HBO's "Girls" Normalizes Ugliness, Sickness
January 28, 2017

The Illuminati (Cabalist) Jews who run Hollywood have found another
weapon in their war on humanity. It is a "comedy" that details the squalid sex lives of 20-something girls who are feminist roadkill, (i.e. victims of feminist ideology.)
"Girls," which won "Best Comedy" at the Golden Globe Awards in 2013, is spreading worldwide like a virus. Its writer, producer and star, Lena Dunham, 30, who won "Best Actress," has used her wit and chutzpah to market her dysfunctional life as emblematic of her generation.
While most people squirm at the many nauseous sex scenes and the general vacuity of these girls, many in the worldwide audience will miss the intended irony. They will accept Dunham as a role model.
Lena Dunham is rich ( worth $12 million) and famous. How bad could her lifestyle be?

The Illuminati reward their Illuminati Jewish "change agents" with book contracts. This is where Obama made his millions. Dunham got a $3.7 million advance from Random House for a proposal for an advice book based on her personal history of psychotherapy, anorexia, child molestation (her younger sister), promiscuity and feminist indoctrination.
She can be compared with Betty Friedan (The Feminine Mystique), Helen Gurley Brown (Sex and the Single Girl), Eve Ensler (The Vagina Monologues) and Darren Starr ( Sex in the City.) (Interesting that Obama's mother's Jewish father was also a Dunham.)
The Illuminati "Culture Division" use these people to normalize the perverse and ugly. It's all part of humanity's induction into their satanic cult -- Jewish Cabalism-- which reverses good and evil, making sick seem healthy.
What do women really want? They want emotional and material security. They want love, commitment, marriage and children. But feminism has taught them to seek careers instead, (because marriage and family are "oppressive.")
Young women today are dysfunctional because their minds are at war with their natural instincts.
In the bad old days, men had to court and marry a woman to get sex. He had to love her. Now, thanks to feminism, women give their bodies first and hope someone eventually will love them afterward. Feminists call this "empowerment."
Lena Dunham's generation is a mess because women aren't equipped to compete in the rat race and be wives and mothers too. Their instincts are telling them one thing, and society another. They have been deliberately sabotaged.
(It's a question of priority. Someone has to make family number one. That doesn't mean women shouldn't have careers. And of course, not all women want families.)
In a healthy society, a train wreck like Lena Dunham would be a painful embarrassment. But in a satanically possessed society, she is the new normal.

Her boyfriend treats her like dirt but she regards sex as a facsimile for love. She'll have sex with anyone who will have her. In general, the "girls" and their male friends seem unable to communicate without using the coinage of copulation.
Lena gets a STD from the loser and has a vaginal exam. Meanwhile her friend is having an abortion but miscarries while having sex with a pick up.
Lena has a job interview but sabotages her chances by making an offensive wisecrack. And on it goes, copious animal coupling with a catalog of relationship permutations, female neuroses and toilet accidents.
Now see how they make this seem chic. (Season Six Trailer)
We are supposed to love this spectacle for the quips. The girls talk like they are in an English Lit seminar but the dialogue is often quite good: "Bisexuals and Germans are the only people you are allowed to hate these days." "You said I made you feel like a giant clit." "My boyfriend is so respectful, he is beginning to feel like a weird uncle."

A lot of the credit should go to Jennifer Konner, an experienced writer and story editor. I only wish she and Dunham could devote their talents to presenting a positive model. Instead of sentimentalizing the problem, I'd like to see them analyze and solve it. But then the show would be canceled.
In the 1950's, TV presented functional families and positive role models.
Today, TV is a cesspool of obscenity and soft core porn; zombies, vampires and the occult; Armageddon, violence and gore, all designed to degrade humanity and normalize the sick and ugly.
Related- Freaky Lena Denham Deletes Creep Message about Daddy Trump
Makow - The Devil & the Jews
---------- Humanity is Satanically Possessed
-------------- Hanna Rosin's Stealth Lesbian Agenda
--------------Liberal Jews, Sex & the New Satanic Order
Brendon O'Connell said (January 29, 2017):
Hi Henry, my sister would complain about The Simpson's as malicious mind control. I laughed, but now I see it.
I remember the extremely positive, extremely funny and we'll written "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." The clash of modern America with a traditional culture. My fave line as mother instructs daughter on her traditional marriage role, "Daughter, the man is the head of the family, but the woman is the neck and we point him in the right direction." A woman's power comes from her feminine balancing role and ability to see "the big picture" and sense of invisible connections the man might miss with his harsh solar light.
The Rabbinate complained that they too needed an equivalent dramatised version of traditional Jewish life. They came up with a rather crass, sex scened, dark version. Surprised?
It's name escapes me. And rightly so.