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Liberals Carry Luciferian Banner

September 28, 2010

"The shows I worked on: Mary Tyler Moore Show, That Girl, & Love American Style, among others, were nothing more than Jewish tools (for the most part) to undermine the innocence of American WASP culture." --E. Baumgartner, Jewish Scriptwriter:

(Left--Liberal and Lesbian Jew, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.)

By E. Dean Couzzins

Ever noticed how angry and ungrateful and critical the Liberal-Left is?  I wish I could have asked Ted Kennedy, "What are you so angry about?"
As you look at the following, ponder the thought that the very core strategy of the Serpent himself in the garden, was to sow discontent into the hearts and minds of Adam and Eve....I call that spirit of being critical and distrustful of God and good "the venom of Satan." 
In our time, the last two hundred years or so, we have witnessed this venom advanced as a political strategy by the mostly anti-God, anti-Christian Jewish Marxists on the Left.  Prime examples of this attitude in our faces daily are Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann on Messy-NBC.  This bitterness fills the whole liberal movement these days.  They find something wrong with everything  Their answer is to sneer at everything mostly Christian. 
Professor MacDonald has done a good, job of identifying this spirit with anti-Christian Jews as a political strategy to bring down Christian civilization.  They have been behind such things as Marxism and Political Correctness, which is nothing but cultural Marxism. 
Here's the interview of Professor MacDonald
We need to recognize that the core of this is an overtly antichrist spirit that comes from just as Revelation 2:9 says, "those who say they are Jews but are not and lie, but are a synagogue of Satan." 

(Elena Kagan, left)

These are non-Israelite Jews who descended not from Jacob's blessed line, but from the lines of Esau (Edomites) and the Khazars, who today are known as the Ashkenazi Jews, who comprise over 90% of today's Jews.  In the prophecies of Ezekiel 38-39 they are known as Magog.  They are descended not even from Shem; so they are not true Semites, but from Noah's other son Japheth.  Thus most of today's Jews and their creation that calls itself Israel is really the enemy of true Jews and true Israel, namely Christ and His followers.

Here is one of the reviews under professor MacDonald's book on Amazon:

The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements


As A Jew Myself, I Can Tell You That Dr. MacDonald Is Correct
, July 9, 2008
By  E. Baumgartner (New York, NY) - See all my reviews
This review is from: The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements (Paperback)
"As a former leftist Hollywood Jew (I wrote TV shows), I can say from personal experience that Prof. MacDonald is 100% correct in this book. The shows I worked on: Mary Tyler Moore Show, That Girl, & Love American Style, among others, were nothing more than Jewish tools (for the most part) to undermine the innocence of American WASP culture, ("Cultural Marxism" as Prof. MacDonald calls it).

I became disturbed with the studio editorial "rule" that children should be portrayed as sassy and disrespectful towards their parents. A few times I presented a script to my editor (also a Jewish guy) in which I had the child character behaving politely and respectfully towards his parents. The editor changed the lines to make the child bratty/sassy and then told me "... that's the way it should be done from now on, unless I tell you otherwise". That's when I started to see that something else was going on besides just making TV shows. I could see the changes in American society resulting from all this TV propaganda. I eventually left writing and became a teacher.

Kudos to Prof. MacDonald for his meticulous research in writing this book."

By all means also Google and find and watch the 22 minute documentary:
The History of Political Correctness
For more history on this anti-God movement from [Sabbatean i.e. Satanic] atheistic Jews, against believing Jews, Catholics and Protestants, and faith in general. See the book To Eliminate the Opiate, by Boston Orthodox Rabbi Marvin Antelman.  He traces the roots of this back to the 1600s.


Related-- Makow- Meditation on the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit

Makow-- Liberals are Unwitting Shills for Satanism & Communism

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Liberals Carry Luciferian Banner"

Brian said (September 29, 2010):

After your article about liberals wearing Satan's underwear, I am convinced that you are not a stooge after all, but a pied piper. I can't imagine you really believe such violently simplistic nonsense. You are clearly a divide-and-conquer specialist. You do not speak for the left. You are not at liberty to confute us with the likes of Elena Kagan or the CIA-born puppet. It has become plain to me that you are indeed doing it on purpose. Asshole!

Will said (September 29, 2010):

"These are non-Israelite Jews who descended not from Jacob's blessed line, but from the lines of Esau (Edomites) and the Khazars, who today are known as the Ashkenazi Jews, who comprise over 90% of today's Jews. In the prophecies of Ezekiel 38-39 they are known as Magog. They are descended not even from Shem; so they are not true Semites, but from Noah's other son Japheth. Thus most of today's Jews and their creation that calls itself Israel is really the enemy of true Jews and true Israel, namely Christ and His followers."

I am another Jew who supports the veracity of this claim that the Ashkenazi descended from Esau (Israel/Jacob's brother) and Japheth (Shem's brother). More specifically, they are from Esau's son Amalek.

They are the family that tried to kill the Israelites in the desert coming out of Egypt (see Book of Jasher).

Esau was denied his inheritance as the elder son and has tried to kill his brother Jacob and his descendants ever since. His symbol is the Eagle (Rome, Nazi Germany, America, NASA). He is a fierce and cunning hunter who is exalted by his pride. He believes he can be like god, but he will be cut down to the ground (Obadiah).

The book of 2Esdras in the apocrypha says "Esau is the end of the world, Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth". Esau is ruling now at the end of this world.
Herod was an Edomite (Esau). And so were the elite of the Pharisees who crucified Christ. The Israelite Pharisees were infiltrated and controlled by Edomite Jews, much like many Christian Churches/seminaries bankrolled and controlled by Jews today (similarly controlled is the NAACP).

Satan believes he was deprived by Christ of his birthright to rule the earth. Thus he selected Esau/Amalek, who was likewise denied his blessing, to be his chosen people. Of course, only those who truly do the will of their father the devil are Satan's true flock. The Synagogue of Satan is the counterfeit inversion of the Body/Congregation of Christ.

Deuteronomy 28 (and Jer 17) describes how Esau (the Eagle) will take the biblical Israelites into slavery with ships and how Israel will forget their heritage. This is what happened when the Jews took the Negros (Judah, Benjamin, Levi) to the Americas. The Jewish-Jesuits also enslaved the other tribes of Israel in the Americas.

There is no new thing under the sun and nothing hidden that will not come to light. Historically speaking, many Edomite Japhetic Khazars (i.e. Ashkenazi Jews) have been expert identity thieves and impostors.

Vojko said (September 29, 2010):

E. Dean Couzzins is mistaken when saying that the leftist Jewish problems stems from eastern European Jews descendant from the Khazarian kingdom. The problem stems from those Jews who practise in words and deeds what's written in the Jewish "holy" book, the Babylonian Talmud. This is not the new testament holy bible which teaches to love thy neighbour. The Babylonian Talmud says that Jews alone are only human and the rest of mankind cattle and it is the Jews job to subjugate us all.

Since the majority of Jews are non-practising Jews as most Catholics are non-practising Catholics the Jews are at the mercy of their religious leaders, the Rabbi's who know exactly what is contained in the Babylonian Talmud.

Liberalism like communism and other "isms" are used to subvert Christian civilization. Satan is an equal opportunity employer and along with certain Jewish people Satan employs many non-Jews to subvert Christian civilization. In other words Jews (by numbers) play a large role in the coming reign of the anti-Christ by subverting Christian culture (television, media, drugs, music, education, family values) but they not doing it alone. The Roman Catholic church along with it's military arms, the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta are also subverting "true" christian teachings. These groups are anti-christian, anti-god and anti-human.

If one wants to look at the origins of modern liberalism one must look across the pond to England to the "Age of Enlightenment" and John Locke.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at