Hoffman - Vatican a Cabalist Jewish Front Since Renaissance
June 7, 2017

Below it, find Jude Duffy's view that Hoffman
With regard to the rivalry of competing elites, it is true that in general the Vatican, from the 16th century onward, served Talmudic-Kabbalistic Judaism in a manner radically different from that of the British Crown.
But to mistake tactical differences and smokescreen rhetoric for a genuine war between an anti-Judaic Vatican Catholicism and a pro-Judaic British Crown, is an enormous blunder.
From the Renaissance onward, the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy had been infiltrated by Talmudic/Kabbalistic forces, even though, on occasion, individual popes, cardinals, bishops, saints and laymen attempted to reverse the trend, without success.

My thesis is that, far from being a break from elite Roman Catholicism since the sixteenth century, the Judaic policy of the 'Vatican II Church' as it emerged publicly after 400 hundred years, is the fulfillment and culmination of the centuries-old crypto-Kabbalism and Talmudism of the Roman Catholic hierarchy.
This is the solution to the riddle of the resistance of the popes from Paul VI onward, to naive -- though sincere and often heroic -- traditional Catholic calls to the recent occupants of the papacy, to be 'loyal to the Church of all Time,' and 'repudiate Vatican II,' and 'return the Church to as she was before the 1960s.'

The popes of the late twentieth and twenty-first centuries know what these uninitiated traditionalists do not: the Roman Church before Vatican II had been serving the kings of Kabbalah since the time of the Florentine Medicis. As startling as this datum will appear to most, the historical record will show that this was the case. From this occult root grew the accursed fig tree we see today.
I anticipate the protests of some: 'but I have this church document that excoriates Masonry;' and 'in such-and-such a city the Talmud was burned by ecclesiastical order during the Renaissance.'
Yes, indeed, and if these acts were part of a seamless theology and statecraft from on high, then this would be significant evidence contradicting my thesis. But those who cite these anti-Judaic tactics without being cognizant of the pro-Judaic strategy that informed them, are lost in a wilderness of mirrors.
As Lenin stated so succinctly: "Two steps forward, one step back." In order to preserve the secret of the Renaissance and post-Renaissance Vatican's fundamental orientation to rabbinic ideology and mystical Kabbalistic gnosis and suzerainty, sometimes the hierarchy appeared to discipline or repress Judaic elements, to placate either the Catholic mob or restless intellectuals and holy persons in its own ranks. I will have much more to say about these chess moves in Renaissance Roman Catholicism.
A call to a return to the dogma and praxis of the medieval Lateran-era Church would be truly Catholic and anti-rabbinic, and this should be the banner of the "traditionalists."
Anything else plays into the hands of the current Vatican adepts who know better than the "traditionalists," that revolutionary change commenced in the 1500s, and that 1960s Catholicism is merely the natural child of an unnatural parent. Until Catholic "traditionalists" know what these Vatican initiates know, they will be privately mocked in Rome as gullible and ignorant enthusiasts of something that hasn't existed for more than 400 years.
Our ignorance only evokes contempt. The conversion of modern Rome requires that we negotiate from a position of knowledge. To do this we must dispel our illusions and learn the clandestine history of the serpent that grasped hold of the Catholic Church and subjected it to revolutionary change, beginning from one of the great citadels of the Money Power, the moral sewer that was Florence -- the magnificence of its art works being no kind of absolution -- but rather, a Dorian Gray-like cover for the filth that flowed above and below, and soon spread throughout the Church at its most stratospheric levels; as presaged in The Inferno by that other Florentine, the truly Catholic Dante Alighieri.
Don't be hoodwinked!
(Hoffman is the author of Judaism Discovered (hardcover, 1100 pages), and Judaism's Strange Gods). His website is revisionist history.org
Jude Duffy on why he thinks Michael Hoffman is anti Catholic-
MR said (June 8, 2017):
I'd like to mention something about that photo in the article, which shows an upside down cross next to Pope John Paul ll.
Michael Hoffman says that it's a satanic cross, but this shows his extreme ignorance regarding Catholicism.
An upside down cross is a traditional way to remind us that Saint Peter, the first pope, asked to be crucified upside down, since he felt he was unworthy to be crucified as Our Lord was. You'll find paintings of St. Peter crucified upside down, if you do a google search. All of the Apostles were martyred, except for St. John. The Popes use this as a symbol to remind them of the importance of their office, and it has absolutely nothing to do with satan.