Christians- Zionism's Useful Idiots
November 8, 2009

The Scofield Bible heralds the coming
kingdom of the Jews in which God's Chosen People shall reign over all
the earth. Scofield was a longtime fraud paid for by the Jews.
By Tim Campbell (
You know the imagery-- millions of Christians
around the world have spontaneously disappeared - where did they
Some say aliens, others terrorists. Now airplanes are plummeting to destruction, trains derailing, cars crashing, nuclear power plants are melting down and dumbfounded people staggering around in confusion looking for their children... Who unleashed this insanity on mankind?
My brother, who is an atheist, and I were watching TBN a while back and happened upon these images from Kirk Cameron's blockbuster film, Left Behind. There were no shortages of side-splitting laughs.
The false ideas put forward in most movies and books pertaining to end-times Biblical prophecy appear to most as sheer unadulterated religious stupidity but to the majority of protestant Christians particularly, in America, they are both real and imminent.
Illuminist propaganda concerning the return of Jesus Christ occupies a central part in a vast structure of deception that will govern Christian minds when some Great Tribulation actually does occur.
C.I. Scofield's Dispensationalism provides the theological framework for the Christian Zionist movement. Christian Zionism is an important subset of the Christian Dominionist movement, all of which is also being co-opted by Illuminists. These Christians are the ultimate useful idiots... I stagger to communicate what is coming to Christendom in the future.
The expectation of a false rapture event will be brought to a feverish boil through massive disinformation campaigns as general distress increases over the next decade.
This madness will then be satiated through a pseudo-rapture simulation, something that will trigger the mass hysteria. We see a prototype of this in the particular elements of the Blue Beam project.
This rapture event will be an attempt to bring Christians Dominionists on side for King Zion, Lord Maitreya, or the man of sin. A global false worship and initiation rite will be used to lock Christians into a frame of reference that they won't easily escape from, then the mark...
The Scofield Bible heralds the coming kingdom of the Jews in which God's Chosen People shall reign over all the earth. Scofield, a notorious criminal who popularized dispensational theology, is revered by many Christian evangelicals. Everywhere that evangelism in America goes, these lies will most surely follow. That is unfortunate, but it is by design.
While part of the Lotus Club in New
York during the late 19th century, Scofield was brought under the
domain of Zionists by Samuel Untermeyer, an illuminist. Untermeyer
and other key Zionist's recognized within Scofield's theology a very
powerful weapon for their cause... and it has flourished in its acceptance
until this day. Dispensational theology is a major contributor in the
founding and continuance of the current Jewish state.
Untermeyer later became chairman of the Anti-Nazi league, American Jewish Committee and American League of Jewish Patriots. He blackmailed President Wilson into placing Louis Dombitz Brandeis into a vacant seat on the Supreme Court. In 1933, on WABC, he declared war on Germany and described Jews as the aristocrats of the world.
Untermeyer brought Scofield into correspondence with many important Zionist leaders of the day like Jacob Schiff, Bernard Baruch and Samuel Gompers to name a few. They were his handlers and funders.
Dispensationalism and its attendant false ideas like the pre-tribulation rapture is probably the most pestilent propaganda being promoted today. The ultimate purpose of these teachings will lead the masses to destruction in the future through a false worship type of event.
This said, the doctrine has many more detrimental immediate consequences. Its exponents find refuge in the comfort of not having to participate in the future affairs of mankind. Potent deceptions surround the Christian Zionist movement and Dispensationalism - dig here; there is no end to what you will uncover.
Kurt said (November 11, 2009):
I think the Cryptocracy figured out long ago that they could clandestinely fund obscure radical movements, build them up in their controlled media, and pit them against one another (Nazism vs. Communism) to create the Hegelian “synthesisâ€.
They control the majority of world governments with their central banking scam with one exception; the Islamic states. So starting 100 years ago they promoted Zionism/ Dispensationalism (thesis) and Wahhabism (anti-thesis) leading to the present conflict in the Middle East. There doesn’t seem to be any shortage of zealots to exploit on either side.