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November 25, 2017

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Putin and the Protocols- Response to Putin Deception 2 - by Lynda

"By all these means we shall so wear down the Goyim that they will be compelled to offer us international power of a nature that by its position will enable us without any violence gradually to be able to absorb all the state forces of the world and to form a super-government. In place of the rulers of today, we will set up a bogey which will be called the Super-Government Administration. Its hands will reach out in all directions like nippers and its organization will be of such colossal dimension that it can not fail to subdue all the nations of the world." 
Protocols of the Elders of Zion 5.11.

by Lynda

 I think Andy Sloan is definitely on the right track with Putin Deception I and II.
Today, I think we are in under that Super Government Administration - which is a bogey. Through their central banks, the banking cartel of the Jewish dynasts has indeed gotten control of all nations, except those who targeted for regime change by ZOGusa in the "Seven Nations in Five Years" war explained by General Wesley Clark after 9-11. Also nations with a strong Christian culture and heritage that are proving resistant to the Western ZOG hegemon - they are getting worked over by ZOG - like in Bosnia. European nations resisting the new soviet , the EUSSR are currently being worked over.

In contradiction to Protocol 5.11, violence was the MO to force a central bank on once sovereign nations. Those banks, controlled by a single Apex, utilized those nations as assets in the formation of the modern power blocks we see today on ZBig's Grand Chessboard -again with violence - namely two world wars which formed the Western ZOGs, including the new soviet the EUSSR, as well as more than a century of Marxist revolutions by many names: Indian, African and Latin American wars of liberation from European colonial powers, the Bolshevik and Maoist Revolutions for state monopoly socialism - now transitioned as post soviet BRICs and finally the Wahabist revolutions on the footprint of the former Ottoman Empire for a ME Caliphate - all under a central bank. 

Today, Protocol 5.11 is realized. The central bank controlled by the Jewish Money Power is the super government administration controlling "all the state forces". The Gentile Social Masonry working through the institutions of each nation held as asset and collateral constitutes the basis of social order and configures it with the super government administration (SGA).

Protocol 5.11 is one of the key points in the entire Precis because it reveals that the SGA was to be set up as a "bogey". The power blocks of the SGA are created in order to create conflicts among the blocks and finally the 'blockbuster' - now in production. What remains after this (probably WWIII) will be the NWO proper - the global Zionist state. 

Clearly the ZOGs - doxxed and obviously controlled by the Jewish Money Power - have the bad guy script in this terrible movie. But the national populations of the Western ZOGs are supposed to think that their nation is identified with the present SGA- and the evil empire.. They are supposed to be for or against the ZOG wars - even WWIII as a ZOG war for global Zionist state - in terms of this identification. 

But the global Zionist state comes out of WWIII - not out of ZOG wars for the SGA - although these could morph into WWIII. In this bad movie, it looks like Russia - which now has the good guy script - is cast as the savior and liberator from the SGA bogey.

However, the Bank of Russia, is a central bank and it will be linked up to the Jewish Money Power. They are controlled by the same Apex as the ZOGs. They just have a different script.

All the blocks now being lined up for the blockbuster are controlled by the single Apex. Their Gentile social Masonry manages the facade that remains, pulling all the social levers in every nation with a central bank in order to facilitate the present role of the SGA (covert in all nations except the ZOGs) : "reaching out in all directions like nippers...and subduing all the nations of the world". 

Increasingly, however, the Gentile social Masonry is being phased out and 'brother Jews' are taking all the top positions of influence in the Masonic social order. In ZOGusa we first saw this under the Clinton administration. I think this is because the Apex wants their ZOG nations to be seen as ZOGs by the population as a whole. 

Because their Masonry no longer supplies the Gentile interface, the Jews as a population are being positioned for the SHTF event/s which the Jewish Money Power will stage through its instruments and power blocks of 'subdued' nations.
This is, of course, not good because the Jewish Money Power is at present untouchable.

In the ZOGs, of course, the mad plan is to render the entire social order as corrupt and evil and totalitarian as possible so in the final war for the global Zionist state will be welcomed as a war of liberation from the Jews. The Big Schmucks are not without a sense of humour and they will be the money behind the efforts of the Gentile population to organize in its own interests along racial lines. In this conflict, it will be a big mistake for Gentiles enter into conflict with the Jews on the ground chosen for them by the Jews.

As long as we have the internet, we have to keep pegging away at it. And we dare not abandon our institutions to corruption and now outright Satanism.
On that cheerful note

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at