Insider: Jews Use Immigration to "Divide and Conquer"
July 5, 2019

Dr. Stephen Steinlight's article, "The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography: Reconsidering a Misguided Immigration Policy" (2001) speaks frankly of Jewish control of US immigration policy, politicians, and the media.
"For perhaps another generation, an optimistic forecast, the Jewish community is thus in a position where it will be able to divide and conquer and enter into selective coalitions that support our agendas," he writes.
Even with these caveats, the era of astoundingly disproportionate Jewish legislative representation may already have peaked......
"With the changes in view, how long do we actually believe that nearly 80 percent of the entire foreign aid budget of the United States will go to Israel?"

Here's the kicker. He warns that Jewish dominance is endangered by a consensus coalition of Asians... the Yellow Peril!
"But the day will surely come when an effective Asian-American alliance will actually bring Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans, Koreans, Vietnamese, and the rest closer together. And the enormously complex and as yet significantly divided Latinos will also eventually achieve a more effective political federation. The fact is that the term "Asian American" has only recently come into common parlance among younger Asians (it is still rejected by older folks), while "Latinos" or "Hispanics" often do not think of themselves as part of a multinational ethnic bloc but primarily as Mexicans, Cubans, or Puerto Ricans."
Although he doesn't say "we don't have to worry about the W.A.S.P.s anymore", that's implied by his looking ahead for the next competitor.
He mentions Hispanics, but he knows Maranos have been embedded in Mexico and South America all along.

Having identified the next adversary, he wonders how to restrict Asians and Latinos without being against immigration:
"Before offering specific recommendations about immigration policy, we should immediately anticipate the predictable opposition and state emphatically what we are not advocating. We are not advocating an anti-immigration position. It is also, frankly, in our own best interest to continue to support generous immigration. The day may come when the forces of anti-Semitic persecution will arise once more in the lands of the former Soviet Union or in countries of Eastern Europe and Jews will once again need a safe haven in the United States. The Jewish community requires this fail-safe. We will always be in support of immigration; the question is whether it should be open-ended or not? The question is what constitutes the smartest approach to supporting immigration?"
"For starters, we should give serious, immediate consideration to terminating our alliance with the advocates of open borders; (we do not belong in their coalitions) and ally ourselves, instead, with pro-immigration advocates who favor immigration reform that includes moderate reductions in immigration, such as the Center for Immigration Studies."
While Steinlight is not hostile to the European majority, there is no consideration of their right to preserve their culture and values.
"I'll confess it, at least: like thousands of other typical Jewish kids of my generation, I was reared as a Jewish nationalist, even a quasi-separatist. Every summer for two months for 10 formative years during my childhood and adolescence I attended Jewish summer camp. There, each morning, I saluted a foreign flag, dressed in a uniform reflecting its colors, sang a foreign national anthem, learned a foreign language, learned foreign folk songs and dances, and was taught that Israel was the true homeland."
(Such a camp for European Christians or Muslim girls and boys would be shut down as "terrorist training compound" and "linked to Al Quaeda" or "white supremacists". But thanks to "the formation of favorable public images of Jews and sensitizing the American people to issues of concern to Jews," Zionists can pursue an agenda inimical to US interests. )

Oh my God - Jewish youth might assimilate! Note that his figures are from the Anti Defamation League - the same organization that promotes the idea that anti-Semitism is on the rise.
In conclusion, in these articles we see how organized Jewry pursues a hypocritical agenda. While on the one hand it pursues Zionist exclusion for Jews, it fears the rise of non-Jewish ethnic identities and encourages their disintegration.
Related -- Kevin MacDonald -- Jewish Involvement in Shaping US Immigration Policy
JJ said (July 6, 2019):
Many Canadians and Americans are in the dark about the designs of this group of people. It takes being in private enterprise and trying to run a competitive business to finally understand the danger this group represents.
In a typical church one has the ministerial staff living in their ministerial bubble. Then there are a significant number of pensioners and welfare dependents in the congregation. Add to that the public sector employees and corporate people and immigrants/those-married -to-immigrants and those people living the real life of trying to build a business are a small minority.
Yes there are government employees, for example, who see the inordinate amount of money that goes to Jewish lobby groups and start to suspect something. Few though understand the true nature of Jewish and also Masonic influence unless they have to and most don't have to.