Putin - Billionaire & Gangster?
August 7, 2017

Another name for the Illuminati

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August 7, 2017
Jeremy C said (August 8, 2017):
I have faith that Putin is not Satanic. I think we are really hurting when we can't trust anyone. It's understandable but I do believe Vladimir Putin is trying to be good in this world. Putin might be one of the most decent people. I think he is of strong character and genuinely Christian. I think Trump recognizes this and Trump is trying to do his part but I also don't trust Trump's Zionist appeasement except to say that EVERY President I have ever seen appeases Zionists to some level.
Tony B said (August 7, 2017):
A FRENCH documentary? Lily white? Like the U.S. history channel? Come on. The perfidy of any "western leader" of the last fifty years whom you can name can be dug out of his/her past in seconds. Not speculation, known fact. I doubt if a single exception can be found. Anyone bothered to look at Sessions' past connections lately?
But what do we in the west actually know for a fact about Putin? That his mother was born a Jew. That he has Jewish friends. At least a few with big bucks they probably got unlawfully. But he has also refused special favors to some Jewish organizations and is largely responsible for the rebuilding of the famed cathedral in Moscow. Is he responsible for his mother's father's life? I think not. However we also know that his mother brought him up, when it was almost a death sentence to do so, as an Orthodox Christian and that Putin makes a point to observe Christian holidays.
We, who have paid attention, also know that, unlike any other living world leader one can think of, Putin has always been nothing but honest in his public statements, actions, dealings. Even his political decisions have, to this day, been agreeable to basic Christian doctrine, something no western "Christian leader" including the present Pope, can match. It was Putin, almost alone, who stopped the Oligarch rape of Russia which had been Rothschild contrived and Harvard U. applied against the Russia people and nation.
We also know that he has less real political power than most any western "leader" in that his political and financial enemies in Russia are all in bed with the same corrupt western leaders we all know and hate, thanks to such agentur of the Rothschilds as Soros and the CIA who have been attempting to destroy him politically since he began jailing Rothschilds' assigned thieves. Medvedev being their top gun, at least in the past - think Libya. They keep trying new "colored revolution" puppets against him but the Russian people never bite. No politician anywhere has ever achieved such love by his nation's people. The cabal has also attempted to assassinate him. More than once.
If the cabal does not trust Trump's ego to do their constant bidding it makes sense that they are desperate to keep him from working with Putin ONLY if Putin is not one of them. Mobsters will kill one another for power but mobsters ALWAYS make deals with one another.
So if Putin is one of them, why is he treated by all satanic forces in unison like the world's worst pariah as obviously indicated in the latest congressional totally insane and counterproductive "sanctions"?
Robert K said (August 7, 2017):
Too many people still reason about politics in terms of appearances promoted by the MSM. Politics is about cynical calculations and manipulations of which the public are completely unaware, and these are effected with deep, proven knowledge of human psychology. What Trump represents is hard to be absolutely sure of, but there is no doubt that he has provided a vent for frustration among Americans sick of being abused by their governments. It would be naive to assume that good intentions, as opposed to devious political maneuvering, lie behind the provision of this vent.
And I have to laugh at Americans' warning that the country is on the verge of civil war. Are people on opposite sides of the political divide going to run next door and shoot their neighbours? North vs South was militarily feasible; the current fiasco is not.
SP said (August 7, 2017):
Nice piece on Putin. Though I agree with Putin's official stances on many things and his policies regarding homosexuality, nationalism, and Christianity, all that is going on in the world is one gang of gangsters fighting another gang of gangsters. None of them are saints in this. The alt media has become extremely Russia-biased in that they never highlight or remember all the abuses by Russia, even current ones. For example, no one even talks about how Russia is happy to flood Syria with its homegrown terrorists so they can kill them off in Syria, thereby perpetuating the war there. http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/russia-militants/
People are too easily suckered up by the propaganda from either side. It's best to always stay neutral.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
James Perloff said (August 8, 2017):
HI, Henry. My views on Putin would be very close to Tony B's response, and to Brother Nathanael's outlook on the man. While we cannot know for certain, not having intimate access to the Kremlin, Putin's words (in support of Christianity, against Western immorality, common sense on foreign policy and immigration, etc.) and his deeds (supporting Assad, banning GMOs, banning ads for abortions, banning gay parades, paying off Russia's debt to the IMF, etc.) speak well for him. A Christian revival is sweeping Russia; the Zionists aren't happy about it, and I think this is a major factor in the sanctions against Russia pushed by the Zionists' proxies in Congress, McCain, Graham and Schumer. I think we should watch Putin guardedly, but as I've said before, "If he's only acting, give us more such actors."