(During the COVID scam, they betrayed our trust and flaunted it.)
Satanists are taking advantage of a basic deficiency in female nature,
says Francine Dubois. Eighty percent of women are focused on going-along to-get-along. Dubois is ostracized because she won't play the game.
"Women change the work environment into a giant kindergarten where they are kissing each other's boo-boos all day. I kid you not. Women, grown women with children and husbands (or not), have structured the work environment to get their emotional needs met. They need constant validation and to be told their errors don't matter."
BTW, Dubois was a nurse during the COVID hoax. She says the wards were empty.
Disclaimer- Many pioneers in exposing the Judeo Masonic (Communist) conspiracy were brilliant and morally courageous women: Edith Starr Miller, Elizabeth Dilling and Nesta Webster. But many women do not have a strong sense of morality and lack the intelligence to absorb complex political information.
by Francine Dubois
I work with women in the healthcare profession. I am a woman, and I find the majority of women today to be utterly disgusting and toxic. What women do and talk about when men aren't present is completely amoral and vile. I have never seen men behave in the disgusting ways that I have seen women behave in a supposed professional work environment.
The forefathers were correct about women's nature and they do in fact, need to be kept under a very tight rein. The matriarchy has gone far enough.
Women are now expecting their men to somehow provide all the strokes and attention after coming home from a job....I don't think this is the proper function of men because it strips them of their masculinity. This is why women change the work environment into a giant kindergarten where they are kissing each other's boo-boos all day. I kid you not. Women, grown women with children and husbands (or not), have structured the work environment to get their emotional needs met.

I have come to believe that women actually enjoy being debased. They do it themselves. You only have to look at what they do on the internet. THEMSELVES--no man forcing them. I see it all the time at work.
I also think that sexual harassment was men's way of letting women know they were not welcome in certain environments. There is also the idea that no woman in her right mind would enter a male domain unless she was seeking something to her benefit...primarily sexually. I think all the outrage was a pretense. Lawsuits and payment to be gained. If this weren't in place, the woman would have just left.
I have watched women at work respond to men making overt disgusting comments to them. There is no outrage there....they titter among themselves and are mostly amused, even flattered because it is male attention after all. Old men, decrepit men, demented men....doesn't matter. I think the vaccinations have affected their minds.
They are obsessed with enforcing conformity. I am ignored and excluded from parties and sports activities. It's like I don't exist.
I have watched strongly conservative men physically leave areas because of the disgusting detail women will talk about to do with their private parts. They talk like they are describing their favorite food. Zero shame. These are "professional", "educated" women.

All they talk about is their children who they enter into a competition. Who's doing what? Who's bought what?
Anyone dismissing Esther Vilar's"The Manipulated Man" hasn't been an outside observer to women's behaviour when they think they aren't being watched.
Henry, I honestly don't even know why men bother with women anymore. All I can think is the sex drive is so powerful that they can't help themselves.
Andrew Wilson is a bit abrasive, but I think he is doing a good job of rubbing these entitled empty-headed young women's noses in their own garbage. It is nauseating to watch because these young women are so dumb and inarticulate, but needs to happen.
I am going to add one more observation. When there were extended kin structures, there were initiations into manhood and womanhood. On the women's side, there would have been much more support for all the things women go through and plenty of women around to get strokes and attention....this would also free men up to do what they needed to do without getting bogged down by women and their constant neediness.
Men have created 95% of what is good in our material civilization but they are dismissed as sub human by the homo commie cartel running the show in the West.
Henry, when the 2020 covid hoax forced many companies (mine included) to send their workforces home to quarantine, I found I worked longer hours, was more productive and happier. Why? Because I was away from the incessant, socializing chatterboxes that are the vast majority of the corporate female population. I was able to FOCUS on the problems my company hired me to solve without the constant distraction of the emotionally needy women surrounding me. I never went back.
John said (July 11, 2024):
I have worked around women for decades, and I am here to tell you that they can be some of the most toxic humans ever. They love forming cliques and playing the "mean girl" act. They usually operate in cliques and they always seem to have a toxic ring leader and a handful of loyal followers and some who tag along just so that they hope that the gang of witches dont turn on them.
They always like to play the "odd man out" and emotionally abuse some chosen victim. And most of all these toxic females love to help each other "husband bash" and make fun of their spouses. I myself had a very rocky marriage for decades thanks to the help of this kind of bullshit.