Jeff Rense is "The Bachelor"
February 22, 2012

When not posing as "an American Treasure, consummate journalist and patriot," Jeff Rense has been living yet another fantasy. He is "The Bachelor."
This fight represents a winnowing of the "Truth" movement, separating the wheat from the chaff. Should our own leaders be put to the same standard as Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich & Barack Obama? If your answer is yes, you are the wheat.
Related: "JR's 7th Ex-Wife Speaks Out"
"The Jeff Rense File"
(Editor's Note: The ad below is not a parody. It is currently on Jeff Rense's web site. It won't be there for long.
Rense, 66, is "the Bachelor" offering women 30-years his junior an all-expenses paid visit to his "beautiful mountain home" on his five-acre estate. Candidates should resemble Elizabeth Kucinich and provide several current photos: portrait, casual, and full body.
As you may know, Jeff Rense is an Ashland,Oregon entrepreneur who cut his teeth in the pet shop and tanning salon businesses. Less well known is his career as a Lothario, married seven times plus at least one common law and many engagements.
Tuesday in an article addressing me as "Monsieur Le Pig," Jeff confirms this number but spins it as proof of his genius:
"It is true I may be 'competitive' with the likes of a Cary Grant or Liz Taylor in the marriage department but that has about as much to do with the quality of journalism at as Grant's marriages had to do with his superb acting. The common route taken with unsuccessful marriages is to stay in them. The less common route is to end them for the benefit of those concerned."
Yet, despite Jeff's seven divorces, his ad below states that he is looking for someone with "traditional values." Obviously, he is not describing himself.
How many women have responded to this ad, only to have their lives shattered when JR put them out with the trash?
His seventh wife was a talented professional who quit her job, sold her house and moved across the country to live the Rense fantasy. They married in Dec. 2010 and seven weeks later, JR kicked her out. Her spirit is broken and she is in desperate straits. How's that for "kindness and sensitivity"?
Read the personal ad below and check off the following symptoms. JR has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
React to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation
Take advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals
Have excessive feelings of self-importance
Exaggerate achievements and talents
Be preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love
Have unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment. (I would add - has no sense of the consequences of his deeds. Imagines himself the injured innocent.-HM)
Need constant attention and admiration
Disregard the feelings of others, and have little ability to feel empathy
Have obsessive self-interest
Pursue mainly selfish goals
- (added by HM - 1. Congenital Liars. 2. Can only see what he does for you, not what you do for him.)
He describes himself as "an American Treasure, consummate journalist, known for his kindness, loyalty, sensitivity compassion and intelligence."
I've been enjoying that loyalty and kindness lately. (The loyalty of Jeff's pack of yapping lapdogs, that is.) His hysterical, childish overreaction is symptomatic of NPD. He has demonized me in the crudest terms, decreed my career over, and flushed me down the toilet.
"Here's hoping that Monsieur Le Pig makes his final swirls around the toilet bowl soon...and vanishes from his own self-administered flush."
He has devoted a section of his website to this. Contrast that with what I say about him.
"I don't want to destroy JR or his site, even if I could. He is doing a lot of good by providing an audience for courageous people like Bro Kapner. He helped me get my message out. For many years, I considered our relationship one of the highlights of my work."
In the ad below, he rejects "takers, users, deceivers, betrayers, dual-agenda opportunists or people who misrepresent the truth, either directly or by omission."
His hypocrisy has no limits. The payments on his $30K motorcycle, $150K vintage cars and outdoor train are partly made with donations from readers who "want the truth to be told." He tries to justify this here.
In my case, he says he had a right to decide what went on his website. The article in question was not on his website. It was on my site, and I didn't care if he linked to it or not.
Yet, because I posted it, he terminated a 12-year relationship that had been valuable to us both and to the anti-NWO movement. He has done this to countless valuable allies. This is the same problem he has with women. He can't build lasting alliances.
His Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a liability to himself and to the "Truth" movement. People with NPD are considered psychopaths. The Illuminati do not have a monopoly on them.
This fight represents a winnowing, separating the wheat from the chaff. Should our own leaders be put to the same standard as Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich & Barrack Obama? If your answer is yes, you are the wheat.
Below, read the words of the man you count on for your news and opinions. After, there is additional info about NPD.)

Jeff's MySpace Editor
"Having spent time with Jeff in person, I can tell you that he looks exactly like his picture." --Devvy Kidd
Dear Ladies!
If you are looking for stability and integrity, please spend some time and browse through his MySpace comments HERE (turn up your speakers) and you'll gain a better idea of how diverse and unique some people still are.
We are looking for a KIND and thoughtful vegan or vegetarian, as attractive on the inside as out, someone who is fit and healthy and who enjoys some of the same things Jeff finds fun and fulfilling. Please, no tv or internet addicts, excessive alcohol users or those taking or dependent on psychotropic prescription drugs. Our lady will be non-smoker, and who has no serious hidden emotional baggage or anger, repressed or otherwise. Please, no hard core activists of any stripe.
Our search is for a gentle and intelligent woman who loves nature, gardening, the outdoors, trees and who truly enjoys the concept of a beautiful, warm and happy home. It's hard to project an age spread because there are exceptions on either side of one. We've decided to start with 36-43. One well-adjusted son or daughter might possibly work. Please no C/W music lovers...that just won't work. Some classical music interest or knowledge could be helpful.
(The Kucinich's, left. Pic added by HM)
Some of you may remember Congressman Dennis Kucinich and his similar, very successful, search for a partner which resulted in his meeting and marrying the beautiful Elizabeth Jane Harper in 2005. British born Mrs. Kucinich, 32, is also a vegan like her husband. Her background can be seen here.
Again, read Jeff's MySpace page and you'll get a good general idea of what we hope to find. REMEMBER, we don't expect to find perfection, we are all human and have our own unique composition, so please don't be never know what might be perfect chemistry even though some of the details don't seem to 'fit'. If you are even 'close' and have an interest, let us know!
So, to repeat, here are some of the key personality qualities and traits that are generally important and we are hoping to find...
* Above all: kind, honest, thoughtful, sweet, happy and gentle. A realist...people who see the world as it truly is...not as they *think* it is. Someone who still relates to their heart as their true mind and is not ruled by the 'computer' between their ears which can cause no end of mischief, grief and trouble.
* Please, absolutely no one who is unfortunately emotionally-scarred, 'high-mileage' or damaged; no television or internet addicts. PLEASE, no takers, users, deceivers, betrayers, dual-agenda opportunists or people who misrepresent the truth, either directly or by omission.
* Vegan or vegetarian. Must be HEALTHY and happy. No smokers, or animal and dairy eaters. No fast food junkies. Organic only. Someone who understands that processed and GMO foods, meat and dairy are, sooner or later, killers and the primary causes of poor mental and physical health and diseases.
* We are looking for someone thin, relatively toned (no narcissists, please!), blonde or brunette...any normal height. Beautiful on the inside and out. Are we seeking too much in these very difficult times? Maybe. Already a mother? A mom with one well-grounded child is a possibility.
So, if you love nature, the mountains, wildlife, the seasons, and planting and nurturing a wonderful organic vegetable garden; if you enjoy the concept of home and land (Jeff does not travel much), hearing the sounds of waterfalls, the wind in the trees, visiting magical mountain lakes, rafting down a gentle, beautiful river, cooking healthy meals, watching movies of all sorts, listening to music, enjoy being around someone who is very well-informed, and just loving life, don't hesitate in investigate this very special opportunity to possibly.
To participate is easy. Just email several current photos...portrait, casual and full body...of you having fun and being who you are...and a few paragraphs about yourself and why this 'event' is of interest. We will screen everything for Jeff and send along those who seem to resonate within our search parameters. Those Invited - if any - will receive an all expense paid weekend trip to gorgeous Ashland, Oregon. The 'winner/s' will have their own bedroom and private bath in a beautiful mountain home in a true storybook setting. Lots to do and see!
We are looking for REAL PEOPLE with morals and vision and thoughtful, traditionally-oriented values, and who can prioritize life constructively. Please no one with a temper - there is far too much anger in the world. To repeat, NO ONE is perfect, nor do we expect them to be. These are just our markers for the kind of people we hope to find. If you don't fit in or have any interest, perhaps you know someone who might. Women from countries outside the US are welcome but travel costs will have to be shared.
We sincerely look forward to hearing from you...because America still possesses some truly wonderful, honorable, intelligent, level-headed, HONEST women. And good luck to each of you who might consider this very Special Invitation. Your name, email address, photos and descriptions will remain absolutely private and confidential. Please send your information, or questions, directly to me at:
My best wishes,
Amanda Rose
After this is removed, Google "special invitation from Amanda Rose" and look at the cached page.
To learn more about Narcissistic Personality Disorder, watch this series by Thomas Sheridan;
and, to learn how to heal, Surviving a Narcissist
Bernard said (February 23, 2012):
A person with antisocial personality disorder may:
Be able to act witty and charming
Be good at flattery and manipulating other people's emotions
Break the law repeatedly
Disregard the safety of self and others
Have problems with substance abuse
Lie, steal, and fight often
Not show guilt or remorse
Often be angry or arrogant