Satanist Insider: "Keep Your Money Hidden"
June 13, 2010

[Editor's Note: This "advice" is an excerpt from an email, below, received from a prominent Satanist insider. In January, he posted a very revealing confession from a fellow Satanist, who had just died.]
by Aloysius Fozdyke
Having just returned
to Australia from London and Tokyo I thought I'd be so bold as to
offer you some advice - which I appreciate that your readers will
not understand and even if they did, would do nothing about. The
lord is their shepherd. Eventually the shepherd always leads his
sheeple to the slaughterhouse...eventually.
A quick Google search illustrates that the information has gone far and wide without anyone understanding it. I guess Petor was correct after all. Even Aquino hasn't said anything!
The material I supplied on the instruction of the late Petor Narsagonan has been rejected as a hoax. ["Australian Adept Unveiled Satanic World Control"]
A hoax? On what grounds? When the economic turmoil hits will the sheeple still doubt? Just so you know, there will be a cover story about a virulent computer virus which will necessitate the banks of the world closing (for about three days?). When these re-open it will be back to the 1930s where depositors must prove why they need their money. The more things change, the more things stay the same. Just remember I told you so.
When in Britain, I had a meeting with Graham Nicholson [Chief Legal Adviser, Bank of England.] Such a delightful fellow. So is Martin Daunton [History Professor, Master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge.University] If only people knew to which Trinity they deferred. Europe is about to collapse. America is finished, or will be after the Iranian war. And poor old Alex Lebed! No one believed him either.
When the economic recession is replaced by the economic depression and Obama and Cameron have to take the necessary and very hard decisions, the Democrats and Conservatives will be finished as political parties. The Alpha Lodge is currently bringing together several different religious and political movements before the arrival of The Usher of Desecration and Vindex.

Whilst in Tokyo I had the pleasure of meeting Kazuhiko Saitou (left.) He will be twenty-seven in September, but his political future is assured. His influence on Japanese sexuality, indeed culture, exceeded all expectation and it was that which initially causes us to contact and nurture him. His parents are not in good health, but we have taken steps to assist. Keep an eye on him. For one so young his magickal ability is considerable. The Order will be in firm hands. The Eye of Hoor is better than the Mouth of Isis. Kazuhiko-san knows this. (You really should examine his horoscope. Dynamite!)
is a mystery because at what passes for its dark heart there is the
God of Enigma, known by countless names, worshiped throughout
history, revered in every continent and still unknown and unknowable.
Satanism as a tradition began in Australia around the time of
federation. Prior to the beginning of the last century there had been
Australian practitioners, but never a tradition, as such.
There exists abundant evidence of Satanic Magick in the architecture and alignment of some of Australia's earliest cities - of which Sydney and Hobart are perhaps the clearest examples. But much remains hidden and unsearchable.
Every system of thought and understanding stems from a number of
basic postulates about the universe and man's relationship to it.
These ideas and assumptions go to make up the paradigm or dominant
world view through which a culture or an individual interacts with
its universe.
Aeons are marked by the passage of various great
metaphysical thought paradigms rather by the passage of set periods
of historical time. Within each great paradigm there will be lesser
paradigms which contribute to the whole.
For example, in the dominant White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant culture of Europe and America, the main paradigms are Protestant-Atheism, with its dependent paradigms of liberal humanistic individualism and the work ethic, and science with its dependent paradigms of causality and materialism.
Other cultures have had, and still do have, completely different world views which it is difficult for an outsider to enter. The Universe (being the accommodating creature that she is) will tend to provide confirmation of any paradigm one chooses to live in. We are, to an extent, an observer created-universe.
And here's another secret you won't appreciate: In the sinister tradition the Number One is always a figurehead. The power resides in the deputy. The King is below The Prince. To every prophet his Honour.
With heroic pride we praise the God who is our God.
For there have been other ages and another evil and good.
With ecstasy and sacrifice, sex and death we praise our God.
We love what a person has written in and with blood.
Writers in blood do not want to be read, but learned.
We love life not because we live but because we love.
Note: I asked Aloysius why he "outed" Nicholson and Daunton. Wouldn't they know him? His reply:
The Alpha Lodge has its reasons for doing things, although my association with the Lodge is more limited these days owing to my Grade, age and health issues, etc. I'm semi-autonomous these days. Those "outed" are safe. Think of it as just a little shot across the bow. There's fewer reasons for discretion.
Narsagonan's material still hasn't been dissected. For your information, Billy Browno was a reference to Billy Mackie Snedden, KCMG, QC. He was always a back-door man and died in the arms of Sonia McMahon; not that, that was made public. I'd have thought that Cristian would have worked that out, but he's not the brightest crayon in the box, is he?
[Queen] Elizabeth is to address the General Assembly next month. We've already sorted out that she won't say anything about the constitutional problems Canada, Australia and New Zealand are experiencing. That would stop Japanese whaling in 'Australian' Antarctic waters - amongst other things. The Alpha Lodge protects its investments and compatriots. Pity about Hatoyama [recently resigned Japanese PM] though, as his wife was an asset.
Anyway, I've given you more than enough to work with. Have no fear: no one will join the dots.
Aloysius said (June 16, 2010):
I've no idea who Ken [below] is but you can tell him from me that there isn't a journalist in the world who will run with that story. We control the media and the lawyers. If you think I'm wrong and you know any journalists, just watch how they waste their time trying to get that stuff published. We organised the Defence Notices more than a decade ago! No publisher who wants to live will dare publish! Even TIME Magazine was warned off! The Australian government is currently organising to censor the internet in Australia and it's all about political material wrapped up in an anti-porn agenda!
I was intrigued by the Jack Straw forgery bit because we've been using that one (and a few others) ourselves. Every British government is paralysed by fear. For obvious foreign and economic reasons the American government is kept in its place. Do you know how many Americans have their Managed Retirement Funds invested in places like Australia, New Zealand and Canada?