The Banking System is Responsible for Our Enslavement
December 12, 2021

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December 12, 2021
EJ said (November 11, 2021):
And when we talk about “Jews” I am sure you understand we are talking about the Sabatian Frankist’s the true evil of the world since before the founding of our nation.
From my research, Israel was created by Sabatian Frankist’s, who have insinuated themselves world wide into governments, military, banking, religions, etc. with an agenda of world domination as is the basic goal of all the sociopaths and psychopaths running or trying to run the world.
They hold no allegiance to any faith, political party, nation, etc. The true "hidden hand" that is talked about. They work on theme of "donma" (to turn) meaning they are chameleon like in their conquests. Pretend to be Jew, Catholic, German, American, etc. and get and hold positions of power and authority to push their agenda.
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"Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce."
- James A. Garfield
BR said (November 11, 2021):
When you sign a mortgage you thus make a tradeable bond.
The banker is merely monetizing it.
The major scam is in neglecting to unwind this fiduciary upon repayment.
For a full discussion of the system.requirements and solution:
Taxation is a reflection on the vitality of society, thus anchors the currency.
BTW: sub-micron biology is a mega-scam.
Doug P said (August 23, 2021):
The key aspect of money is that it can be valued based on a promise or an inherent substantive value, such as gold. Fiat currency is not corrupt if it is backed with a valid promise. Our currency has no inherent value, it does not have substantive value and it has no promissory value. Given that, it is not actually money. People in the monetary reform movement call it "war script" and that is what people who live in concentration camps use. We live in a giant concentration camp and we are ruled by the war powers act which has never been repealed.
The money system gives rise to the income tax as an inflation remedy. They print it off and lend it to their friends then take it from you to control inflation. The people who take your income tax have no obligation to you and you owe them nothing. This common law of obligation makes the income tax unlawful.
The monetary system that we have would be worthless to the suicidal Luciferian death cult if they were not able to collect the income tax. If everyone stopped paying income tax the whole house of cards would collapse. We fight wars to put our private banks above the foreign governments so that the income tax can be collected from the people. It's all about the income tax. There is nothing inherently corrupt about the standard practice of fractional reserve banking as done today. The problem is that there is no money and no obligation on the part of the banks to the country or its citizenry.
AL said (August 23, 2021):
Real money has always been silver and gold. They say "money doesn't grow on trees" but it does because paper fiat currency is made out of trees.
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars - page 10:
[...War is therefore the balancing of the system by killing the true creditors (the public which we have taught to exchange true value for inflated currency) and falling back on whatever is left of the resources of nature and regeneration of those resources. Mr. Rothschild had discovered that currency gave him the power to rearrange the economic structure to his own advantage, to shift economic inductance to those economic positions, which would encourage the greatest economic instability and oscillation....]
I can sum up Fractional-reserve banking better than any college professor at Harvard in just 13 words -
Lending shit that you don't have to people that don't get the money !
Robert K said (July 29, 2018):
In fact many central banks are already “nationalized†(e.g. Bank of Canada, Bank of England), which doesn’t improve the relationship of citizens to the financial powers a bit. The problem is centralized control of finance, and the way to fix it is through effective decentralization. Fortunately, the nature of money readily lends it to decentralization. If every citizen was issued the equivalent of an SRC card—the credit card that magically provides new arrivals with all the necessities of life, and more—with a monthly spending limit, the monopoly of the Money Creators would be broken.
I doubt these central banks have been truly nationalized in a way that excludes private ownership and control.
I extrapolate this from the way these countries are run.
Robert replies:
My response: Can you give any examples of public ownership that do not involve financial corruption and political interference? "Nationalization" is like an incantation of faith in the purity of public officials, but where has it elicited the angelic behavior that would warrant such confidence? The problem is centralization of control over policy, which characterizes both finance capitalism and socialism. Indeed the Marxist theory is that the former is a necessary precursor of the latter--so public ownership (socialism) is actually an evolutionary step up from international corporatism toward even more absolute control outside the influence of the citizenry.
Why not issue new money directly to the population as individuals and allow their decision-making (which would tend through the exercise of genuine power to become much more mature than the infantilism currently being fostered) to determine the shape of things? This would be economic democracy.
Ken Adachi said (July 29, 2018):
Glad to see you're covering this one. You've explained it accurately enough, but you are both resigned to capitulation without ever firing a shot. That's not the way to win a war.
A) You don't NEED a bank account. If you must, use a credit union, but NEVER a bank. The way you defeat banks is the same way you defeat Google or Facebook or Youtube: STOP USING THEM. Take your business elsewhere. And send them a letter with a fake name and tell them why you're encouraging all of your relatives and friends to get out of banking for the same reason that YOU got out. Banks in the US now consider your money to be THEIR money because they now view you as an INVESTOR in their bank. And when they need their 'investor's money" to act as a bail-in safety net for THEIR investment folly, they will take YOUR money because YOU were dumb enough to put it in THEIR hands in the first place. (Yes, I know. But Federal Deposit insurance will RUN out long before a tiny fraction of depositors get their money if a bunch of banks pull a bail-in)
Got lots of money? Buy property or fine collectibles that NEVER lose value (E.g. fine musical instruments). Or put your money in the RIGHT foreign bank who won't sell you out. Or get together with other wealthy relatives of YOUR clan, pool your assets, and start your own Family Foundation, much as the Rockefellers did it, and become family bankers to YOUR clan...
I know, they're TRYING to engender a cashless society, but we haven't arrived there yet, and if enough people wake up and TAKE ACTION, litigious and otherwise, to create problems for those companies who try to force you to use only plastic, then we may NEVER arrive at the Wonderful Cashless Society. It all depends on a willingness to FIGHT.
The human soul has an INFINITE capacity to CREATE and work around any obstacle placed in its path. It just takes DETERMINATION and WILL to overcome the evildoers and their enslavement games. It's not that hard. THINK and be free.
John said (July 28, 2018):
Purchase some bullion with the fiat magick money that you have acquired or buy other real assets. Do not recommend safety deposit boxes either since possession is 9/10 of the law even though the items belong to you they can be stolen.
Recently, read where a safety deposit box went missing from a banking establishment, now how does that happen, an inside job? Gold maintains a store of value energy, labor, and time. China, Russia, and other countries are buying tons of gold. Allocate metals it perseveres purchasing power, loses about 3% when buying physical bullion. The citizen must balance its checkbook whereas the government creates huge amounts of debt complete opposite.
Reserve status allows the US Ponzi scheme to go on until the spigot is cut off until then print into infinity. Negative interest rates are another way they steal more of your earnings besides IRS taxes.
David C said (July 28, 2018):
The control of our money is at the root of all evil. It's as though we are still controlled by the "company store", which most people work for if they are "wage slaves", since the international bankers own virtually everything, directly or indirectly. Most people barely have enough money to buy the things they need to survive, living from paycheck to paycheck, enslaved to the system. The problem with Ken Adachi's solution is that the intentional bankers still create and control the money, even if we use a credit union, or start an independent cooperative bank. Soon we'll have a digital currency like "Bitcoin", gradually replacing cash. We have been indoctrinated to believe we need money for our society to function, but money isn't necessary for us to live happy, productive lives. The solution is to live a self-sufficient lifestyle, growing all our food and medicine, and bartering for what we can't produce ourselves. If everybody became self-sufficient farmers, or worked on cooperative farms, and locally based guilds established to produce all the manufactured goods we need, that would free us from the money prison we were born into. Living off grid is imperative too, because the banksters control the energy resources (gas and electric) and water that supplies our homes. Atmospheric water generators and rain water could supply all our water needs, while compost heating could be used for heating the air and water in our homes, which is what uses most of the energy. Power can be produced by solar (passive and active), wind turbines, or water if you live near a river or stream. Battery banks to store solar energy are being developed, and there are solar powered generators available.
Biofuel from renewable resources like cannabis can be used too. Camelina sativa, a relatively unknown plant, provides oil with excellent "cracking" properties and has been used for 50% of jet fuel in high-tech military jets, and it could be used to supply half of all aviation fuel, but it's suppressed. Camelina is also an excellent food source, rivaling cannabis hemp for nutritional value, supplying all essential amino acids, and high in omega-3 essential fatty acids. Unlike cannabis, camelina can be stored for years without refrigeration. There are many sustainable technologies being developed, which can be used to sustain our world in the future, but they are being deliberately suppressed, forcing us to use less efficient, polluting technologies instead. The Hindenburg (German airship of early 20th century) disaster was staged, to prevent us from using lighter than air vehicles for travel, which would have saved a huge amount of fuel. Hydrogen is used by the military for lighter than air vehicles of many kinds, and I suspect many of the so-called "anti-gravity" UFO sightings are actually using hydrogen for buoyancy. The Hindenburg had an auxiliary engine that used hydrogen for fuel, so as hydrogen was bled off to lower altitude, it could also be used as a fuel.
We should all have mini-Hindenburgs in our garages, allowing us to float up into the sky, then travel as the crow flies towards our destinations, preventing congestion on the ground, and saving huge amounts of fuel. My uncle said taking a balloon ride was one of the best experiences of his life, and told me I must try it before I die - I will. The future world could look very different than what we have now, if we all become self-sufficient, and work together cooperatively with Love to heal the earth, and each other. We have to keep dreaming and become self-sufficient for food, medicine, energy, and manufactured goods, otherwise, the international bankers will continue controlling and destroying our world. The earth is rapidly being destroyed by their greed, and we are being led into an Orwellian nightmare of a world, but it isn't too late to change the course we're on. We can still heal our miraculously beautiful world, which our Creator made for us to live in.
Marc W said (July 28, 2018):
Henry - many want to see a silver lining in Trump, particularly the self-professing Christian who is deceived into actually believing Trump has something to do with Jesus Christ and His coming kingdom. His kingdom is not of this world. The western politicized Christian is totally distracted from the clear clarion call of Christ in His 15 commands in Matthew 5-7 by the demonic ploy on His nemesis. They sent Reagan, W, and Trump to DC to protect their wealth by killing their enemies and pimping their children and grandchildren into “the American way.â€
Things are right on schedule for God the Father as He uses the NWO like He did the Babylonians and Assyrians thousands of years ago for the final triumph over the evil of Satan’s world. The relentless advance of transhumanism, the worldwide black market for DNA of the nephalim, the $1 billion dollar construction of a USA “embassy†on 150 acres on the banks of the Tigris in Baghdad probably as a portal to the evil spirit world, the AI revolution, etc. all point to the culmination of the ages. For those very few who completely trust Christ for their deliverance into eternal life vs. only cherry picking His teachings when convenient, the handwriting is on the wall.
Things are looking up, in our opinion here at only for those who are praying to escape all these things that are about to come upon the world as Jesus prophesied. Come quickly dear Lord!
Thomas B said (July 28, 2018):
A small addition to the excellent article on the central banks:
The central banks have an alleged and true position in the system.
The alleged position: establishment of the sovereign state to regulate the money supply and control of commercial banks.
The real attitude: to set up commercial banks (among other things or above all) to mask THEIR all-dominant position.
There is a publication that was banned here in Germany because in this work the invisible power "the indebtedness of the states" was precisely explained on over 600 pages with color illustrations and quotations and footnotes among others also by you and personalities like Father Denis Fahey and many others.
I quote Father Denis Fahey because even then it prophesied the present state of affairs:
Or Father Denis Fahey, 1944: If the manipulators of money take control of the government of the state, the government will no longer be able to persuade bankers and money lenders to practice the virtue of social justice, that is, justice that has the common good as its goal, and the welfare of the whole nation will suffer bitterly. Usury and (arbitrary) changes in price levels will then go unpunished, and true sovereignty in the state will inevitably pass into the hands of money manipulators. The next stage will be to bring international sovereignty under the rule of some international organization that is subject to money. Thus the present anti-Christian and unnatural reversal of order, which lies in the subordination of human persons to the production of material goods and in the subordination of the production and distribution of material goods to money, will become perpetual and worldwide. (see Michael Collins Pieper The New Babylon).
Gordon W said (March 22, 2018):
further to the item atop your website, today ... the very best explanation of the currency racket, simplified, is : as told by George Gordon, in his monologue "the Check Story"
he tells about having met A J Porth - the original tax protester in modern times / after WW 2 - and what Porth taught him about what really goes on the "money" of the US of A.
there are 8 hours of listening to old Georgie in his inimitable style ... worth it for the wisdom I have not found anywhere else, as I wended my way through the DeTax minefield, since 1998
one of these days I'll be putting this out rendered to text, as a pamphlet
Al Thompson said (March 22, 2018):
The banking system is indeed a slave system. I call the dollar: "Communist Jew Notes" or CJNs. The easy version on how the banking system works goes like this: The central banks pull as much money they want out of their butts and then put it into the economy. The CJNs (Federal Reserve Notes) are debts as the people must pay interest on the phony debt. That interest is paid by the income tax which can get over 50% of a man's earnings. The government spends as much as it wants because they know the banks will back them up. This is a perfect example of the horrible effects of usury and that should be abolished along with the central banking system. In fact, here in CommieFornia, the constitution of California of 1849 says the following:
Sec. 34. The Legislature shall have no power to pass any act
granting any charter for banking purposes; but associations
may be formed, under general laws, for the deposite of gold
and silver, but no such association shall make, issue, or put
in circulation, any bill, check, ticket, certificate, promissory
note, or other paper, or the paper of any bank, to circulate as
Sec.35. The Legislature of this State shall prohibit, by law,
any person or persons, association, company, or corporation,
from exercising the privileges of banking, or creating paper
to circulate as money.
Technically, banking as we know it today, is not legal or lawful because the original constitution of California was never repealed. Other constitutions followed: 1878 and 1966.
So the central banking system is in fact, perpetual slavery. And it is difficult to get ahead when over 50% of a man's income goes to pay for this nonsense. Central banking, income tax, and usury should be abolished.
MA said (March 22, 2018):
It all goes back to that evil root money. It's just arbitrary numbers that people put a value on. But it has no value, the goods and services are the value. We could appropriate value to grass and have it in abundance if we wanted. But I'm no utopian socialist, I just want a world where evil is forced to hide, not goodness. In our current system, all that is good has been forced into the closet.
And this will never change as it is today... You cannot even have a profound conversation with people anymore, everything has to be light-hearted, a joke, funny, happy... I share your sentiment in regards to being honest despite the bleakness we face. If people can't handle it, they are weak - they need to grow stronger and fast. When the endgame reaches fruition and their daughters are being sold to the highest bidder among the snake brotherhood or used by fanatical revolutionaries, their fear of "negativity" will be the last of their worries.
I'm sorry for writing that, but its the truth. There is nothing light-hearted about it.
As for money, I have none anymore, therefore my power in this world has hit rock bottom. But in the words of the late William Cooper, "Someone who stands for something he is willing to die for is always stronger than someone working for a paycheck." (paraphrased)
We have passion, honor, integrity and a love for beauty and freedom on our side still - we still have our minds... for now. When they push the brain chip that will replace smart technology, it's truly over because we will be forced to think collectively with all the other slaves and become plugged into our servitude... mind, body and soul.
I also share your view on the bank-teller observation. I can't even get a job serving coffee these days or washing dishes. I joke sometimes that if I dyed my hair purple, and called myself a strong African American woman as I walked into a job interview they'd hire me at the drop of a hat.
Many companies have an image to uphold and in our changing world, I am a pariah.
Worldly people who are the benefactors in this dark age have the ability to sniff out anyone who is not under hypnosis, even if the awake pretend they are asleep.
Call me paranoid with this analysis, but I have observed it for years - it's essentially experimental probability now and the dice keeps rolling the same number. These people are Satan's own and can tell who is not part of their flock.
MA adds: But you know what really sucks... Being 26 years old and knowing all this, and having to look forward to seeing the century of change in full... and never finding anyone young or old out there who even cares or can conceptualize that such an evil exists despite it being in our faces constantly.
This could all end in a day if people would just stop consenting to it. But that can't happen if we can't even talk about it openly, we have been forced to the last uncontrolled corners of the internet to speak freely.
Anyways, at least you are still up and running.
But God forbid the day when you and others like you leave this world - can you think of one young person who operates anything similar to your content who would take the torch? As the older generations pass and the last memories of healthy society goes with them, it'll be a new dark age.
RR said (March 22, 2018):
As you rightly point out in Power Grid - Electrical Current metaphor, money is being viewed as power nowadays but when it is viewed as eternal wealth the Power Grid crumbles down into dust.
Eternal wealth is not what we have but what we give out of what God, The Almighty has given us to those who deserve it. From what was reported from the greatest man to have lived on this earth, Muhammad, may God, The Almighty bless him and grant him peace, the poorest person in Paradise will have ten times what the earth and heaven contain. So, let Rothchilds and his minions own every material thing.
Among all human beings, no one has any clue what the soul is and no one can own it as it comes from God, The Almighty and to Him it will return. He will reward the good souls with Paradise and purify the bad ones in Hellfire. So, let the Power Grid have my bank account as I will carry only my eternal bank account after I die.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Jerry said (November 12, 2021):
Just a thought after your last post.
Why does a politician become a politician,,money
Why does lawyer become a
Why does a doctor become a
Why does a business man become a business
Why do drug dealers sell
Why do we all go to
Money, money, is an addiction
Money is the root of all evil, and evil controls us for the time being, we are waking up from a long sleep, I do not trust anybody but God.