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"Friendship Lite" Replaces Family in NWO

October 21, 2010

by Stephen Volk

Sitcoms like
"The Big Bang", "Seinfeld" and "Friends" suggest that social engineers are trying to establish a new norm. "Friends" are replacing families as our primary reference group. "Facebook" and "MySpace" reinforce this trend.
J.J. Sutherland writes, "On TV, the group of friends is the base set of humanity. From Seinfeld to Friends to Sex and the City to Glee, there are a whole bunch of friends in close intimacy with each other, wandering in and out of unlocked apartments, a fierce closeness."

He cites Neil Gabler
who says TV version of American social life is not only a distorted vision of reality, it's more of a bizarro, opposite view of how we actually live.

"One study found that Americans had one-third fewer non-family confidants than they had 20 years earlier, and 25% had no one in whom to confide whatsoever. Another study of 3,000 Americans found that on average they had only four close social contacts, but these included family members like one's own spouse.
"This decline in real friendships may account in part for the dramatic rise of virtual friendships like those on social-networking sites where being 'friended' is less a sign of personal engagement than a quantitative measure of how many people your life has brushed and how many names you can collect, but this is friendship lite. Facebook, in fact, only underscores how much traditional friendship -- friendship in which you meet, talk and share -- has become an anachronism and how much being 'friended' is an ironic term."

Facebook admittedly puts together its database for the New World Order and calls its participants idiots. Never has the beautiful concepts and definitions of friendship been so torn down, so corrupted, as by culture-industry.


Once again, we need to examine Theo Adorno's The Culture Industry.

The Frankfurt School authored a book called The Authoritarian Personality, first trans. into English in 1950. The book was geared to destroying the authoritarian Christian male as head of the family. This, of course, includes all present and future defenders of the Christian Republic.

Kinsey was sustained by the Frankfurt School, as was sexual revolutionary Herbert Marcuse. Most at the Frankfurt School were homosexual like Barney Frank. Ideologically, Barney Frank's lifestyle is the Frankfurt School legacy. Barney Frank is, if you will, their greatest achievement.

In their book
Mind Siege, (Thomas Nelson, 2000) Tim LaHaye and David A. Noebel confirmed Richess findings of an international network.

The leading authorities of Secular Humanism may be pictured as the starting lineup of a baseball team: pitching is John Dewey; catching is Isaac Asimov; first base is Paul Kurtz; second base is Corliss Lamont; third base is Bertrand Russell; shortstop is Julian Huxley; left fielder is Richard Dawkins; center fielder is Margaret Sanger; right fielder is Carl Rogers; manager is "Christianity is for losers" Ted Turner; designated hitter is Mary Calderone; utility players include the hundreds listed in the back of Humanist Manifesto I and II, including Eugenia C. Scott, Alfred Kinsey, Abraham Maslow, Erich Fromm, Rollo May, and Betty Friedan.

In the grandstands sit the sponsoring or sustaining organizations, such as the . . . the Frankfurt School; the left wing of the Democratic Party; the Democratic Socialists of America; Harvard University; Yale University; University of Minnesota; University of California (Berkeley); and two thousand other colleges and universities.  [Full article here:
The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to Corrupt 2009]
Commenting on Kinsey's influence, traditional marriage scholar Dr. Judith Reisman confessed, "We are in trouble."

 And we've hardly hit on the issue of same-sex divorce. How far down can things go yet? It's time to catch a rapidly falling civilization before it hits bottom... And we start be maximizing individual and macro sociological efforts to restoring the healthy and timeless definitions of friendship.
(Stephen Volk is the author of The American Poetry Holocaust now available at

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at