(l.The relationship of Organized Jewry to humanity)
"A Racial Program for the 20th Century" (1912) exposed how Organized Jewry waged war against white nations by promoting racial division. This documentary by Larry Elder describes how Communists replaced Blacks' Christianity-based independence with a sense of entitlement and grievance.
Critical Race Theory, gender dysphoria, BLM and the migrant invasion ("Diversity") can all be traced to a long-term Communist (Masonic) Jewish program to destroy Western civilization financed by Organized Jewry (Rothschilds, Freemasonry, George Soros, Demonrats.)
Makow- Obviously, the reason for antisemitism is that Organized Jewry has plotted to destroy and enslave society for centuries sic. Communism. They have brainwashed the masses to think that opposition to this racist hatred is itself racist hatred. As long as your worst enemy defines your predicament for you, you are doomed. If this backfires, Jewish dupes and not Jewish leaders will suffer, as in the holocaust.
By Henry Makow PhD
(from June 13, 2013/July 7, 2021)
Wikipedia will tell you that the book "A Racial Program for the 20th Century" (1912) is another anti-Semitic hoax. It says the book and author Israel Cohen didn't exist.
The reason for this lie? This book contains a famous passage that reveals the Communist race strategy, later applied to women and minorities in the guise of "feminism" and "diversity":
(Government teaches migrants to have sex with German women.)
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavour to instil in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."
Rep. Thomas Abernathy read this passage into the Congressional Record on June 7, 1957 (Vol. 103, p. 8559, top of page.) Wikipedia tells you Abernathy read the quotation in a letter to the Editor of the Washington Star, and the newspaper subsequently determined it was a hoax and apologized. "The quotation has retained some popularity among racists and anti-Semites to this day," Wikipedia chortles.
I have subsequently added this line to the Wiki entry: "However, the author fits the description of Israel Cohen (1879-1961) a prolific Zionist author who wrote the Foreword to Israel Zangwill's "The Schnorrers" as well as 30 other books. Like many purported "hoaxes," the quotation does describe events as they subsequently unfolded and the operations of the US Communist Party." This information was immediately removed by Wikipedia.
Cohen was the General Secretary of the World Zionist Organization. Clearly, Zionism and Communism are identical.
"International" Jews, like other globalists, serve the Rothschilds' sick megalomaniac program of world government dictatorship. "National" Jews, like other patriots, owe their first loyalty to their country and fellow citizens.
Like Benjamin Freedman, Myron Fagan (1887-1972) fought the bankers' Communist agenda for the best part of his life.
Myron Fagan, a successful Broadway playwright and director, met Israel Cohen, Israel Zangwill and George Bernard Shaw at a party to celebrate the opening of Zangwill's play The Melting Pot in 1910. He knew the three men to be founders of the Fabian Society.
Cohen told Fagan he was planning to write "A Racial Program for the 20th Century" as a "humanitarian" follow up to "The Melting Pot." At the time, Fagan didn't realize that the play, which described how Jews and Blacks triumph against White prejudice, was pure propaganda, part of the Communist campaign of fostering "guilt" in white Liberals described above.
It all fell into place in 1957 when Fagan read the Washington Star quotation in the context of the debate over school desegregation. In 1966, he recalled:
"That book was published in 1913 ... the NAACP and the ADL were created [by the bankers] almost simultaneously to carry out those directives. That was more than a half-century ago. Can there be any doubt that that was intended to launch our present Negro upheaval for a Black Revolution?
(Another Communist psy op)
"If that isn't enough evidence, in 1935, the Communist Party's 'Workers Library Publishers' issued a pamphlet entitled 'THE NEGROES IN A SOVIET AMERICA.' It urged the Negroes to rise up, especially in the South, and form a Soviet State in the South, and apply for admission into the Soviet Union ... it contained implicit assurance that the 'revolt' would be supported by all American Reds, and on page 38 it promised that a Soviet government would confer greater benefits on Negroes than on Whites and that 'Any act of discrimination or prejudice against a Negro will become a crime under the Revolutionary law ...
" ... When Abernathy published that Israel Cohen excerpt in the Congressional Record, we (Cinema Educational Guild, Inc.) promptly issued a 'News-Bulletin' in which we published the entire story -- and warned of the coming Negro uprisings...
(Israel Cohen 1879-1961)
"Two years went by and nobody even tried to deny the matter, but, suddenly, after two years, during which the ADL and similar groups had ferreted out ALL copies of the book and destroyed them, they announced that the whole thing was a fraud, that there never had been such a book, or an 'Israel Cohen' ... Why did they wait two years? And how could they deny the existence of a writer named Israel Cohen in the face of all the books he had written? Copies of which I have. More important, bear in mind that Israel Cohen had been a prime mover in all 'Fabian Socialist' and Communist movements in England -- also that I had met him in person when he actually discussed the book at that banquet."
We can only hope the people who've fallen for it will snap out of it, now that the bag man of Arab Spring and Ukraine's 'Orange Revolution' has been funding these riots.
The visual stunts may have already fulfilled their purpose. One goal certainly was to induce guilt and self-depreciation in white teens and college students - perhaps the first white generation that didn't have it. Simultaneously to induce persecution complex into the first black generation that didn't have it.
"Trending" on college campuses now is "white privilege workshops", "three days of mostly white male-bashing, asking women and minorities to communicate their many problems with men and whites, and particularly white men. No solutions were offered. Uninspiring."
Jan 14, 2015 - Rather, it's liberal billionaire George Soros, who has built a ... 'Black Lives Matter' is liberating, unapologetic and leaves no room for confusion.
Jan 19, 2015 - It's not even the Rev. Al Sharpton, despite his ubiquitous campaign on TV and the streets. Rather, it's liberal billionaire George Soros, who has ...
Exposed: George Soros secret underwriter of "spontaneous ...
Eric B said (July 8, 2021):
Right on the mark, Dr. Makow.
Presently I'm focused on trying to get California Governor Gavin Newsom recalled. It's not looking good because he is literally buying off the voters with giveaways. If he remains in office I fear more decent people and businesses will be leaving this state. A lot at stake here because California is the 5th or 6th largest economy in the world and it is clearly on the decline.
Thank you again for your GREAT work.