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Identifying with the Spirit of God

September 12, 2011

charlie.jpg"Because of his lack of desire and purity of heart, Charlie (left) is gifted the entire estate without even asking or wanting it. The other children who visited the Chocolate Factory were vain and self obsessed and were not a vibrational match to inheriting it."

by Robert Cinque

Originally posted as "The Teachings of Abraham and Authentic Spiritual Practice" (edited and abridged by

The Teachings of Abraham (a.k.a. "The Law of Attraction") represent a spiritual practice based on... the ability of the individual to create desired outcomes, and to notice that outcomes are always being generated by how and what we think, either intentionally or by default.

The instructions center around becoming competent at monitoring one's thought process and becoming aware of how what goes around, comes around...

The problem with this teaching is that it is not true. I can never become [permanently] happy or fulfilled [by relying on achieving desired outcomes]; I can only be happy as a deliberate choice no matter what the conditions are. Core happiness is not based on the fulfillment of desire or anything else, it is the nature of Reality already and can either be noticed or ignored, but never generated by my personal effort.

I can add to the happiness and sanity of Life by being in alignment with the truth of it., but I can never find it because it is not lost. "I", in my self bound concept, is the one who is lost and is constantly pushing happiness away by my belief that it can be found.

This belief is a poor substitute for the responsibility for happiness that can and must be met. Once that responsibility is assumed, then circumstances and life conditions no longer have any power over me, whether my desires are fulfilled or not.

Therefore, the true basis for authentic spiritual practice is not manifestation at all, but response ability, the ability to respond to that which is Alive and is overwhelmingly Beautiful.

That's right. The true basis for authentic spiritual practice is Distraction by That which is Attractive, That which is so Compelling, I forget my so-called "self" and am drawn deeper and deeper into a profound Love Affair with Life that outshines me and what I think I want.

This ability to Respond eventually becomes an obsessive and passionate devotion to What is True, Alive, and Radiantly Beautiful. I become content to simply be alive, my desire for this or that evaporates and I become capable of real accomplishments because I am no longer obstructing the Life Current with my monotonous preoccupation with all things me.

In the popular children's story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Charlie inherits the Factory as a result of his love and devotion to Willie Wonka.

Because of his lack of desire and purity of heart, Charlie is gifted the entire estate without even asking or wanting it. The other children who visited the Factory were vain and self obsessed and were not a vibrational match to inheriting it.

Charlie demonstrates that manifestation will happen naturally and as needed, without a single thought or desire. It is responsibility for and to Love that is the true basis for manifestation, not desire, not thought management. Right orientation produces right results.

Our spiritual obligation is response ability for Love, for Truth, and for my relationship to That which Lives Its' Life as all beings and worlds, not the manifestation of my desires, which have absolutely no chance of ever creating lasting, moment to moment happiness.

Through Love and devotion to It, I can be happy even when I am miserable because I am capable of loving even my suffering and becoming responsible for it. By responding to it, I absorb it and transform it without effort or strategic manipulation.

With Love, pain turns to medicine. (Rumi)


As long as I am focused on my apparent face, on the thoughts, desires, and dreams that make up what I call me, I fail to notice the larger Reality beyond my provincial space-time focus of attention. 

That makes it about the Divine Being, not "you". Your identity shifts from a local space time entity to the Heart of Existence, but "you" don't survive the journey. There is still a mind and body appearing, but it no longer represents an obstruction or a problem, because the identity has shifted.

Now that I am seated as the Heart of All, everything is clear. Only Life Exists. I am That, not just in my infinite aspect, but also in my grossly human one. Now there is coherence instead of fragmentation and strategy. Now I am free to do the work that needs to be done.

Progressively, (and paradoxically, unexpectedly) I become more and more capable of manifesting outcomes because I am already in alignment with the Heart of Life and am Content in Love, wanting nothing for myself, only to Feel the Intense Current of Life and Love, that's enough. All enlightenment is by Grace. No one can "do it". Life does it.

The primal heart response to the Truth and Beauty of Life provides a continual opportunity to appreciate and serve. If I do not notice the Innocence and Purity and Exquisite Ferocity of Life and become Intimate with It, I become like the venal children in the Chocolate Factory who were not a vibrational match to inherit the Keys to the Kingdom like Charlie was.

Willie Wonka is the Father, Charlie is Christ who inherits the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven because of his purity of heart. That's how manifestation works. It's a matter of Heart, not mind, not will, not desire, not me.

The Teachings actually prove my point, that manifestation is about heart and not strategy because:

Since love is the highest vibrational frequency and creates appropriate manifestations according to its purposes, as in the Charlie example, it is the true focus of any spiritual practice. The heart's response to Life's Love and the devotion that naturally develops into a deeper and ever deeper appreciation is the only true basis for spiritual practice and for manifesting what's Important.

Devotion precedes manifestation and is the only true basis for manifesting anything whatsoever. When this natural hierarchy is established, the Teaching of Abraham can be useful, otherwise, the cart is before the horse.


"I am a recovering ego addict."   Robert Cinque's Mantras

From shock and fear, I dramatize betrayal, abandonment, and worthlessness

I collapse from love and create suffering with self pity and blame

I blame others and transfer ownership of myself to them.

I create scapegoats and false gods in my rage.

I destroy Love and betray it and accuse others of betraying me

I create doubt and fear. When I fear I want security. When I want security, I empower false gods, tyrants, experts, strategies, and substances to save me.

I am a fundamentalist, a fascist, and a tyrant in an ego cult of one.

I enslave others in my hellish condition of dread

I abuse others with my self pity

I dramatize self pity and fuel all other addictions with it.

I harm others with my addiction to a false self that imagines itself to be separate from Love

I notice the Obvious Beauty and Love at the Heart of Existence and the way in which I obstruct it.

I am not separate from Life and Love

I am free to be in alignment with Life and Love or not.

I am responsible for the consequences of my alignment or non alignment with Life and Love.

I use my non alignment with Life and Love as an excuse and reason for self pity

I am inherently, already one with what is always already the Case: seamless unity between consciousness and matter, God and self, whole and part..

I am recovering from self pity and the willingness to tolerate lovelessness in myself

I am a whirlpool in the River

Life flows from Love, the Condition of all things

I am Always Already one with Life

Life is Love, I am That

Love is God

God is Reality

Reality is Truth

Only God Exists

I am in Love with Life

I am responsible to Love

My revulsion at my failure to love is the beginning of awakening

My responsibility for Love is authentic spiritual practice.

I am responsible for my choice of contexts, concepts, and conclusions, including their effects, outcomes and consequences.

I am free to love and to be what I already am

I am responsible for everything I think, say, and do and their effect, implication, and consequence are my responsibility

I am responsible for the suffering I create.

I am intrinsically Intimate with all beings. My family of Humankind upholds the truth of our deepest natures and our Inherent Coherence with all of Life. We Create Temples of the Heart and Establish Love and Freedom at the Center of Human Culture.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Identifying with the Spirit of God "

Sheska said (September 15, 2011):

Oh, I can feel these words. really feel them. And at a time when I needed them the most.

I wonder how it is that I can forget that I am the poetic and unbelievably gorgeous Alchemy of Love? So now is the time... the End of the Great Forgetting. Forgetting that we are Love, that Beauty pours forth from all around and from inside us. That self-pity and blame are indeed addiction-forming drugs. That these emotions make life hellish not only for ourselves but for those around us. All these emotions ever did is break us from the Connection to and the Wisdom of Love.

But we can choose to mend the tear. Indeed, I am recovering from self-pity and the willingness to tolerate lovelessness in myself.

Stephen Coleman said (September 13, 2011):

This article is a real gem. The law of attraction is but a counterfeit of true spiritual attainment.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at