Our Shepherds Work for the Wolves
November 25, 2021
Also, legislation is being introduced to allow employers to demand vaccine status from workers and unvaccinated soldiers are being forced to undergo weekly covid tests at their own expense.
Hungary has reinstated mask mandates and is forcing all healthcare workers to take covid booster shots, and PM Viktor Orban is hinting at mandatory vaccination: "In the end, everyone will have to be vaccinated; even the anti-vaxxers will realize that they will either get vaccinated or die. So, I urge everyone to take this opportunity."
A rather ridiculous statement considering that the covid death rate is a fraction of a percent, unless it is a veiled threat to kill unvaccinated Hungarians.
Orban also gave himself the power to rule by decree during a state of emergency, and not only on matters supposedly relating to health. It makes you wonder what he was really talking about when he said, "The most beautiful thing about the political profession is that there is no job description. I also have my own definition. I believe that politics is a matter of power, and power is the ability to act together."
With covid being a political virus, you would expect that countries with conservative governments would be immune. Unfortunately, most politicians dance to the tune of the World Economic Forum. Hungarian PM Orban is one of Klaus Schwab's Young Global Leaders . Polish minister of health Adam Niedzielski is a former economist - is this an odd coincidence?

While conservatism is the antidote to the social aspects of globalism, it is still vulnerable to authoritarianism. Eastern Europe already experienced communism and the people have no desire to go back, so globalist puppets exploit public opposition to immigration and the LGBT agenda while pandering to Christians with statements like:
"Christianity has created nations in this part of the world. If we Hungarians had not followed Christianity for a thousand years, we would have disappeared." (Orban)
She is one of Schwab's Young Global Leaders.
The Siberian region of Ugra has locked down all unvaccinated citizens and Tartarstan requires proof of vaccination to use public transit.

People thought Putin's Russia might be the last hope for Christian civilization, but Putin believes that Communist ideology is similar to Christianity and has compared Soviet dictator and mass murderer Vladimir Lenin to Christian saints.
While the World Economic Forum tell us we will "own nothing and be happy", Putin's hero Lenin previously abolished private property in the USSR over 100 years ago.
Hungary and Poland are close allies, but Poland has been in some form of conflict with Russia for centuries and Putin continues the tradition. Russia has recently been conducting military exercises in Belarus along the Polish border and Russia-controlled Belarus has directed undocumented migrants to attack the Polish border.
Despite the tensions, both countries are following the covid playbook and Hungary is the first country to establish mutual recognition of vaccine certificates with Russia.
These politicians are wolves in sheep's clothes, playing a role to gain acceptance so they can implement medical fascism which will lead to Klaus Schwab's Great Reset, and maybe start another war along the way.
AT said (November 26, 2021):
A good article. Orban is not very trustworthy. As a calvinist he is also very pro zionist. But at least Hungarians have the choice between vaccines. They can also choose Sputnik, which is a classical vaccine. In the rest of the EU we simply have no choice but MRNA.
Then there is Schwab boasting that this and this one has followed “Young Leaders”. That programme started only in 2004. Putin was already head of state since 2000. Do you imagine the head of state of the second nuclear power in being absent for days and days to follow such a course and fool around in Davos? Crazy. Of course Schwab and Putin met before, but that does not mean a lot. Schwab’s main pursuit is selecting participants for his seminars. Did you see the virtual meeting Davos 2021? Putin actually said in a polite way to Schwab: “Not so fast, there is lots of other problems first”.
Whatever you can say about Russia and China, they have their own classical vaccines, so in the end they will protect their populations better than the the MRNA “bio weapon” vaccines (called that way by Prof. P. McCullough).
Courage and success! The zionists will harm themselves by reducing Israel to a MRNA test garden. Their own hubris.