"Inside Job" : The US is a Kleptocracy
October 22, 2012

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October 22, 2012
Peter said (October 23, 2012):
Imagine if you will how much of a chore it must be for the owners of power in America to give the public these bawbles and distractions to think about.
How much work must it be?
Recently i have seen the videos of Ed Chiarini aka DallasGoldBug and have been amazed at the wholesale newsfraud on tv engulfing the minds of the Americans and the world via staged news stories like the Gabrielle Giffords shooting and the Aurora movie massacre all of it ENTIRELY FAKE. While this is going on we seldom bear witness to the wholesale theft of all wealth from the economy which is the focus of this story. Surely the frame of public perception must gain some traction in reality soon.
re GG
Craig said (October 23, 2012):
No comment, just want to say this is a beautiful article. Unfortunately, I've watched people around me submerged in a weird phenomenon of long term memory loss - It's as if their memory erases every six months, and it's getting shorter.
I watched Romney and Obama lie their asses off with their bare faces hanging out for two hours tonight.
To those who still retain enough brain cells to knock together to read this article with comprehension, I salute you. These days it's not quantity that matters, it's quality;
I also recommend a follow up to "Inside Job".
(note- Enron was the 'largest US bankruptcy BEFORE 2008. It was dwarfed by what's gone down since.
People should have taken the hint back in 2002. )
Marcos said (October 22, 2012):
In any modern country, banks can't force you to sign a contract for financing a new car. Banks can't make you get a loan against your will.
However, governments can put you in jail if you don't pay taxes, or can just charge you taxes when you buy rice and beans.
Take a look at the statistics: all the major countries in the world suffer from huge internal debt. Public debt is the way banks use governments to force you into borrowing money and enslaving you and your descendants forever. It is the same old plan the Rothschilds use since the 18th century, when they financed wars and bankrupted kings.
No government should be allowed to spend more than what it can raise in taxes. A simple measure like that would solve 90% of our economic woes.
Robert said (October 22, 2012):
"As long as the sheep want to be wolves, and hope to escape or profit personally, this pattern will continue."
The first stage of the plan to dominate the population has long been to substitute pursuit of money for faith in God,
with its concomitant devotion to the well-being of all people. The primacy of pursuing money is inculcated in
children in school, which is viewed not as training in independent, critical thinking but rather as preparation for
social compliance and getting a "job".
Unlike those who have bought into venality, people who rigorously apply a God-standard on their lives are inherently
intractable vis-Ã -vis the temporal authorities who are empowered to manage large pools of money. Being poor
candidates for cooperation with central planning, they are slated for either re-education or extinction.
Deadeye Dick said (October 22, 2012):
Overall, a very good article and an important film.
You say the "fiscal cliff" wasn't discussed in the debates. This
isn't exactly true – the 3 debates have featured a number of
questions about the fate of Social Security, Medicare and other
programs (with VP moderator Martha Raddatz prefacing a question with "Both Medicare and Social Security are going broke." This is false: http://www.policyshop.net/home/2012/10/12/no-martha-raddatz-
There are a few issues going on here:
1. The "fiscal cliff" is very much on the agenda, but since both
parties agree to sacrifice working Americans to the banks, it's not
going to be brought to their attention. Proposals have ranged from the savage (Ron Paul) to the sell-out (Obama) There have been "illuminati" feature films like "IOUSA" warming up certain segments of the population to this topic. But the masses get Honey Boo Boo and the NFL so they don't ask the wrong questions (ie "why are you taking away my tax deductions and retirement but continuing to pay AIG?")
2. The time for action is the congressional "lame duck session" in
late December, a popular time for unpopular legislation. People
should get involved in the United Front Against Austerity
(againstausterity.org), which is at the moment the only group
organizing to stop this from happening.
3. As you rightly say, this debt owed to Wall Street is an
illusion, and can be canceled, shredded and restored to the
Treasury's balance sheet. In the same way, the FDIC has the
Constitutional power to seize the assets of a huge bank like
JPMorgan Chase, run them through bankruptcy, remove derivatives from their balance sheet and re-sell their real assets in an auction.
The only real threats are from hit teams taking out politicians and
technical experts, but even that won't be enough if there's
sufficient public awareness and pressure.
What we need (the other focus of the UFAA) is public mobilization
behind a focused set of economic reforms, in the spirit of the New Deal. These would include: Nationalization of the Federal Reserve System; Free and cheap credit for industry, infrastructure and agriculture; Cancellation of TARP and re-regulation of the financial system (Glass Steagall; Protections for industry and agriculture (tariff, higher minimum wage, parity price for farms); a better Social Safety net (ie public option for health insurance) and similar items.
An economy like the US' or Canada's should be based heavily on high-wage, advanced industry, mining, agriculture,
forestry and similar productive fields. NOT financial services,
real estate and the so-called service industry.
If any Ron Paul fanboys want to accuse me of being a socialist for
advocating effective government, save your energy and vote for
Romney and Paul "Ayn" Ryan. You'll get exactly what you want.
If Wall Street was truly omnipotent, they wouldn't even bother with the illusion of elections, voting, propaganda, etc. They don't have enough real power and need us to cut our own throats, which will only work if we're stupid enough to share their views. If we unite behind a mass, disciplined fight for the right program, as outlined above, the masses have greater collective power than the oligarchs, and can in time restore a decent system of government.
Mike said (October 22, 2012):
Another short essay by Henry that nails it.
Many have known or suspected this for a long time now. The problem is the mindset of the general public, which refuses to believe what is really happening, and furnishes absolutely no basis for a unified resistance.
The logic of the collective public is not intellectually based but emotionally based, tied to conditioning and genetic tendencies. The first protocol mentions 'superficiality', which gives a clue as to what must play itself out.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Jim said (October 24, 2012):
As always your website has once again brought its readers the real story behind the events that surround us.
Thank you for persistence.
Unfortunately the vast majority of the American and Canadian people live in the Hologram Matrix brought to us via the media.
I wonder how long it will be before the TPTB will turn its agents of war, destruction, and death on us.
I hope enough truth-tellers survive the chaos.