Satanic? 1857 Mormon Massacre of Wagon Train
April 2, 2009

On Sept. 11 1857, in Utah Territory, Mormons slaughtered a wagon train with more than 120 California-bound settlers from Arkansas. This became known as the "Mountain Meadows Massacre." The motive was the Mormon "religion."
The wagon train was ambushed by a group of men dressed in clothing of Paiute Indians at a location called "Mountain Meadows." There was a skirmish with mutual casualties forcing the attacking party to retreat. The settlers fortified themselves behind their wagons. It was a standoff.
A couple of days passed and the settlers saw a party of white men approaching and ran out, thinking they were saved. But it was a trick. These same men had been the attackers dressed as Indians. They disarmed the surprised travelers and proceeded to execute the men, women, and adolescents in cold blood.
Archeological exhumation of the victims in this century revealed most of the victims were killed by close gunshot to the skull. Many were killed by fracturing the skull with stones. 120 men, women and children. Only 17 were spared: children under 7 years old who were "too young to tell". These children were given to Mormon families (presumably).
Brigham Young led a church cover-up, saying that the Natives were responsible for the massacre. He wrote that pioneers had earlier caused the death of Natives by giving them poisoned meat, and by poisoning some of their wells.
Only one man, a minor character, a judge and Indian agent John D. Lee was tried with three other unimportant men and was the only one convicted for the massacre. He was executed by firing squad for the crime in 1877, 20 years after the event.
Last year, a movie "September Dawn" starring Jon Voight recounted this story. See a review,
Mormon Massacre by Robert Novak
What was the motive of the Slaughter of Christians at Mountain Meadows Utah?
The doctrine that 'Apostates' (non-Mormon Christians) have become so stained with sin that their souls can only be saved by especially brutal murder at the hands of the holy. This fanaticism may have motivated the raid. But I believe this was the version for the lower initiate brutes who carried out the carnage. I suspect the inner agenda of this doctrine wasn't 'atonement' at all, but an excuse for ritual blood sacrifice to Satan for the capstone of the Mormon hierarchy. I think the massacre was indeed a mass blood sacrifice on the order of the Druid's harvest 'wicker man' mass sacrifices Julius Caesar wrote described in his The Gallic Wars. I also strongly suspect our 911 mass murder of nearly 3,000 people is in this tradition
Brigham Young has always been implicated, having reiterated this theology during the 'Reformation'. But he was far enough removed from evidence to have 'plausible deniability' and cooperated with Washington by telegram in prosecuting the scapegoats.
A clue that the Federal US Government, the American press and public, and even Mark Twain overlooked was the date - September eleven. The full ritual significance of this particular date to elite Satanist cult at the head of all these satraps of Satanism remains unknown to us. But circumstantially, the list of 'coincidental' mass violent murders on a grand historical scale having occurred on this date is a long one.
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From a Mormon Defector's video showing Masonic Mormon ceremonies (note the aprons.)
One of the sources of the LDS Church's great wealth was recruiting new members all over America. Many will remember the sight of two young men dressed in cheap suits riding bicycles, carrying Mormon bibles, and going door to door.
However, these recruiters and the recruited are considered 'outer temple' back in Salt Lake headquarters. Due to this Mormon 'outreach' to non-Mormons one-to-one across America for a century, most people know the Mormon bible says that Jesus appeared to the Indians, and an archangel appeared to Joseph Smith when he was a teenager, letting him 'borrow golden tablets containing amendments to the Gospel of Jesus and the Ten Commandments. Thus, 'Latter Day Saints'.
But there's much more, reserved for the Mormon initiate elite. The rest of the teaching that only inner temple ascended Mormons learn, is a tale that God convened a meeting of his archangels and two sons, to determine the improvement of the human race on Earth. According to this story, Jesus and Lucifer are brothers, each with a God-approved role with humanity. In the story God thinks Lucifer's role is more important than Jesus's talents, so he appoints Lucifer ruler of the world.
Now, in high Mormonism, God had at one time have been a child, and grew up. So men, in the image of God, children of God, can through enlightenment 'grow up' and become gods.
They can't be God of earth, of course, Lucifer has dibs on that. So Mormons teach that a man's ascended soul each get's his own planet, taking with him many wives to populate his new world.
On the ladder of initiation in the Mormon hierarchy members buy these planetary Divine franchises in proportion to the wealth they accumulate and ty the to the LDS coffers in Salt Lake.
More powerful in America than people think.
"It is widely known that Mormons have had a disproportionate representation in the CIA and FBI through the years, and that J. Edgar Hoover started the FBI with Mormon agents. They also have a disproportionate representation in the US Congress - five Mormon senators and 12 representatives - partly because of the concentration of Mormons in the Western US." ~ Susan Mazur, Bush and the Mormons, 2004.
Something else well known is that the LDS have the most extensive compilation of authenticated genealogies of individuals of all religions and races in the world. They're in the business of doing genealogical research for anyone interested in their own family history, Mormon or not. They're well known for this and regarded as the best, due to their immense genealogical records already collected and housed in Salt Lake. Their service isn't cheap, either.
During 1991, woman of a generational Mormon family in Texas who had become a Setian (member of Satanist NSA General Michael Aquino's then Temple of Set), informed me that the real Mormon interest in collecting genealogies is that they believe they souls of the dead can be 'saved' in a ritual handing them over to Lucifer, if you have their name and certain information about them. She said she had taken part in a secret ritual conducted in a cavern inside the mountain over Salt Lake, where the latest names collected from genealogical research are read and 'sacrificed' to Lucifer.
See also The Mountain Meadows Massacre
See also Mormons Pump New World Order
Mormons-A Jewish State in America?
Myron Fagan said "Mormons are Clean" (of Illuminati)
Scroll down this page for "Are Mormons Masons in Disguise?"
John said (April 5, 2009):
Here's your missing link why Satanists love 9:11.
The Pilgrims Progess by John Bunyan
"And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. This is the great dragon of chapter 12, Satan or Azazel. He has a number of names, but in each case, he is the king of all the demons, Lucifer, who became Satan."
-Revelation 9:11, Christian Bible, KJV with Forerunner Commentary