earth, thanks - as always! - to its flattering side, has been taken up almost universally. However, man, a contingent creature (not existing by himself), although "conceived in the image of God", does not possess by himself any right, only duties towards his Creator. The term "Human Rights" is therefore a false concept, representing no reality.

2°/ Same remark concerning the prevalent term "crime against humanity". In this expression the word "humanity" designates a supposedly divinized humanity. There are only crimes, and they are related to the violation of the sixth commandment: "Thou shalt not kill". This is already very serious. The Revolution has raised it to the level of the "deicide" of its god. However, it is very curious, crimes have exploded since 1789!
3°/ Contrary to what the author thinks, it is quite true that "you cannot do with your own body what you want." But, of course, without leaving its management to the whims of the tyrannical state!

We have been created by God and our life does not belong to us. We do have custody of it, however, and we have a duty to keep ourselves healthy (within the limits of ordinary means). For example, suicide is murder, the murder of oneself and falls under the 6th Commandment.

Likewise abortion (feminists claim "to have the right to do what they want with their bodies" (... like the author!). This is wrong and even worse than suicide because the fetus is a living being DIFFERENT from the mother (for example its blood type is different).

JR said (October 1, 2020):

excellent article Henry

Clear out rural areas => move people to the smart megacities
this bit made me think about the bushfires at the beginning of the year wiped out most of Eastern Victoria
some of NSW, Canberra, etc
it is preposterous to believe they were entirely 'natural'
it was a massive and deliberate operation

it is even discussed in an article as some kind of 'remarkable' convenience for agenda 2030 plans

and on another trajectory... well sort of

about how our scumbag rulers have an inherent inability, to be honest.

I have been studying crop circles lately and found this interesting bit.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Why the Rich Feel Poor -

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Why the Rich Feel Poor

May 4, 2022


This is a message for people who have money.

The rich feel poor because of GREED.
No matter how much they have, their identity ("feeling good, important, secure") depends on making and spending more. 

"Enough is a little more than one has."    Samuel Butler

by Henry Makow PhD

Few people take a rational approach to money. 

This would involve calculating how much money they need in relation to how much money they have, and how much money they make.

Rather, people tend to focus on their last 2%. Depending on their tax bracket, this may involve their last $100, $1000, $10,000, $10 million or $10 billion.
They ignore their big bank balance or stock portfolio. They always feel poor.

We are satanically possessed. This means we identify with money rather than our Divine soul. We are money rather than God's personal representative on earth. The more money we have, the bigger and better we feel. These values are inculcated by our satanist-controlled mass media.

I am addressing the roughly 50% of my readers who, according to my Gab poll, have enough or more money than they need. I don't fault the other 50% who don't have enough or are broke for feeling oppressed.


Paradoxically the rich suffer from a spiritual impoverishment.

The more they identify with their money, the smaller they are. The more money they have, they more they identify with it.

In the case of the Illuminati bankers, this inner poverty is toxic. They are a cancer that threatens to destroy mankind.

They want to "absorb" (their word) all the world's wealth leaving nothing to support humanity. They want it all!

We're indoctrinated to seek money. Within limits, money is a great motivator and measure.

I know someone who doesn't have to work. He works because he has nothing else to do, and it makes him feel productive and rewarded.

Another friend is independently wealthy from investments. He retired a couple of years ago but is returning to his old profession out of sheer boredom.


I am as satanically possessed as anyone. I have had a lifelong struggle with greed. At age 72, I am just starting to master this demon.

Recently I did the calculation above and realize that I have more money than I'll ever spend.

My spending habits were formed during eight years as a graduate student living on roughly $10,000 year. I really don't need or care about material things.

Paradoxically, this lack of concern for money did NOT stop me from developing a gambling addiction. When I didn't have much money, I didn't care about it.
When I sold Scruples to Hasbro in 1986, I became a money manager and thought my game smarts would extend to the stock market. MISTAKE.

Scruples had been a labor of love. I did it because It was a workshop on everyday morality.

After my windfall, I became satanically possessed (i.e. GREED.) 

We have to be on guard constantly because the voice in our head often is the devil!

Then another voice arises from our soul and says, "Cool it, you greedy moron."

You gamble with money you'll never spend. More or Less. What is the point? You don't even know your balance.

We have a Mexican cleaning woman who supports an extended family. I have never met a woman whose smile exudes such warmth.

Surely, these human qualities represent our true riches.

Money is the lowest common denominator. People today are consumed by money. They are charmless.

While the world descends into Communist tyranny, or faces a nuclear catastrophe,  they act like money will save them.

For people who have enough, freedom lies in eschewing money. Just not caring about it.

Can you do that?

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Why the Rich Feel Poor"

CW said (May 5, 2022):

Dear Henry - Thanks for your article on the great Western obsession - MONEY. Having lived on a wing and prayer for the last 25 years I can honestly say that it has been the making of me in every way. What a snotty bitch I would have been had I had all the money I wanted and dreamed of. I shiver when I think how close I would have come to being a useless cunt. (Excuse the language but that is the correct descriptive term). Yes I still dream and hope to win a lottery but really no longer for my own selfish reasons, instead I fantasize about putting billboards across Canada showing Turdope in the gallows. Being one of the "poor" I have struggled mightily with my ego in feeling less than the "winners". Being financially successful is the measure of many and I have therefore failed and am of no consequence to the winners in this world. However I do have a rich something that no money can buy and that is compassion, love, kindness towards humanity in general and that was taught to me by "not having enough". No golden coin or dollar bill could have taught me that but being down and out (in my own mind) sure did.

RH said (May 4, 2022):

Abortion is the big issue of the day here in the States. It is and has always been a wedge issue, so it's used to deeply divide us. Its working,

I enjoyed your "Why the Rich Feel Poor " article. I agree. I would add that technology advances appear to push us further away from our content with "simple living". Modern farming is the perfect example. Bigger machinery means farming more land, milking more cows and feeding more livestock. In the poultry business, the model goes to a far extreme and pretends the hens need only about two square feet in a cage to lay her eggs. No thought is given to the life of the hen. Labor is used similarly by the large farmer. There's no connection. I hear of cases where illegals are used to milk cows and then ICED when it's convenient for the farmer due to wages or disputes. A new group is brought in and it starts over.

We all know of the seven deadly sins: Pride, Greed, Wrath, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, and Sloth. To me, "They" are using these seven sins to control us. We know its wrong but their MSM constantly beats the drum and we sin accordingly.

Roy said (May 4, 2022):

By the way, greed is not the desire for more and more money.

Greed is the desire for the unearned, the lust for that to which you are not rightfully entitled.

It is not a matter of matter of how much money one has, but how they got it.

It is not up to one man to decide how much another man "needs".

Andrew said (May 4, 2022):

Money should never become an end in itself. More importantly, we can never allow ourselves to confuse who we are with what we have. I believe we should strive only to be rich enough to perform acts of charity directly to benefit friends and family who we know need help. As long as we maintain reasonable perspective between what we have ourselves, friends and family, money should not become a problem.

At 78, I see health as the greatest wealth.

Stay healthy and keep writing thoughtful pieces like this one today.

Doug P said (May 4, 2022):

I'm below the poverty line, but I see anything beyond a warm place to stay, healthy decent food, hot and cold running water as frivolous. I'm not a traveller and I own a bicycle. Before Kovid, I was chasing knowledge that I considered very worthwhile- math and philosophy.

I already proved to myself that I can "make it" in the normal world, but the normal world is insane due to greed. When I was in the system, money was just a way of keeping score, I had a little more material things than I have now and didn't want for anything.

I suppose it's because I have a sibling that is the opposite, but she is not at all sane, by anyone's estimation. I suppose her example made me this way, along with the insanity I saw in society, especially in school. My goal in life since 2001 has been to stay sane and if I can manage that I can see myself as successful.

Essel said (May 4, 2022):

Henry, all these reflections are profound and right. They go in the right direction.
However, they are still oriented towards the perfection of earthly life.

But earthly life is marked by time. Time is the measure of movement (Aristotle). Now, if there is movement, it is because there is imperfection. The movement (in the broad sense, not only the physical movement) is an attempt, always vain, to reduce, ideally to remove this imperfection.

God being the infinitely perfect Being, there is no movement in God. Therefore no time, that is (e-ternity).
Through conversion - real and authentic - we can, not be God ourselves as the lying gnosis claims, but participate in the divine life. For e-ternity. And thus never again feel the need to change anything.

JG said (May 4, 2022):

Physical wealth and spiritual wealth are two different things and, very often, they don't compliment each other too well.
I never was a rich man but for many years I lived like one. It took me a long time to learn that nice cars, expensive clothes, fine drink, and leisure is a life of idolatry. I loved myself but not my neighbor when I should have been living for God and my fellow man.

HP said (May 4, 2022):

thank you Henry for the share. While a California licensed contractor -often times I'd hire various South Americans, mainly Mexicans.
Always felt they had something I missed out on or our culture missed out on -
they would smile, laugh, and sing so genuinely. They were sending money home to their families and I think many 'saw' the American 'emptiness'.

I became enlightened when I finally understood there is no there there - I have enough and I am enough - not trying for happiness - just contentment.

Thanks for everything.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at