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Remembering Philip Jones - "Happy" Danes are NWO Guinea Pigs

November 24, 2012

Philip Jones, one of the outstanding critics of the NWO died November 24, 2009. He fell ill in Sept 2009 and suspected an ex-girlfriend  of poisoning him. He was dependent on the Danish health care system, a precarious position given essays like this one from July 2008, a reminder of why we miss him dearly.

by Philip Jones

"The most dangerous revolutions are not those which tear everything down, and cause the streets to run with blood, but those which leave everything standing, while cunningly emptying it of any significance". Danish philosopher Kierkegaard.

London's Evening Standard Edition reported July 1 that a recent opinion poll revealed that Danes were the happiest in the world. This the poll stated was due to the country's peaceful atmosphere, Democracy and social equality.

In recent times, there have been several such surveys conducted, all of which asserted that Denmark is the happiest place on the planet. The question is of course, why do we need to keep being told this? What is the purpose, and is there an agenda? I am a British expat who has lived here 13 years and for the life of me, I cannot see Danes as being a happy people at all.

Denmark is, and has been for years, a `Test Zone` for the European Union in particular and the emerging New World Order in general. The constant reinforcing of this Danish `fairy tale` in the international media is contrived to convince people that the subtle mental prison that is Denmark is a highly desirable model that all should strive for.

The Danish concept of happiness is quite different to that of say the USA, or any of the other English-speaking land. Danish happiness is tied up entirely in one word; `Tryghed` or safety/security. Now these elements might be necessary for a happy life, but they do not constitute happiness in themselves. A prisoner sentenced to life  might feel `safe and secure`, but how many would claim to be happy?

The most common English dictionary definition of happiness is; " A state of pleasure, joy, exhilaration, bliss, contentment, delight, enjoyment, satisfaction".

Of the above, I can only say that I have witnessed in the Dane a sense of resigned contentment and satisfaction with his or her lot. The other elements are highly conspicuous by their absence. It should be noted that Danes are generally undemanding and compliant by nature and so long as the Status Quo is maintained, they shuffle about their lives innocuously enough.

So what is this all about then? It's about constructing an environment where people become servile and acquiescent. Grateful for the `scraps` handed down to them by their benevolent master, the State. As Aldous Huxley wrote in Brave New World, "The perfect Totalitarian State is one where the political bosses, and their army of managers, control a population of slaves, who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude". This describes the conditions in Denmark perfectly.

Denmark and the Danes, along with Sweden (please read `The New Totalitarians by Roland Huntford) have been used as a model for the EU Superstate.  Danes are kept in the dark and fed on Mushrooms.. To instill a sense of superiority and security, the Danish State Propaganda Machine must continually convey these messages:

That it is in every respect functioning successfully.

That is superior in all aspects.

That the people and the state are indivisible.

That the state apparatus is the democratically elected guardian of the Danish way of life.

Leonard Shapiro wrote ; "The true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought reveals itself as a jarring dissonance".


If Denmark is filled with all these happy folk, why is it that this Socialist Utopia has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, especially amongst the youth, with a rapidly growing number of young people of school age being prescribed anti depressant drugs, massive levels of alcoholism, a growing disaffection between the genders, resulting in low marriage levels, a below replacement birth rate, and a alienation and polarization between the generations. Is this really a description of `Happy land`?

So, are Danes happy? They have certainly been conditioned to believe they are. Are they secure? The illusion that they are remains, but cracks in the `dam` are appearing. For the present, until the `experiment` is concluded, and so long as they continue to acquiesce to the relentless demands for an ever greater share of their personal wealth, Danes will continue to worship their holiest of Holies `Tryghed` and believe themselves `cared for` by their `benefactor and protector`, the Danish State .

In conclusion, the Danish variant of happiness is simply not the same as one would find in, for example, Australia or the USA . Like a Canary in a cage, provided all the essentials of survival are present, with the illusion of credit created affluence intact, the Dane will proclaim his `happiness`. Tragically, he/she is not qualified to answer the question as he/she simply doesn't know what happiness is.


Jones' Magnum Opus  - The Origin of Evil 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Remembering Philip Jones - "Happy" Danes are NWO Guinea Pigs "

Brian said (November 25, 2012):

How sadly ironic to read of Phillip Jones' observation that Danes don't laugh.

In recent years the PBS TV stations in my area have been showing programs featuring one of the funniest people to ever walk the Earth - Victor Borge. He was Danish, and I'm happy to say that before I decided to remove myself from the medium of television I watched a few of these shows. He was one of those comedians who was so funny he could make you cry from laughing so hard.

For me, a true test of comic genius is when you remember a comedy bit in your mind and start laughing at the thought of it. Borge had it in spades along with a handful of others. A damn fine musician too.

Dan said (November 24, 2012):

To me it's more plausible that she was a NATO assassin equipped with the substance that causes pancreas cancer. A number of known people have suddenly developed this fast-working cancer within a few months of announcing publicly investigation into a thing best left alone. The pattern is always the same: someone starts to investigate something or uncover something, and shortly after they get the diagnosis, and a little over a year later, they're history.

Texas comedian Bill Hicks was diagnosed with it shortly after including the Waco Texas massacre of Christian families in 1993 in his act, and making this video.

Bill Hicks last performance

A disproportionate number of well known 'conspiracy theorists' have been taken out by sudden onset of pancreas cancer. Jack Ruby (shot Oswald, claimed to know who was behind Kennedy Assassination)
Sir James Goldsmith, powerful NWO insider who turned against Globalism - tried to alert elected MP's and members of US Senate during the 1990's.
His billions couldn't save him from pancreas cancer.

Philip Jones' blog didn't seem that dangerous to the NWO to warrant pancreas cancer assassination. It must have been his "Chemtrail Action Group" - plus his fateful decision to live in Denmark - not only one of the most politically correct, socialist-Masonic states in the EU, but deep in the heart of NATO territory. He was a foreigner there, which may have made it bureaucratically simpler to bump him off than if he'd remained in England.

Galen said (November 24, 2012):

Thanks Henry, for keeping the memory of Philip Jones alive. I loved Philip Jones; he was a pen-pal of mine and I trusted his research and his interpretations of the grand atrocity of GLOBAL social engineering.

Philip wrote voraciously and was ahead of his time in many ways, analyzing things no one was analyzing, bringing to great detail, that which was usually sweepingly generalized. He brought us all into Denmark to see beyond its mask of "Everything's fine here," to how the soul of a country was torn out, almost effortlessly, leaving most there with a complacent smile, as the country was becoming a prototype for where the world was (mostly unknowingly) being taken.

I'll never forget one thing he said that hit me with a pain that kind of stays frozen in some part within myself: "The people here don't laugh." Is life worth living without laughter? Philip didn't think so. Neither do I.

Gone too soon, Philip tried, and tried hard to stop the demise of the real human being. His work lives on for anyone who may want to help with that process. I miss Philip Jones and honor his important contribution to my life and learning.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at