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Hatred of Trump = Jewish Hatred of the Goyim

February 2, 2017

(left, The Jew's Tears, Israeli dual citizen, Sen. Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer tears up over travel ban.
Israel is a racist apartheid state- see Note below)

"More of us (Americans) are waking up to the fact 
that Trump is merely a proxy: The insane, 
deranged hatred directed at him is really meant for us 
Christian, traditional, predominantly white Americans." 
--Reader's Comment 

This comment, left on the Irish Savant sitestruck me with the force of an epiphany.  It is not new but it has the simplicity and clarity to cast everything into stark perspective. It really is the Jews against the goyim. It always was. 

The Jewish World of Feb 9, 1883:

"The dispersion of the Jews has rendered them a cosmopolitan people. They are the only cosmopolitan people and in this capacity must act and are acting, as a solvent of national and racial differences. The great Ideal of Judaism is ...that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that in a universal Brotherhood of Nations - a greater Judaism, in fact -- all the separate races and religions shall disappear.

"As a cosmopolitan people, Jews have passed the stage that the national form of separatism represents in social life. They have made the whole world their home. By their activities in literature and science, by their dominant position in all branches of public activity, they are gradually moulding gentile thinking and systems into Jewish moulds."  

by Henry Makow Ph.D. 

Judaism is not a religion; it is a satanic cult. Its first victims were Jews; then, through Freemasonry it infected the goyim and now includes George Soros-funded  liberals, socialists, communists and feminists. In practical terms, "Jews" include the Democratic Party, GOP traitors like John McCain, the toxic Jewish corporate media, most large corporations (many Jewish led i.e. Ford, Starbucks, Lyft, Comcast) and God knows how many government agencies. It includes Canada, Australia, Sweden, Scotland and the EU. 

Never before have corporations and entertainers taken uniform political stands. Never before has the media been so vicious and duplicitous. They are ready to write off half the population as audience or customers. Cult members (feminists) are literally going insane, parading with holy vaginas. Brazen talk of assassinating Trump or a military coup. Paid thugs shut down meetings. All of this is a sign of how far the satanization of society has gone (i.e. the inversion of spiritual ideals, deliberate evil.) 

The goal of the Jewish satanic cult is expressed in the above quotation, to "dissolve race and nation," and recast the Gentiles in "a Jewish mould"  mind-controlled servants, i.e. cattle.  This also requires the destruction of family and religion. Things like im-migration, multiculturalism, miscegenation, homosexuality and feminism are not really about "tolerance and human rights." They are about undermining our human identity  and dissolving European Christian culture and civilization. 

They are about destroying the Old Christian Order and replacing it with the totally New Jew World Order which turns morality and indeed reality on its head. 

In the Culture of Critique, Kevin MacDonald documents how the goyim have been under attack by the Jews for a century but have barely noticed because to do so was forbidden. 

The "idealistic" causes championed by organized Jewry/ Jewish media are deliberate veiled attacks on the Christian majority culture which Organized Jewry, by its own admission, is determined to destroy. 
If I were Donald Trump, I would not be taking any rides in open limousines. In all my life, I have never seen such vitriol directed at a new President. Usually there is a "honeymoon." Clearly, he has upset the process of mass induction into the Cabalist Jewish cult, ie. the Illuminati.  


It's a major irony that Trump is surrounded by Jews and derives major support from Zionists and Israelis. The "Jews" are on both sides of this "fight" for the survival of Christian civilization. Is this an internecine Jewish war or a clever ploy? It's beginning to look like the trade-off for preserving "Christian" America is making Israel great . This could lead to world war as surely as anything Hillary would have done.

Back at home, we have a virtual replay of 1930's Germany. A proud country is trying to save its national character and sovereignty. A saviour appears on the scene.... I fear Trump's will lead the US to a destructive world war, as Hitler did in Germany. 

We may be headed for a bloodlettingGeorge Soros' red guards thugs are in the streets. I'm glad that the forces ostensibly defending Christian values control the military and law enforcement. (See also- Judd Apatow Warns UC Berkeley Violence "Just the Beginning"

I am proof that not all Jews have been inducted into the cult. Most Jews don't wake up in the morning and think, "how am I going to undermine civilization and harm the goyim today?" Nonetheless, like the goyim, many are mind-controlled by the mass media and education systems. 

Christian values are under concerted attack by satanic Judaism and Freemasonry. 

Liberals and Jews will act like they are under attack. They'll call Christians racists and bigots. Deception is their MO. Don't be fooled. They are the hatersJust read the Talmud.  

(left, Masonic Jew Milo Yiannopoulis making the 666 sign)

However, we find Jews are on both sides of this divide, stoking the conflict. It's possible Trump will put the final nail in the coffin of Christian civilization while pretending to champion it. Remember that Israel's National Anthem is "Onward Christian Soldiers!" 
First Comment by John:

Congress dual citizens are the ones that need to removed from office; unfortunately, the masses have not realized who the real enemy is.  At least Mossad will not be able to use a Muslim passport as easily as it used to for entering the US.  Gen. Flynn has placed Iran on notice so it appears the US will fight Israel's war for them but more than likely China and Russia will assist the Iranians if they do not then only China and Russia are the only two countries left opposing the western powers.



THE IRISH SAVANT wrote:  " Many comments on the MSM derided [Schumer] as a 'self-hating Jew'. That he was supporting the admission of people who hate Jews and would end up attacking synagogues and such. But Schumer is playing the long game, the game of White dispossession, of destroying White ethnic cohesion to the point where roiling feuding inter-communal strife becomes the norm and where (((people like him))) rule the roost. Like the pigs in Orwell's Animal Farm." 

His readers wrote: 

(Many comedians are preachers in the cult.)
A)"Chuck Schumer, like his cousin Amy, is a twisted debased nation-wrecking scoundrel. The fact that Trump elicits visceral hatred from such people tells me our support for him is well founded."

B) Here are Schumer's ideas of American values.

1) Our values do not include half the country
2) We are willing to bring in people that will kill you and your family.
3) We are willing to give up US sovereignty and be controlled from Brussels.
4) We value taking your money and giving it to people that never worked for it.
5) We will advocate for people who are not US citizens, but will not advocate for our own poor or disadvantaged born in the US.
6) We value laws, but they only apply to us when it's convenient for us.
7) You have to change your life and beliefs to conform to our politically correct and approved view.

C) "Note that what we are talking about here is not the expulsion of Muslims who already live in the USA. Rather, Schumer is complaining that America does not want a mass migration into its territory. Which reveals the real game here."

Schumer is an Israeli dual citizen. Israel is an Apartheid state.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Hatred of Trump = Jewish Hatred of the Goyim"

Vilma said (February 4, 2017):

Note: Christopher L. Eisgruber (current Princeton's president) and Amy Gutmann (former Princeton's president) are both JEWS. In fact, Princeton is one big JEWISH family, which promotes feminism, LGBT community, and globalism. They love and welcome their foreign students, who pay full tuition (correction....US citizens pay for it). USA funds foreign governments (corrupt puppets/ presidents and ministers) and US taxpayer's money pay for their children education at IVY league universities. In other words, we/poor USA folks (hungry and unable to afford higher education for our children) pay for international student education. This is the NEW AMERICA run by JEWS.

Princeton, Harvard, and dozens of other top American colleges delivered Trump a searing letter accusing him of 'staining the country's reputation'

On Thursday, the presidents of 48 American colleges and universities delivered a searing letter to President Donald Trump taking aim at his executive order on immigration. The letter, drafted by Princeton's president, Christopher L. Eisgruber, and the University of Pennsylvania's president, Amy Gutmann, and signed by 40 other college presidents said: "This action unfairly targets seven predominantly Muslim countries in a manner inconsistent with America's best principles and greatest traditions. Read the full story

Carol said (February 4, 2017):

Henry, I think your instincts are right on the mark as usual. Â I, too, think Trump is a Masonic Jewish ploy; he has been tasked with starting a war with Iran to promote the Yinon Plan for greater Israel.

Barney (UK) said (February 3, 2017):

You're a Good Man Henry, and I agree with much of what you say, but I'd feel more comfortable if you didn't use jew insults when referring to the bulk of Humanity who aren't members of the satanic cult known as judaism.

I'm not a "goy". I'm not a "gentile". I'm not even a "non-jew". Why define ourselves by what we're not? I'm a Human Being.

I could say I'm a "non- " any number of different things, a non-murderer, a non-bus driver, a non-politician. None of that matters. I define myself by what I AM, not by the numerous things I'm not, so why would I define myself as a non-member of a particularly vile cult that I have no intention of ever joining?

I'm not really getting at you, Henry. Even my own people use these jewish insults, but we're in a war for our survival, and it's not good to accept the insults of the enemy.

I can't imagine jews referring to themselves as "Christ killers", as "Red sea pedestrians" or as "oven-dodgers", so why should WE accept THEIR insults?

Despite this relatively minor irritation on my part, you're doing good work. Don't let them stop you.

Mick said (February 3, 2017):

Trump’s Jewish connections are worrisome, but right now all we can do is wait and observe what he does. So far his actions have been alright, pretty much bang on what he had promised during the campaign. Had that corrupt evil Clinton hag won, we wouldn’t have had this conversation. The way he plays out with Russia and Iran will pretty much be a tell-tale moment of his presidency.
Europe also needs to wake up and share the burden – Marine Le Pen and other non-establishment candidates. At this moment DT is the only one who’s defying the Satanic Liberal NWO – we need more of them on the other side of the pond to destroy the Orwellian Liberal Fortress known as the EU & save Europe from the barbaric Muslim invasion. We need Canada too.
I also see Jews playing on both sides, but we gotta start from somewhere and keep informing ourselves – thanks for that Henry!

Z said (February 2, 2017):

Henry, Henry, Henry! Bravo!

Finally you’re spot on with this article.

The Trump hoax is played almost word by word from the Hitler hoax manual. It looks surreal for those of us fortunate to have followed your research but unfortunately the masses are again hypnotized.

History repeats itself.

Mick said (February 2, 2017):

Donald Trump was elected by the impoverished lower & middle White Christian class of the American people. The Whites and ONLY the Whites can start steering the USA ship in a different direction.

They’ve been fed up with the liberal BS for decades; they’ve been disenfranchised by the US Governments importing millions of non-Whites and they were watching the same squatters usurping their rights, stealing their jobs and accusing the Whites for racism non-stop. And all of that was going on under the auspices of the White Liberal NWO traitors and their Judaic banking Masters.

If Africa is black, Asia yellow, India & Pakistan dark-brown, then there are certain places in this world that are supposed to be white. The battle for the survival of the White Christian race has just begun on Nov 8th 2016, and it’s going to be a tough one. The more DT sticks to his promises, the more violence and bloodshed we will see. The Liberal/Left/NWO/Soros hoodlums & mercenaries have been unleashed now (just look at Berkeley in California).

NOTE: True, the USA and Canada were built on immigration, but they were built on the WHITE EUROPEAN CHRISTIAN immigration. The European Whites had transformed the North American continent into a prosperous and technologically advanced place to live in, and this is to be respected by the others. Either fit in or get out, and ditto in Europe.

C said (February 2, 2017):

My one quibble with an otherwise excellent article is the comment from the Irish Savant's site, talking about the US being controlled "from Brussels". Give me a break! It's Anglo-American Zio-Masonry that controls Brussels, not vice versa.

I don't want to retread old ground, but the irrefutable fact is that almost all hardline British (and American) Zionists and Neocons - Jewish and non-Jewish - supported Brexit - something British white nationalists and their American groupies refuse point blank to even acknowledge, much less attempt to explain.

If the June Brexit vote had been the devastating blow to the globalist establishment that the Anglo-white nats insist it was, that establishment would immediately have set about reversing it by manufacturing a massive economic crisis in Britain. That the reverse has happened proves that Brexit was part of the City of London plan all along.


Re. Brexit. The same applies to Trump, I imagine.


I agree with everything you say. Full spectrum dominance dictates that all sides will be infiltrated. Clearly Trump has plenty of Zionists - Jewish and non-Jewish - on his side (Jenna Jameson being a bizarre but telling example!) though I have to say the numbers proportionally are far smaller than was the case with Brexit. And the backlash against Trump is far greater than has been the case with Brexit. In fact only very marginal figures in Britain now oppose leaving the EU. I hope I don't sound sycophantic, but what impresses me so much about you is that you don't place all the blame on the "Joos" as a race, but instead explore the role of the Rothschild British Empire and Freemasonry.


Ryan said (February 2, 2017):

There is definite truth to the statement that Trump is a proxy for the white, Christian majority. But Trump is also the poster boy of Capitalism; a personified example of the old world order. The loud, proud oppressor of the vocal minority or so we are made to believe. If and when the time comes and things go south (by design), it is Trump (and those who support him) who will be blamed and made example of by the controlled globalist owned corporate media. This will only further the need and acceptance of the NWO by those still brain-washed.

The good news is - there is a shift in consciousness. The majority is no longer a passive lot and are speaking out in massive numbers. The sceptics and name callers are now coming around. The false flags and divide and rule agendas are now transparent. The MSM, Hollywood and the music industry are seen as propaganda tools. They are all in decline and irrelevant today. Education with action is the key.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at