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Jacob Rothschild First Lifted the Veil in Sept. 2020

December 15, 2021


Dec. 31 -- Well congrats to all who ignored me!  This wasn't from Jacob Rothschild but from a very smart Canadian who lives in BC. I still subscribe to what he said. Is the truth really a hoax? Make up your own mind. It's possible this was designed to discredit it.

"Jacob R":

"Of course, the Covid pandemic is a plandemic, and we through our various think tanks and networks have meticulously planned it over decades. In order for all of the major changes we have planned, including the big one for us of our global bank and one-world currency, the people have to become totally subservient."

"It has been mainly the economic independence of most of the common people which makes them so unruly in these nations, and likely apt to support the sovereignty of their own nations and local control, which is the main obstacle to our plans, and precisely why the severe economic restraints have been necessary under the guise of the pandemic. If the people do not comply, undoubtedly a second wave will come their way, and with that food shortage, and complete government domination in order to usher in all of our proposed changes."

This letter from "Jacob R" appeared on Rixon Stewart's The Sept 1, 2020 in response to my article, "Is there any limit to US debt?" 

This email was sent from an IP address in Surrey B.C, However, IMO, it was rerouted. This is the real Jacob Rothschild and this needs to be read over and over.  Essentially, they are building up to an economic collapse that they will use to justify a one-world currency and Chinese-style world government. The US has had an unfair advantage by having the reserve currency. Now there must be a digital world currency and a world government to administer it.

(from Sept 2, 2020 and Feb. 5, 2021)
by Jacob Rothschild

Dear Henry, you really do go too far when you say things like, "The criminal cabal in charge has been producing this "money" and stuffing its pockets and those of its friends. Is there any limit to the amount they will produce? If the "debt" doubled to $70 trillion, would it make any difference?"

You cannot say our cartel or cabal is "criminal". Don't you see we actually own all of the lawmakers, and besides whatever we do is quite above any of the laws which apply to the common people? 

As for stuffing our pockets, the families which make up our network of central banks throughout the world are in fact the main power brokers in the world. That is our right. Your governments demand every year more than they can afford with one deficit budget after another, always saying that this or that is necessary. By indulging them we simply acquire more power and control. It is called "ownership".

What are we to do, give them our own gold or assets in their borrowing process, and never see it again? 

That is one of the reasons why we have fiat money. It can be made out of nothing and we can make as much as your governments want, so long as they do not spend it on things against our interests or endeavours too far out of our control. 

Also, we do not simply "give" it to them or there would be hyperinflation all of the time and no confidence in any fiat currency. Rather we "lend" it to them such that if we ever called in all the loans it would bankrupt every government which has been borrowing for years from our banks. 

Furthermore, we are able to charge interest on what we lend, which usually sustains the value of our own holdings in compensation for the masses getting all of their free stuff, for so many generations and not paying us back for the exercise of our god-like powers in being able to create something out of nothing.


You have to realize that with the development of our central banking systems all over the world, and particularly through global development lending and our investments in places like China, the economy of the world has grown exponentially over the last 100 years. Presently, the US dollar cannot serve the global needs and is being phased out not with a whimper but with the bang of a mushroom cloud in the creation of unlimited trillions. 

For decades we tried to hide what is now called "the shadow economy" where we worked with the US Fed to create vast amounts of cash out of nothing, to facilitate both business and political interests particularly in developing and other irascible nations around the world. It made little difference to inflation, as the money seldom made it back to the US or to Europe and it usually came back to our banks anyway.

Since 9/11 when the loss of some of those trillions was being investigated, we have been more open as to the importance of always having enough money on hand to do whatever we want, and quite frankly even if we were to make the US dollar debt to us $70 trillion as you say, what we have found is that people around the world, despite complaining about our alleged abuses of power, still keep demanding the stuff. 

It is very similar to the heroin industry, which grew out of our venture in China in the 19th century during the opium trade, the more you produce the more people get addicted to the stuff. With our latest batch of 6 trillion, everyone holding dollars, wants their value to be retained, yet in places like China, India, and Russia what they complain about is the unfair power the US is able to wield around the world by being able to draw so much money from our banks and spend it the way they do, particularly on their military and as a political weapon to serve their interests and those of our families.

In this respect, these nations, fortunately, do not excessively complain against our families controlling the money supply, but rather they tend to focus on the various favored governments which appear to direct the government spending and allocations. 

They complain mainly against the US and for the most part just about every other nation in the world has agreed to take that power from the US, and allow our central banks to create a new world currency, and to be their banker. 

It will require, however, a central government to allocate the expenditures when the borrowing from us will be necessary, and of course to enforce trade with this currency on a global scale that central government will need independent military backing. 

For a good number of decades now the governments of over 190 nations have agreed with this direction and the necessity of there being a one-world government to ensure the necessary financial stability. They are all nations that are part of our web which either have a firmly established central bank in our control or are completely indebted to us for all of our loans from institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank.

The engineering of these new arrangements, which some refer to as the New World Order, however, could not be accomplished by fiat, like we create money. Various nations competing with one another for resources or territories, will not agree just to a global currency, or a global banking system akin to the US Fed, without a central global government for financial enforcement of trade and regulation, and even if they do not agree to a world government, quite frankly places like China and Russia will only continue to feel the abuse of our powers being exercised by favored nations like the US, the UK, and Israel.

Then apart from differences between the various governments who are in our direct or indirect control, there are the masses of ordinary people in the world who still believe they have a say in such affairs, which are in fact many steps removed from them. 

Such a world government that our families have envisioned will have to give them something in exchange for giving up their local and national controls over trade and commerce. In this respect, we have exercised our powers of creating hundreds of billions mainly of fiat-created dollars and "loans" to fund not only the UN but also all of its Agendas, to provide credible, urgent, and existential justifications for the necessity of a one-world government.

To supplant many of the alleged "sovereign" of nations particularly in the West, it has been necessary for us to be very generous allowing the borrowing and indebtedness to us to become virtually astronomical. 

As the governments of the nations have become subservient to us so also are the people of those nations. Whether our sustainability measures are actually necessary or not to cure the problems, like global warming or inequality, which issues our NGO's, government agencies, media, and corporate minions have developed and featured in their various campaigns, what really matters most to us is that there is some real substance to there being a one-world government. We need all the support we can garner through our efforts to convince people everywhere of the "necessity" of a one-world government.

Alternatively, if the people reject our proposal most of the governments in the West are at the mercy of us calling in our loans and bankrupting them, whereas the other nations in which we have less control are at our mercy and discretion of continuing in the present system with the dominance of the US and the very precarious US dollar which in any case has had its day, in our view.


Of course, the Covid pandemic is a plandemic, and we through our various think tanks and networks have meticulously planned it over decades. In order for all of the major changes we have planned, including the big one for us of our global bank and one-world currency, the people have to become totally subservient. 

This is much more difficult to achieve in nations where the people think they have a semblance of freedom, and that is why the governments in these nations have been so extreme with the fear and control tactics we have ordained. 

It has been mainly the economic independence of most of the common people which makes them so unruly in these nations, and likely apt to opt to support the sovereignty of their own nations and local control, which is the main obstacle to our plans, and precisely why the severe economic restraints have been necessary under the guise of the pandemic. If the people do not comply, undoubtedly a second wave will come their way, and with that food shortage, and complete government domination in order to usher in all of our proposed changes.

One of our most trusted agents who can see the light for a much brighter future, Karl Schwab of the World Economic Forum, has invited more people waking up to the facts of our virtually complete monetary control, to join in with the Great Reset, and to welcome in our New World Order, and our continued running the world, but on a much vaster, greener, smarter, more equal and more centrally-controlled scale, mainly by our families which have served you so well all throughout the 20th century until now.

First Comment from Tony B-

 Now we know the true reason, ever since WW2, for making the dollar the world currency.

Not mentioned by the writer is that money, real money, should ALWAYS be what is, in a sense (continued by this Rothschild) falsely labeled "fiat," which does not strictly mean "of no commercial value" but does mean "This is our money," which is the lawful and proper right of sovereign governments, NOT PRIVATE "BANKERS" (thieves of the worst order) such as the Rothschilds.  Real money is SPENT into circulation by those lawful governments, there to stay as a free benefit, a coupon of convenience, for the people's need to make exchanges, the only right purpose of money.

This obviously satanic engineered Rothschild threat over all the people of earth could be ended in one day by honest governments (if any were left) simply declaring all debt to the criminal "bankers," who have stolen the wealth of the world, as null and void, combined with arresting those satanists and either putting them to death for their centuries long crimes against humanity or imprisoning them for life in such a manner as there could be no escape.

Paul S writes:

I actually think it's very important to begin ignoring their "predictive programming" nonsense. The predictive programming is an essential "first" ingredient in the black magic spell -- without the predictive programming, the rest of the magic spell fails completely and they look like complete buffoons. 

There's a trope that's gone around social media for years about how "they have to tell you what they're going to do because God demands it, blah blah blah" .. it's total nonsense, God demands no such thing and they themselves are no respecters of God. In fact, that type of "excuse" and deception is very on-brand for their flavor of psychopathy. Maybe their Satanic "god" requires it as part of the magic spell, but not the real God.

I'm enclosing a picture of a U.S. Congressman during the recent Januaryist riots. They put that picture out there to harvest "sympathy" energy -- all black magic begins with sympathy as the first key ingredient, since all sympathy leads to Sympathy for the Devil, which in turns leads to self-annihilation, exactly what the famous song is trying to warn you against. If you've been following the "predictive programming" on CNN, then you look at this picture and "sympathize" with the Congressman and feel sorry, but if you haven't been "predictively programmed", you look at the picture and think that he's just a coward and a total moron, which is in fact the truth .. Magic is tricky business! If the magician loses the audience at any point, he ends up looking like a fool, which is exactly what is now happening in society en masse.

In old Slavic white magic, when some villager committed a heinous crime, they wouldn't just banish him, but they would consciously ignore him and go about their business pretending he was invisible and he wasn't even there. Eventually the perpetrator would end up banishing himself, and doing it in this way is much more humiliating and psychologically devastating to him then just physically throwing him out of the villages and telling him to not come back. Do the same to the Rothschilds! Just ignore them, "Sheltering in place" from the common cold with a 99.99999% survival rate is nothing but a nonsense machine at this point. It makes no sense at all to ppl who haven't been "predictively programmed".. Ignore it and regain your sanity.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Jacob Rothschild First Lifted the Veil in Sept. 2020 "

Patrick said (February 9, 2021):

PINDAR is the dark-occult cryptonym of Jacob Rothschild, sometimes nicknamed the Mafia Boss of the Earth Inc, but in any case the head of the Talmudic CHABAD and its B'nai B'rith branch that gives its daily orders to all the world's Luciferian-Freemasons, who are (whether knowingly or unknowingly) Satan's disciples on Earth. It is through the CHABAD and Luciferian-Freemasonry that the Zionists exercise so much worldwide power.

But the following might be a hoax given that PINDAR refers to KARL SCHWAB (not Klaus) and given that it contains two instances of the highly unusual term "likely apt", which actually means "likely likely". So why would he make so many errors?

Ken Adachi said (February 7, 2021):

Paul S was Way Ahead of the Curve in his assessment. Every human being with a soul has an infinite capacity to shape reality to his liking though Thought and Intention.Thought is the Fabricator of Reality, the very building block of consciousness.

As noted by Tony, the individuals who engage in this sordid conduct are weak (like Gates) by nature, while those who fight in the interest of Righteousness and Justice are motivated by a far greater power.

They NEED your cooperation and acquiescence to their Game, so they are always playing mind games to CONVINCE you (like this letter) that they are running the show. But they aren't. And the Low Life, helmeted morons in riot gear who the Elites are depending on to enforce their wicked and evil tyranny over innocent citizens are going to be in for a rude awakening when THEY are on the receiving end of their brutal tactics. It all boils down to Will, Thought and Intention. And guess who's in the Minority?

SA said (February 6, 2021):

I think this statement by Jacob R. has an issue:

"Rather we “lend” it to them such that if we ever called in all the loans it would bankrupt every government which has been borrowing for years from our banks."

The person who wrote this is under the impression that loans are normally given grace periods. This is not true. Default is the objective of the loans, and with it public sovereignty gradually goes to the banks - privatization. It is true that loans are sometimes extended, but even then governments would still be making all or most of their scheduled payments. Usage of the term "call in" in this context seems strange.

There are other issues in the post as well. This seems to be written by a hot-headed young person.


Thanks SA

We disagree.


PB said (February 6, 2021):

think you have been goofed by a prankster or masons from BC.
What kind of Rothschild would bother writing you an email?
Anyone familiar with the cabal and the plandemic and NWO ageda, plus good writing skills, could produce a piece like this.
My friend with trade school diploma could and does it for fun occasionally.
The Agenda 21/2030 poster you display is amateurish, lacks IoB == internet of bodies, for example.


You are naive.


Thomas C said (February 6, 2021):

Thanks, Dr. Makow, for sharing with us that coldly calculated arrogant warning from Jacob Rothschild, of that which I'm forwarding to all my friends in hope of instilling spirit of resistance against a most deadly form of tyranny.

Survival of freedom in the world will depend upon the people uniting against this cabal which for over the past 100 years have been imposing unnecessary war, implementing devious plan to maintain total monopoly on all power and wealth, and for planning selective genocide to allow their NWO demand for reduced be maintained at under 500 million perpetually in balance with nature.

I'm hoping that my friends and neighbors can be awakened to see the danger while also being assured that The Rothschilds are not gods, but rather are the most selfish form of deviants who deserve to be imprisoned for vindictively conspiring against all mankind.

test said (February 6, 2021):


Tony B said (February 5, 2021):

Now is the time of the biblical prediction of the devil reigning for three years near the end of time. In fact, these statements are a declaration that the war between the Virgin Mary and Satan (she has been very sorrowful for centuries because that war will likely lose millions of souls to Satan) is now in full progress, with the Rothschild cabal, as some of us have been saying for half a century, being the chief generals in the devil's army of myrmidons, composed of talmudic Jews/freemasons/just plain worshipers of Satan/and other hangers-on.

That satanic army now appears to run into millions but their motivation is selfish, not that of dedication, and therefore it is very weak against those who fight for righteousness. A clue to us all as to why so many true Christians call the Rosary of the Virgin the most powerful weapon on earth.

The Christian known fact that Mary WILL crush the devil's head, with her Immaculate heart triumphant, does not change the fact that millions upon millions, Christians, satanists, pagans all alike, will die in probably the bloodiest massacres of all time including the rivers of blood shed in the last century. Each one has the choice, right now, of changing his/her life in order to die for Mary and her Son, Jesus Christ, and live again, or to die as an eternal captive of Satan. There is no other choice. Playtime IS over.

Al Thompson said (February 5, 2021):

One thing to remember about Satanists, like the one who wrote this article, is that they always disclose how they are going to screw everyone and how they are going to do it. The people seem to like getting the shaft from the fractional banking system. I would look at this as a disclosure in the nature of the Protocols of Zion. They give out the plan, and us dummies lay down and take it. It's almost like we are saying: "Screw me some more, please!"

Mike Stone said (February 5, 2021):

Wow, Henry. Looks like you've got Satan's right-hand man sending you emails. Why not ask him for a million or two. That would be like ten bucks to you and me, maybe even less.

Have you emailed him back? I wonder if he's concerned at all about saving his soul. Imagine what a paradise the earth would be if he showed the rest of us a little compassion. Imagine what a feather in your cap it would be if you converted him.

JJ said (February 5, 2021):

This guy acts like he's under a heavy burden. But should anyone refuse his money, he certainly loves destroying them.

Phillip said (February 5, 2021):

In the last para Rothschild calls Schwab Karl and not Klaus as he is named all over the internet.
Is Karl the Western version of German Klaus do you think?

Rothschild (or whoever wrote this piece) ought to know.

JG said (December 11, 2020):

This is quite a fascinating article written by someone who possibly has inside intelligence on the future of the world economy.

From an international banker's point of perspective this essay makes a lot of sense. A world currency would be an end to nationalism in America and Europe which they have been working on for a long time. In case you haven't noticed nationalist leaders around the globe for years have been targeted and removed from office by any and all means including America. Today nationalists are dubbed by the MSM as fascists and dictators. As mentioned by JR here national sovereignty is getting in the way of their planned Global Order.

The COVID PSYOP so far has been proven to be an effective weapon against personal sovereignty, independent enterprise, and the moral of the Constitutional Republics of America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.

Who could have ever imagined these nations surrendering to these anonymous random orders so easily and with so little organized resistance.The bankers know that as long as the money keeps flowing so many of the people will put up with almost anything.

The war against COVID can't be won because you can't fight a phantom enemy who doesn't really exist. This game won't be over until they say it's over.

Leo said (September 2, 2020):

The author of this article states that their cabal isn't 'criminal'. Yet that's not true since the Federal Reserve is illegal according to the US Constitution.

First in Article VI it states: 'This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof...shall be the Supreme Law of the Land." Secondly in Article I Section 8 it asserts that the right to "coin money" is delegated to Congress, not to any private banking consortium (Federal Reserve). Thus the Federal Reserve is illegal for two reasons: (1) only Congress can issue money & (2) the Federal Reserve Act is a Law made not in the Pursuance of the Constitution, but contrary to it. Thus legally making it null & void, & those who orchestrated & instituted it as criminals.

JPW said (September 2, 2020):

A clever way of explaining what the Rothschilds have been planning, acting as if you are one of them.

I had thought of one day explaining what is going on here on earth by writing it from Lucifer's point of view...

Tony B said (September 1, 2020):

Interestingly, not mentioned here is that these same people, following Satan's agenda, after having completed their total power/control as mentioned, intend to murder 80% to 95% of the world's people.

Bill Gates and a few others such as Ted Turner have openly mentioned this in the euphoria/ignorance of their own futures under the satanic thumb of the Rothschild cabal. It's not too smart to put your faith in promises from the devil. He has a habit of honoring them for an extremely short period of time.

Gates being advertised as the world's richest man is the usual Rothschild cabal joke, they will put the onus on anyone other than themselves as they have collectively stolen practically all the world's wealth through their ultimate scam of debt at usury owned by them (instead of actual money) as enforced exchange mediums. Those given the honor of "the richest man" are invariably nothing but wilful gofers for the cabal, running their financial agendas as ordered.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at