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Finding a Wholesome Refuge in China

March 2, 2010

"Casual sex is a concept that literally does not exist here."

by David Richards


(David is a 22-year old Brit teaching English in China. He authored "Porn--Drugged, Bruised Prostitutes"    for this site.)

I left University last summer to a bleak future. I was living in a war zone; the elite were systematically dismantling the economy. People around me were lost in entertainment reducing conversation to 'twitter-ing.'  Chemtrails laced the sky of my hometown in the UK.

Living in a war zone isn't what hurt; it was that no one else could see it.

So I decided to move to China. I didn't choose one of the futuristic metropolis, rather a city in the North known for it's freezing winters appealed to me because it is '20 years behind the South.' Perhaps there I could find a chance for reflection.

What hit me upon arrival was the incredible vibrancy here. People sing in the streets; men play board games on corners, children run in roads. In Britain it felt like a blanket had been put over the country, stifling and suffocating the population.

As I settled in, my brain unwound. I slowly realized that British people are under the most sophisticated and complete form of psychological terrorism waged in history. An informational atom bomb is dropped every day, dizzying us with mindless trivia, sensationalism and political farce. We are ordered how to act and think down to the smallest detail, manufacturing all-consuming feelings of paranoia and worthlessness. When securely locked into this state of paralysis, our society is easily altered around us.


This is why China is a far less controlled country than Britain; the Chinese consume a weaker quality and quantity of propaganda everyday. They are controlled by force, we by psychology. They get a boot to the face, we exist in a restless, surrealistic dream. Which is most cruel?

The Chinese are grounded by their family. The men and women perform the traditional parental roles that every child innately desires, with wider family living close by and creating a strong web of support. In a land known for destructive social upheavals, having a strong family is necessary for survival.

Unlike the UK, the people here are not obsessed with sex. There is constant social interaction, a level of connectedness that reduces it to a small part of life. Many of my students are older than me but mentioning sex to them would be terribly embarrassing. Saying 'kiss' would entice nervous laughs, even from the boys.

One teacher from the US went clubbing expecting a one-night stand as a birthright. Drunk and blaring, 'the white monkey is king,' he was shocked to realize that his come-ons were terrifying girls. Casual sex is a concept that literally does not exist here.


Girls are not programmed to be promiscuous, instead they're told; you are beautiful at 20, less at 30 and not when you're 40. So fall in love with a man who will take care of you for life; it is imperative for a happy future. Playing sexual games with boys is simply reckless. When their body clock runs down in their 30's, single English women will slowly realize that they've been conned and have a potentially grim future for the next 50 years (if they don't die of liver failure much sooner). Chinese girls are in a stable family.

Young fathers in parks seem content pushing their kid on a swing. They gain social approval by providing a good future for their family rather than heavy drinking and notches on the bedpost.

The culture industry promotes family values. MTV China airs songs about respecting your mother, being kind to your friends and romance. Tellingly, the only place where traditional gender roles are undermined are on comedy programs, where sketches of dominating wives bullying their husbands induce howls of laughter from the audience.

Porn is illegal. Many of the foreigners are outraged, but I tell them creating sexual deviancy in the minds of men breaks up families. Legalizing pornography would mean social chaos in a country of 1.3 billion people fighting to make ends meet.

Young people are not taught to ignore family and embrace their true 'uninhibited free will', rather it is understood that the folly of youth is potentially reckless and guidance is needed from elders with a lifetime of experience. This is enforced with violent expressions of love. Children are rarely beaten in England. It often comes with the absence of any human touch.

The youth even have a healthier social life among themselves than in Britain. They meet as couples or small groups and have long drawn out conversations over tea or dinner. In England you have to be drunk and babbling like an idiot to get your social fix.


However, there are signs that the social fabric is beginning to tear. An elderly man complained to me that the younger generations are becoming dismissive of their parents and some are refusing to support them in old age. I asked why and he told me that both parents work long hours and are tired so they increasingly view TV as the perfect babysitter. He saw a truth long forgotten in the west; TV makes us strangers.

Many of the youth are addicted to their computers and are entering deeper and deeper recesses of escapism. The only thing that grounds them is strong family interaction, without which they would be living in a total fantasy world like the friends I left behind.

You know dark side of Chinese life. I have spoken of what makes life here more functional than the West. China is the model state of the NWO and is planned to be the driving economic and military force in the world. For this to work, the culture creators sell functionality. To aid our destruction, we in the West are seduced with commodity deviance.

So from this strange arctic city, where I have been exiled by stealth, I can now see clearly what is happening at home; a devastating cultural war. Do I feel angry at the treatment of my people? I can't say deep down that I do. They are not my people. I have no people. The social engineers destroyed any glue that would have bound us together. They have made nomads of us all.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Finding a Wholesome Refuge in China"

Mark said (March 3, 2010):

Henry- I just read the article which you posted, “ Finding a Wholesome Refuge in China.” I am staggered by the resonant feelings this letter brought up in me. The words just jumped off the screen, it is so true. Like the young author, many years ago, ( I am 59) I too once felt dangerously isolated and my life devoid of meaning. I had all the requisite things that the consumer society said were supposed to make me happy: a good job, a nice car, spending money, etc., but I was nowhere. I foresaw all my days as a 50-year progression of sex, beer, TV and hot meals in front of me. It was my worst nightmnare. So I took action and left the US. I spent my late twenties and early thirties living and working in different cultures where I did a lot of observing people first hand. I lived in Western Europe, but I also traveled and spent time among totalitarian or dysfunctional governments, among massive economic problems, grinding poverty- things I would definitely not want to put up with here. But I also saw things that made me wonder about my own culture, and I came to the conclusion that Americans are not a very happy people. Of course, here and there you can find a satisfied person, but as a collective we are a pretty miserable lot. Just look at the drugs, violence, road rage, alcohol, divorce rate, etc…

I am an instructor in a community college in Masachusetts and I see it in our student population. So many of these kids are massively alienated, psychologically fragmented, screwed up on antidepressants, street drugs. (I was at the first Woodstock and let me tell you, that was amateur night compared to the drinking and drug use that goes on among today’s youth.) And the number of kids in therapy is surprising. I am not just talking about introverted kids with a few self-esteem issues, but also physically fit, attractive, stylish, intelligent young people from nice homes. Psychological wrecks. The faculty has so many problems with students who are drugged, violent, edgy that we have workshops and protocols to deal with student dysfunctionality…I get the feeling that we are in line for one of them to come in with an automatic weapon and start blasting away some day. On the other hand, the kids from immigrant families, in spite of the upheaval in their lives, social prejudice against them, separation from families, living in neighborhoods that you wouldn’t drive through, the subsistence level jobs they go to after school -seem on the whole more psychologically healthy. So what is going on?

Peter said (March 3, 2010):

I am a 50 year old Thai.

I read the article, "Finding a Wholesome Refuge in China", with great interest. You see, this article is so illuminating to me for so many reasons.

First, I am an 8th generation Chinese descent from my Mother side, a Chinese-Filipino
family made good in the Philippines whose descendants became successful industrialists,
many of whom were educated here in the United States. My Grandfather even harboured an
American US Army Air Corps pilot who was shut down during the Japanese war. Had he been
discovered by the Japanese, our family could had been executed for this. My Grandfather came
to the US in the 1930s and received his MBA from the University of Chicago, and returned to the
Philippines just before the War. He became a monopolist and a founder of the Pan Oriental Match, a company that produced striking matches and led pencils. The company is no longer in our family after my Grandparents died. My Mother is educated at the University of Madrid, and later at the Columbia University in New York State. She married my Father, a Thai military cadet, and returned to Thailand. He was a trained West Pointer, and later toward the end do his career became the Royal Thai Army Deputy Chief of Staff. He is General Pichitr Kullavanijaya. Today he is one of 15 Privy Counselor to His Majesty the King. I have been living in the United States since 1974. The Thai Culture tolerates reckless sexual behaviours that continues to devastate the Thai people and nation, no secret there. The brokenness of my family is a result of my father's behaviours.

Secondly, I have a 39 years old Chinese girlfriend. I have been seeing her for the past 2 years. She is returning to China on March 22nd. After having read this article, I understand her so much more. She always says that she is an old woman, and no one wants her in China despite the fact that she is very attractive, and teaches Physics at the high school level for a living. She is no dummy. Her gentleness, and decency is so very different from all the American women that I had encountered. Traditional values,
sense of duty and obligation to her family, reputation, and the gentle ways in which she treats people impress me the most. I hope that one day she will consent to being married to me so that we can share the rest of our lives together. I kept telling her that 39 years old is not old, but I suppose by the Chinese standard young women are taught to think differently. Although we are both Asians, I am an American Asian. She brought me back to my traditional Asian values that I grew up with until I came to America.

Doctor Makow, thank you for posting this article. It is outstanding. I appreciate the many relevant and interesting articles that you post.

Anne said (March 3, 2010):

Aldous Huxley did not "predict" anything. He was not a prophet. The social engineers at Tavistock had hardcore porn on the drawing board way back when, introducing the concept slowly and slyly. When the hardcore porn tsunami drowned the masses, they were already halfway under water. Huxley was one of the early insider PR agents for the Illuminati.

The hardcore porn industry is a multi billion dollar enterprise for the Zionists who run the peep show today.

I personally know someone who is addicted to porn in all its grotesque forms, and who participated in hardcore porn movies made in the porn capital of US - Van Nuys, California. At age sixty he still is a hardcore addict with an entire adult life void of love and close relationships. Another sacrifice on the altar of Lucifer and a brilliant mind wasted as intended.

Derrick said (March 3, 2010):

Henry, I want to tell you how much I enjoyed David's article from China because it really rung a bell in my life and experience.

In 1977 my wife and I left the US for Europe; knowing what we wanted but not knowing where we could find it. We made friends with a retired American missionary who'd worked twenty years in Algeria and was now living in the south of France. He once told us, "France is 20 years behind the States." We said, "Then that just gives us time to raise a family!"

That is what we did. We dug in, learned the language and stayed. It hasn't always been easy street but the odd trip "back home" reminds us of why we came -- more than ever. We now have seven children (oldest 31, youngest 10) and a family business I started almost 20 years ago. Three of our children are now married and so we're starting to get grandchildren (six so far).

We have tried to raise our children in a moral environment. We had a black & white TV set for a few years (given to us) till we threw it out, disgusted at how little we decided we could watch and not wanting any of it for our children. Getting rid of the TV was a key move.

David said (March 3, 2010):

For a fuller sitrep re China you may want to have a look at these sites:

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at