The AIDS Hoax
April 12, 2012

the popular AZT treatment.
There are a lot of conspiracy theories floating around about AIDS. The notion that AIDS is a money-making hoax is rarely discussed.
by David Douthit
This is the story of Peter Duesberg. Duesberg is a professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California, Berkley. He is a cancer researcher who has formulated a theory that HIV does not cause AIDS.
According to Duesberg what is known as AIDS was originally caused by the use of Alkyl Nitrate in the homosexual communities. Alkyl Nitrate is a recreational drug that creates some euphoria, and also loosens the anal spincter making anal sex easier.

Causes for the new disease were explored. HIV, a retrovirus present in many of the homosexual community that had Karposi Sarcoma was identified and labeled the possible cause of AIDS.
The extremely toxic cancer drug AZT was resurrected from oblivion, because it had been banned for chemotherapy cancer use.
AZT was approved for treatment of HIV infection. AZT itself causes many disease conditions commonly associated with AIDS. Merely detecting HIV infection was cause for "treatment" with AZT.
Once AZT treatment was initiated a whole myriad of AIDS symptoms surfaced, not just Karposi Sarcoma. Lots of money was made from causing more disease conditions, which of course had to be treated with other expensive drugs as well.
Africa has suffered from many tropical diseases like malaria, and malnutrition because of wars, revolutions, and famine. These conditions were labeled as AIDS, even though HIV positive test results were not obtained in most cases.
The AIDS figures were always greatly inflated by this sleight of hand. This resulted in huge amounts of money allotted for AIDS research. Many "researchers" and pharmaceutical companies profited greatly.
Duesberg contends that HIV is a harmless retrovirus. That is why a person may be infected with HIV for years and never experience any symptoms associated with AIDS, until of course treatment with AZT is initiated.
Doctors will then say, "good thing we started treatment just in time as symptoms started to surface."
Huge sums were made from the AIDS hoax. It could never be "cured", just treated indefinitely at a high cost, and AZT caused many more disease conditions.

Duesberg's theory has never received much press even in conspiracy circles. I believe that is because it is probably the closest to the truth.
I wrote this article for anyone infected with HIV, which could be almost anyone homosexual or heterosexual, so that they could have necessary information before starting any AZT regime for "treatment".
I am not a homosexual, but I certainly do not wish any harm to come to anyone. Promoting the theory that AIDS is really an epidemic disease is the exact MO of the "Powers That Be" to keep the population in a perpetual fear state.
I know for a fact that drugs used to treat "Autism" actually cause many of the symptoms labeled "Autism". I have witnessed it with my own two eyes. That is going to be the topic of one of my subsequent articles.
First response from BG:
Documentary about AIDS Myths
Roland said (April 13, 2012):
After researching the topic for many years, I'm absolutely convinced there are no simplistic answers about what causes "HIV" or "AIDS".
The main reason for this is that both are in fact fuzzy definitions. It's almost impossible to cover all aspects of this hoax in a few sentences without sounding like a complete idiot, but I'll try anyway and recommend to everyone affected or interested to delve deeper into the subject.
Here is what I discovered:
1. The HIV virus has never been truly isolated. See This is a serious issue, and BTW this is true for every other virus as well.
2. Therefore you can only speak of a "HIV status", which is defined by the fuzzy HIV test. But you can't really say you're "infected by a virus". It's only a "surrogate marker" defined by common proteins mistaken for "antibodies". If blood samples aren't properly diluted, everyone is "HIV positive", because everyone has those "antibodies". It's just a question of quantity. Similar for the "viral load test", which is only a quantitative PCR and does not detect viruses (nor does any other PCR test, no matter what anyone tries to tell you).
3. A positive HIV status is "positively correlated" with health problems. This means it may indicate there's something wrong with you - possibly. Or not. This is long known and unsurprising, because high protein ("antibody") levels in the blood are generally indicative of cell decay.
4. There are literally thousands of HIV+ people living for 20 years or more in normal health without meds - but you'll never hear about them in the mainstream media
5. The "HIV status" is not sexually transmissible in monogamous, heterosexual relationships (Padian study). Unprotected anal intercourse may be a risk factor, though.
6. Once you are labeled HIV+, the most serious threats are your doctors, prescribing you deadly drugs and giving you the "death spell". If you're gullible enough to believe them, you don't need much more to die. Consciousness determines (and in this case: terminates) existence.
7. Apart from that, every case of AIDS/HIV is caused by individual factors like "psychosomatic" ones, lifestyle, (sex) drugs, poisons and other diseases of known or unclear origin. This may or may not include "engineered" agents propagated by vaccines, drugs, aerosols, food, water or any other means. The problem with the "AIDS" and "HIV" definitions are that they are obfuscating all these individual causes, simply giving them a common label.
8. Avoiding the deadly AIDS drugs (and any other pharmaceutical poison) is generally recommended. If you know to be HIV+, take this as a sign of warning and take charge of your life, but please don't believe you have to die soon. If you don't know your HIV status and think about taking a test, don't do it. There's nothing to gain. You don't want to take the drugs anyway. Look at your life, look at your health, not at laboratory tests. If you're already suffering from symptoms, drugs may give you relief, but handle them with care and don't expect that they can cure you. They can't. Only you can, with God's aid.
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