My biggest life regret
is the time and energy I wasted on
relationships with women.
The idealization of sex, women, and
romantic love in our society
is characteristic of Satanism.
Why? Satanism actively promotes
false Gods, i.e. romantic love is idolatry.
Love should be reserved for God, Perfection.
The basis of human love is mutual dependence.
The definition of a woman? A sphinx without a secret. -Oscar Wilde
Cabalist Jews believe that perception is reality. They are reality inventors. Thus, they have taken control of the mass media and movies to reshape perception.
Their "reality" (e.g. denial of gender) does not correspond to God or nature. God is Truth. Truth is the ultimate reality. They have inducted us into their cult, cabalist Judaism, which seeks to supplant God. Satanic cults control & exploit their members by corrupting & making them sick.
Overrated- Young Women, Romance & Lobster
Updated from Nov 24, 2011, and Nov. 5, 2021
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
I am 74. Now that my sex drive has diminished, I regret that I wasted my life pursuing sex and relationships. Were it not for sex, I wonder if men and woman would see each other, given the gender bashing we have seen.
I realize now that the young women that enthralled me were delusions. These ladies were not who I thought they were. I idealized them.

Romantic love is our ersatz religion. We are besotted with young fertile women and sex. Intercourse is a holy sacrament. Orgasm is a "mystical experience.
Our pagan (i.e. Cabalistic, Masonic) "culture" is a sex cult.
Naked women are pushed in our faces. Porn is everywhere. We have been addicted to sex.
They use sex like catnip, to control us and make millions of dollars.
We were programmed by movies and music to fulfill mental concepts whether or not they correspond to reality.
Since young women are gatekeepers of the "Holely Grail," they're elevated to the status of goddesses.
Males have a natural tendency to idealize women anyway. We fetishized them. They could do no wrong. Men are conditioned to seek their approval.Satisfying a woman was proof of manhood.
At age 12, in 1961 I saw the movie Spartacus, directed by Stanley Kubrick. In one scene, the camera focuses on Kirk Douglas' face as Jean Simmons sheds her gown. His face is full of wonderment and awe, lighted by the mystical glow seeming to emanate from her naked body but actually from the fire. The scene made a profound impression on me, a boy just entering puberty.
Brainwashed! The human being lives in a world of thought. Sexual arousal is largely in the mind. Thought is easily influenced or controlled. Convince us we are chickens and we will cluck. Convince us that the female body is desirable or that sex is the best thing life has to offer, and we will chase that. It's all in the mind.
I chased women with the best of them. But now that testosterone has relaxed its grip, I am left scratching my head and wondering why? Women are just people, as boring as men or more so. Their bodies are ridiculous or soon become so.
Paradoxically, female entitlement and male emasculation prevent successful pairing. This is not a coincidence. As long as men idealize women, they remain children. This is how the Illuminati promotes arrested development. Masculinity is defined by power. They are giving it to women.

The Illuminati's problems with Islam is that it does not put women on a pedestal. Quite the opposite. Islam, like Christianity, are real religions.
Men would be far more successful if they thought of women as instruments. As First Mates to their Captains. Most women in their heart-of-hearts prefer this.
Thus, a man must define his goals and the role he wants a woman to play. Companion? Mother?
Men, in your profile on a dating site, don't try to sell yourself. Instead, describe what you are looking for.
Women want men to give them an honorable purpose. They don't want to be his purpose. Most people, especially some women, are pretty stupid. They are looking for a man to enlist them.
The current hook-up culture is bad for women. Their sex appeal is a function of their fertility which declines rapidly after 40. That's why young women need to establish a loving marriage and family to provide love and security into old age.
Women used to earn love by loving husbands and children. They were loved for what they did. A girlfriend once said to me, "I want to be used," and she didn't mean sex.
Feminism has convinced many women they don't need to give love, especially to men. Eventually, that leaves them high and dry, alone and bitter.
Sex is about procreation. We are meant to marry, propagate and move on to other things. The Illuminati have arrested our development by sabotaging marriage. Sex has become a life-long obsession that has frozen society in an adolescent mold and poisoned all human relationships.
You cannot look at a beautiful child without being taken for a pedophile.
I advocate marriage and family. Part of my detachment is due to being happily married. My wife empowers me in many ways.
But many young women today have been re-engineered to fear, imitate and challenge men. They have been lied to and betrayed by society.
A young male friend complained that " the girls he comes across are predatory - they expect sex on the first meeting, and are only out for one-night-stands, and how he and his friends feel confused, as though their gender role has been usurped."
If I were starting out again, I would focus on building my self-confidence. For men, this comes from recognition and reward we get from our work. I would look for a wife that wanted to be first mate on my ship, and offer her my love and loyalty in return. With a successful marriage, all other women become redundant and sex loses its mythic quality.

Sex without love is just masturbation. It is dehumanizing and degrading which is why Satanists promote it.
On the other hand, sex in the context of marriage can create a powerful bond.
The mating instinct in young men is just as powerful as in women.That's why they need to seek only women who want marriage. Study their character through patient courtship. Avoid feminists, sluts and women who had bad relationships with their fathers. Look for a dependable helpmate/ companion rather than soul mate. (Souls are too mercurial.)
Love and sex shouldn't be your first priority. These add to life but our soul mate is God, who is the personal ideal we set for ourselves. We need to realize that a man does not need a woman's love. Anything you thionk you need becomes your master
Henry David Thoreau said: "Every man is tasked to make his life, even in its details, worthy of the contemplation of his most elevated and critical hour."
God is represented by our soul. Our goal is to be in total possession of ourselves (true to our ideal self) always.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "A trust in yourself is the height of piety, not pride. It is unwillingness to learn from any but God Himself."
Related- Makow - Cabala- How Sex became Our Religion
Tony said (December 22, 2023):
Why Henry? I'll tell you why. Romantic love and sexual attraction are for reproductive purposes only. Evidence all around us proves beyond any doubt, that we are the product of advanced beings who created us through genetic engineering for the sole purpose of exploiting us.
Humans are a slave class. All forms of religion and spirituality are ways of hiding this fact by deceiving us about the real reason for our existence, while serving as the proverbial carrot on a stick. Meanwhile, we are exploited throughout our short lives by slaving for the system and procreating, in order to bring a new generation of slaves to replace us in the farm, after which we are eliminated.
Lather, rinse, repeat, generation after generation. Those are the only two reasons for our existence, period. What kind of god would have created a world in which evil, pain, and suffering are the rule for all of its creatures? And no, its not due to Satan, whose only an invention of the church to instill fear on the slaves and divert the guilt from the reponsible parties. And as far as the theory of evolution goes, it's just another fraud to deceive and divide the masses, just like the false right-left paradigm of politics.
So there you have it Henry, the reason why testosterone has relaxed its grip on you and me, is because we are on our way out. We have served our purpose and are no longer needed to bring any new slaves to the farm, as we wouldn't have enough time left to raise them, which would pose a problem for the evil owners of the system that enslaves us all. It's that simple.