Raelians Define Illuminati Agenda- Ex Cult Member
April 27, 2010

I´ve read Steve Thomas' articles about the plausible connections between Rael and
the NWO. I came to the same conclusions about 4 years ago. I
used to be a Raelian guide level 4 and responsible for the country of
When I started to see the connections between Raelism and
the agenda of the elite, I quit the movement and wrote a book about my
experiences. You can find it here for free: http://www.realrael.org/
By Daniel Vandinja
Ex-Raelian Priest, level 4
(for henrymakow.com)
is spreading like wildfire across the world, and people are gasping and
widening their eyes to something that seems so unbelievable that it
literally becomes unbelievable!
Youtube is filled with videos claiming that Michael Jacksons´ death was somehow plotted and executed by this super secret elite, and Obamas "Yes we can" speech is reversed and suddenly becomes the salute "Thank you Satan!".
Now this is the
teenagers' view of the Illuminati and it makes them
paranoid and at the same time give them no choice but to
the whole thing. The curiosity and the search for more information stops
and the global agenda for world domination carries on like nothing ever
I am a high school teacher in Stockholm, Sweden and I can see
this kind
of information taking hold of our youngsters, leaving them confused. At the same time they ridicule me for believing in UFOs, an experience that
haunts me from my days as a cult leader.
Yes, I used to be regionally
for the Raelian Movement in my country, and I appeared on
TV, talking about the Raelian vision of a future where everyone will
cloned biological robots for everything, especially sex!
I promoted a world where all religions would be replaced by atheism, where all nations would finally become ONE under a world government.
With dreamlike
and frantic conviction, I told the Swedish population that our race is
actually a lab-product made by advanced extraterrestrials coming from a
solar system somewhere in our milky-way galaxy.
I convincingly advocated the view that God is a fantasy and that the human soul is a joke. Eternal life is to be reached through cloning and the true Gods are the E.Ts, who will come to earth to save the just from destruction.
Well, a lot
has happened since I made these public appearances. Nowadays I feel
sorry for
the kids in my school who are growing up in this climate of not knowing
what to
Why? Because I know that UFOs are real; I saw one myself when I
was in
my early teens. And when it comes to the music industry and the
political arena,
I know it is all corrupt, that it is in reality filled with brainwashing
mind control.
But how are the poor kids today going to understand that this is fact, not fiction. Kids of today cannot, with all of their dysfunctions, read works by Albert Pike, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bertrand Russel, Carroll Quigley or any other author from the elite´s own stock.
(below, Raelian emblems)

I was a Raelian
for ten years of my life and I was put on a path coinciding
with an
agenda that is most commonly known as the "New World Order".
There is a new day dawning for the world, like Obama chanted in his election campaign, but it is a dawn where God is dead, and man becomes a machine whose soul has been replaced with an implant from the Verichip-corporation.
It is a future controlled by alien technology - yes alien! - it is alien to us, the people. The trinkets that we are given to play with are obsolete. The earth is dotted with underground bases, making it look like Swiss cheese. In these luxurious facilities, black budget money in the trillions is wasted on military projects that would appear as magic to any cashier or university professor.
The agenda
of the Raelian Movement is strikingly similar to that of
itself might have been created to lead people in a certain direction. If the
media is
used for propaganda purposes, then why shouldn´t the religious
communities be
infiltrated and utilized as well?
This is just a theory of mine, and I
can´t claim
that this is the way things are, but I have gathered some tantalizing
from various sources that makes this claim look plausible.
In my book "The Masonic Messiah", which is really just a compilation of other peoples materials (the credit is not mine), I try to give some examples of why the Raelian Movement might be a pawn in the game for world control.
It is available online as a free e-book
Jack said (April 28, 2010):
Marcos,after becoming immersed in the research of Jordan Maxwell for a number of years I actually started reading the Bible a lot more, and began to shed my Marxist-atheist indoctrination like an old skin. I lead a vastly more morally-centred
life now, not because of anything Maxwell told me, but the conclusions I came to myself
after investigating his claims.
I emphasize the word research because Maxwell doesn't actually write very
much himself, he mostly points to the work of others. Though some people may
use his work to demonize Christianity, he's actually mostly critical churches
and it's connection to government.
A quick scan of Vandinja's book indicates to me that he operates in the
same spirit as Maxwell, that is to give you the relevant information and
let you decide for yourself what you make of it. Actually I think this book
might turn out to be quite a neat and readable summary of the whole New World Order problem
and I look forward to giving it more attention.
Remember that regardless of what you believe, if you approach that belief with
belligerent fanaticism, your actions and thoughts are easily anticipated, manipulated, then controlled.
Churches and religions will most likely survive the imposition of a worldwide dictatorship (albeit in a highly modified form), but critical thinking and freedom of inquiry probably will not.