Mike Stone, an LA resident, thinks Los Angeles is being transformed
into a Smart City, and its citizens will be pushed into high-rise apartments.
"What I felt was not a natural wind. It felt like something conjured up by only the evilest mind imaginable. Can I prove that? No, but like I said, when you live someplace for a while, you notice things."
Makow: Communism is Satanism. Satanism is the worship of Death and Destruction. This is the real purpose of "woke" --destruction of civilization.
by Mike Stone
Huge apartment buildings ten to thirty stories high were going up all over (and still are). It was bewildering at the time, because the fake vaccine was in the process of killing thousands of people per week. With so many deaths-by-vaccine occurring, I remember wondering who would be left to occupy those buildings.
My conclusion was that Los Angeles was being transformed into a Smart City, and its citizens would be pushed into those high-rise buildings, by force if necessary.
Since then, several seemingly unrelated events have happened. We've had a huge increase in chemtrails, a huge increase in energy-directed wildfires, train derailments, toxic chemical spills, fires and explosions at food processing plants.

We had the Direct Energy Weapon wildfires in Maui that murdered untold numbers of people. We had the phony "surprise attack" of October 7, 2023, which led to the ongoing slaughter of peaceful Palestinians. And now we have the highly suspicious wildfires in Los Angeles. What do those last three events all have in common? They all involve beachfront property; high-value real estate.
Immediately after the Maui attack, before the smoke had even cleared, the mayor announced plans to sell the burned out property for pennies on the dollar.
Immediately after the slaughter of Palestinian civilians began, Israel announced plans to acquire and settle the beachfront property of Gaza. We are only days away from the fires of Los Angeles - in fact, they're still smoldering - and there is already talk of acquiring the rare, beachfront property of the burned out homes.
Meanwhile, where are those thousands of homeless Californians now going to live? Well, like I said, there's plenty of high-rise space available for them where I live in the city.
It's Only a Coincidence
As you've probably heard, thousands of Los Angeles homeowners had their fire insurance cancelled only weeks ago. And those thousands of homeowners just happened to live in the areas that the fires hit. Coincidence?
At the time that the Los Angeles fires hit, the mayor of the city, who I believe was fraudulently elected, was visiting Ghana. Coincidence?
At the time that the Los Angeles fires hit, there was no water in the fire hydrants. Coincidence?
Months before the Los Angeles fires hit, the mayor cut funding for the Fire Department by $17 million. Coincidence?
At what point do the coincidences become overwhelming and stop being coincidences?

Something Ain't Right
When you live someplace for a while, you notice things. On Wednesday morning, I stepped outside and into a scene I had never seen before in this city. The sky was black, the wind was howling and intense, enough to knock a man down and unlike any wind I've ever experienced. It was like nuclear fallout from a post-apocalyptic movie. Today, a day later, you can't step outside without inhaling ashes.
What I felt was not a natural wind. It felt like something conjured up by only the evilest mind imaginable. Can I prove that? No, but like I said, when you live someplace for a while, you notice things.
Other factors of interest:
What is she hiding?
Related- LA fires clear the way for SmartLA 2028 and 2028 LA Olympics
The coincidences continue to pile up, leading many to declare that the massive neglects, mistakes, and failures resulting in devastation from the LA wildfires was more than a natural disaster.
"Los Angeles is one of dozens of cities whose "mayors and the cities they lead" are members in the international C40 Cities initiative. This is a movement to achieve the United Nations and globalist goals of restructuring cities to address the manufactured "climate change" crisis. Cities from around the world are participating in this movement."
First Comment from MJ
Good morning from the destroyed state of Florida. Reading today's sad news about the beachfront properties in LA, and elsewhere sparked my indignation. Perhaps you don't know about the current problems in Florida? Let me shine some light up you this day: Irma, Debbie, Helen, and Milton all hit the state of Florida within one years time. The destruction is unimaginable! I'm talking just about the entire West Coast of Florida from Fort Myers's to the Big Ben area. The media has done a fantastic job of not reporting the planned destruction of Florida.
The most valuable and desirable portions of the coast have been washed away and families whom have lived here for decades cannot rebuild after a third disaster. Irma in 2023 resulted in three different FEMA camps. I have a home in Monticello, Florida and the devastation from Helen is immense. The clean up is still seen on a daily basis.
The counties and homeless are in the thousands. The properties in St. Petersburg are at such an unbelievable loss, which have never flooded before. The insurance issues are also a Hugh problem here. I could go on-an-on regarding these issues. I'm sad to see my once secret little heaven being destroyed with unstoppable construction and endless immigration.
It's time for the sleeping giant to find itself once again. I do believe that GOD has really had enough and weeps from heaven to she HIS once great Christian nation covered in darkness. Weeping in Florida.
Insider said (January 10, 2025):
Now just wait until they start doing it to the rest of the country to force people to move !!!!!
where? I asked
To the New S.M.A.R.T Cities that are already being built and have been built !!!!!