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Holocaust Denier Jailed for Thought Crime

March 9, 2015

(Left, Stolz speech can be found here)

Holocaust denier, lawyer Sylvia Stolz is back in prison.
On February 25, 2015,  a Munich court sentenced her to 20 more months for a speech she delivered in 2012.

Although my grandparents died in the Jewish holocaust,
I do not believe in thought crimes. People should be able to think what they please and say what they think.  The imprisonment of holocaust deniers is additional evidence that the West is under de facto Communist (Masonic Jewish) control.

"This is slavery, not to speak one's thought."
― Euripides, The Phoenician Women

"If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."
― George Washington

"I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself."
― Oscar Wilde

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Sylvia Stolz, 51, is a German lawyer who has been disbarred and imprisoned for denying the Jewish holocaust took place.

As part of Ernst Zundel's defence team in 2006, she called the holocaust "the biggest lie in world history." She said the court represented an occupational power that seeks the eradication of the German Nation and its replacement by a mongrelized and deculturated population of mindless consumers. (I agree with this part.)

According to Wikipedia, Stolz served a 42-months prison term from 2008 to April 2011. She was imprisoned again two weeks ago.

At her first trial, Stolz told the court  Germany suffers under the yoke of world Judaism. She said that National Socialism is not dead, and represents what is good and enduring in the German spirit. Idealism and patriotism are rigidly suppressed at this time but they cannot be suppressed forever.

She cast herself as a martyr. "And you, my high-and-mighty judges, will never again experience inner peace... Your depiction of National Socialism as a criminal system will see to that. You are willing accomplices to the brainwashing and degradation of the German people.... Adolf Hitler accurately recognized the Jewish problem, the malevolent power of the Jews in certain respects... Yes, I share the values of National Socialism!"

"If my actions bring a little more light into this dark hour for Germany, then I will gladly go to prison! It does not bother me that I am officially ridiculed and insulted by this despicable court and atrocious government... My high and mighty judges, you are convicting yourselves, not me."


The slaughter of however-many Jews by the Nazis was dwarfed by the genocide over 60 million Gentiles in World War Two. The Second World War was plotted by the Illuminati Jewish bankers in London to destroy the old order so the NWO could rise in its place. Many Jews who were not part of the NWO plot, i.e. Jews who were not Satanists, Sabateans, Zionists etc. were killed to disguise the real character of the war.  It was not against the Jews. It was against humanity.

I disagree with Stolz about the Jewish holocaust. My parents were Polish Jews who barely survived by pretending to be Christians. They lived in constant mortal fear of being exposed. They were not paranoid or delusional.

roundup.jpgThe Nazis would not have rounded up Jewish children, the elderly and the infirm just to provide them with free room and board. Adolf Eichmann would not have tried to ransom a million Jews for 10,000 trucks etc., if he was sparing them from country club conditions at Auschwitz.

I agree that the IIluminati are quite capable of lying about the six million number. Even Jewish historians like Raul Hilberg said the number was closer to five million. It doesn't matter because the war was a period of unparalleled suffering for everyone. The human race descended to depths of depravity not yet seen.

It's a mistake to think the war was about Jews. That was the excuse. The Illuminati Jewish central bankers controlled Hitler. His "resistance" to their power was the pretext for war. His followers were and are dupes. The real purpose of the war was the destruction of Germany (and Japan) and the expansion of Illuminati NWO power in the West, Eastern Europe and Israel. 

I do not intend to debate the Jewish holocaust. I give Stolz's view, and I give mine. I abhor that the Jewish holocaust has been used for political advantage. But, that was its original purpose: To establish the State of Israel.

The main issue for me is free speech.  Even though I disagree with Sylvia Stolz,  the imprisonment of holocaust deniers is an attack on civilization. It's an example of the increasingly dark shadow cast by the Cabalist Jewish central bankers over humanity.


Thanks to KS for the tip!

Related -  French Police Arrest Cartoonist for Anti Zionist Work
----------------French Arrest 100 for Thought Crimes
------------- Hitler's British Handler
------------- Was Polish Holocaust Also a Hoax?
--------------Nazis Gassed Aryans but Not Jews?
------------- World War One- First Christian Holocaust

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Holocaust Denier Jailed for Thought Crime "

Ian said (March 10, 2015):

I would like to make two points if I may. The first is that the vast majority of "Holocaust Deniers", challenge only the existence of homicidal gas chambers, and a calculated extermination policy. That the "Holocaust" happened and many ordinary people died in the most terrible circumstances is not even up for question.

The second point I would like to make, is the absolute mockery this jailing and many more even in Scotland under the incitement laws, make of the Je Suis Charlie march in Paris. Theresa May with her Je Suis Jeuf placard, arm in arm with Europe's leaders along with Benny Netanyahoo, what an absolute cynical sham, in calling for freedom of expression.

AW said (March 10, 2015):

I am like you in that I can't stand the idea of making it a crime to question a historical event.
How ridiculous in a world where freedom of speech is considered the most sacred of human freedoms.

So apparently, it's "freedom of speech" when a Jewish/Christian Zionist denies the decades-old Palestinian holocaust (violating every human rights laws ever written), but it is a crime worthy of imprisonment to even QUESTION the official account of the Jewish holocaust.
Unbelievable hypocrisy!!!

Also, the International Zionist leaders who make it a crime to deny the Jewish holocaust are the SAME people who used their control of the media/academia to invent and promote the LIES that Palestine was an empty land when European Jews arrived in the early 20th century ("A people without a land for a land without a people") AND that the Palestinians are an invented people who only recently immigrated to the Holy Land when they discovered that Britain (and the United Nations) was planning to create a Jewish home land in Palestine.

Al Thompson said (March 9, 2015):

Whether one is a Jew or a goyim, they are never allowed to question the authority of the communist elite. The idea of rights granted by some constitution is complete bullshit. All anyone has to do is to attempt to exercise those rights and they'll find out very quickly that there is no such thing as rights granted by government. It is an abomination to the communist elite that anyone would actually think for themselves.

However, the fact that this lady claims to be a National Socialist is weird to say the least. Nazi's are still communists; the style is a bit different, but the substance is the same. If she advocates socialism, then she's getting the treatment she advocates. Socialism is socialism whether it is nationalist or something else. The various names is like putting lipstick on a pig; it's still a pig.

Communism, socialism, fascism are basically all the same thing and they are proven failures in providing benefits to the people at large. People have a natural right to speak what is on their minds. They don't need any constitution for any kind of authority. This lady didn't deserve to go to jail, but being a National Socialist, I think she set herself up for it.

No government is better than communism. Most nations have most if not all of the 10 planks of the communist manifesto in place. This type of government attracts nothing but vicious psychos just as a basketball team attracts tall men. The idiocy is inherent in the communist system. The more they screw up, the happier they are with themselves.

Forget about democracy as that is just two wolves and a sheep deciding who is going to be for dinner. In this case, the wolves ate the lamb.

Susan said (March 9, 2015):

I recently had a conversation with one of the produce employees at my local health food store. We were talking about rutabagas (Polish potato) and his recollection of his polish grandmother who still had her tattooed numbers from a Nazi internment camp in Poland. She was not Jewish, she was Catholic.

Sylvia Stolz is a very courageous person... no doubt about it. But the 'martyr for the cause' strategy is useless. She would be more effective if she was speaking out with her own website, lecturing in different countries and refusing to comply with this latest prison term. At some point you have to take a stand that will rock the status quo. At this point she needs to stop being a victim and strategize an international incident or some type of exit strategy that will will support her freedom thus her voice.

Robert K said (March 9, 2015):

It is a mystery how people can be subjected to legal penalties for discussing a historical issue for which there is no legal definition. The consequence is that defensive arguments are rendered impossible. As a lawyer friend once remarked to me, it's odd that in many countries the mere act of questioning one particular number can send you to prison.

Maybe TV host Larry King thought he was playing it safe when he asserted that the Holocaust killed not 6 million but, rather, 7 million Jewish people? Or might even this derogating from the apparently sacred number have landed him in trouble?

Holocaust, Holodomor, Nakba, Medz Yeghern, etc.--surely the detail of these events is critical to accurately understanding them?

KS said (March 9, 2015):

Thank you for this post Henry.

I agree with you that the issue here is her courageous defiance against a corrupt and arbitrary judicial process. The speech that earned her the present three and a half years gaol time can be seen here.
This speech, (it is also linked at the top of the article) was delivered in Switzerland, not even in the prosecuting jurisdiction, and focused only on judicial procedures and definitions (or lack thereof). This time, she seems to have been severely punished for pointing out that here, the judicial process does not even have any internal logic. I ask readers to view the speech for themselves. I feel if we are to ignore this latest treatment of her and, 'pass by on the other side,' then it will be difficult to retain much self respect.

Patrick said (March 9, 2015):

"She said the court represented an occupational power that seeks the eradication of the German Nation" brings to mind the October 2012 article

When Arthur Topham was imprisoned for bringing attention to the book written by a lunatic racist called "Germany Must Perish", calling for the complete EXTERMINATION of the German race, because according to the racist Jew who wrote it all Germans are genetically racist hate mongers (hence actual racist lunatics genociding them MUST be justified).

The implication is obvious. It is perfectly kosher for "jews" to publish a book calling for the genocide of an entire race off the face of the earth, but if anyone takes the same filth and replaces Germany with Israel they must be destroyed.

Reminds me of this 2014 article

By making WW2 about "the jews" instead of the humans betrayed by criminal monsters they enact what John Pilger calls "worthy deaths".

By brainwashing anyone who will listen about "the jews" and the "holocaust" 24/7, the implication that becomes reality is that "the jews" are worth remembering, and "the goyim" are not.

This is of course the exact philosophy of the Talmud and racist cowardly freaks like the one who wrote "Germany Must Perish".

How many weeks can pass without another "holocaust memorial" movie from the pedophile freaks of Hollywood?

How many movies have they ever made about the 60-100 MILLION Christians genocided in the Soviet Union?

Of course the insane freaks will never recognize their "worthiness" to be remembered, in their insane eyes the genocide of those Christians was great.

Pretending that a "jew" dying is somehow worse than a human who is not a "jew" dying is racism and racial/cult supremacism. Pure and simple.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at