Western Society in Spiritual Malaise
April 7, 2017

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April 7, 2017
Tony B said (April 7, 2017):
There appears to be a great deal of self delusion in this man. His comparison of the "west" to the rest of the world is exactly what is attacked by the rest of the world as selfish and unsympathetic to others when the "west" shows an identical mindset.
Is he truly totally ignorant that much of what he describes of westerners was first seen in the Soviet? His self "uplifting" words seem totally oblivious to such things as the first and greatest use of abortion being in the soviet, no way an uplifting situation.
This reminds me of what I constantly see on English language "Russia" websites wherein people not of the west forever attack the west for doing exactly what they are doing in return with the very same "holier than thou" attitude.
So-called "leaders" aside, the plain people of all nations are pretty much the same. Politically they simply wish to be left alone to live their lives. Morally most all, even if they never heard of "the golden rule" (do to others as you would have them do to you), consider that the way all should live. People in all nations which are ruled with debt pretending to be the medium of exchange (almost all nations today) sense that they are economic slaves to a rigged system even though few in any nation can actually explain any part of that control.
It seems that this man is seeing East-West differences in his own mind due to his own prejudices. The identical thing of which non-westerns love to accuse westerners.
I have been barred from commenting on almost everyone of the sites mentioned above because I forever fight that false difference, constantly commenting that all must quit the divide and conquer nonsense and all join to bring down the real evil in the world which is headquartered in the Rothschild cabal City of London headquarters. Those who run those sites PROMOTE divide and conquer, therefore they are just more cabal puppets whether knowingly or out of ignorance, same as a myriad of western site operators.
RK said (April 7, 2017):
Andre Vltchek paints a very gloomy, dark, depressing picture of the so -called West ,with its fallen spirit, decaying culture, utter selfishness, and juxtaposes it with, allegedly' , very rosy, vibrant, unspoiled, compassionate, innovative spirit of life "...in Russia, China and Latin America...' .
Well, his portrait is interesting,, YET not true at all. China, Russia, etc., have their own share of misery, moral and spiritual degeneration , total self-absorption and other vices ,which very easily cross all physical boundaries/borders, since they are part of the universal, human nature.
Part of us, EACH of us. The- once- Christian West DID sell its 'collective soul' to the devil, and nowadays pays a terrible, terrible price for that . The West happily exchanged its values, its morals ,its justice, and most of all, its search and LOVE of the transcendental Truth, for some temporary ' goodies, and illusive , mostly flesh-related, pleasures. West has become an empty shell ,which withers and decays as we speak, since there is no Divine Spirit, which is the ultimate source of all life, wisdom and the Truth..
Live without the Divine Spirit becomes just a vegetation, a waiting - to- die process, with no hopes or desires for anything after that.
Kill/rape the spirit and you 'kill' a person. Kill/rape the 'collective spirit' that once moved large groups of people, moved the whole nations , and you ' kill' those people. Once you kill/rape them spiritually, and they let you do it , you OWN them. They are your 'slaves'.
How sad and how terrible. There is however a way out of it. Each of us, individually, must try to protect. defend his/hers spirit, The Holy Spirit, the one that is absolutely hated by the demonic spirits , wants to reside in each of us. Demonic spirits, which have currently overtaken the West civilization, have their, short-lived, days of glory.
But their days ARE numbered.
God IS the Winner after all. And let's stay with the winner, for our own sake and mostly, for the sake of our own, poor , miserable soul.
This music, once so common in Europe , is now so very rarely sung and heard...
Instead, we feed our souls with that kind of music. There is no surprise that our souls are hijacked by those demons.
PY said (April 7, 2017):
Concerning Andre's letter, I agree with him that big cities are, for the most part, unhealthy and depressing places. But not just in the west. Also many people in the third world are very flawed, in one way or another, just like in the west. I think most of people have good hearts and are good Christians everywhere. Unfortunately we are all oppressed by the cabal. We need to unite and fight it, we need to inform and educate the people.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Pedro said (April 8, 2017):
The writer might like to read Anatoliy Golitsyn's The Perestroika Deception (1998) if he thinks that Russia is not a huge part of the social engineers plans and experiments.
and account for the vodka addled decreasing lifespan of his happy revolutionary inclined proletariat.