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Bob Dylan's Goy Ghostwriter Speaks

July 15, 2020

(left, the iconic Bob Dylan) 

Scary to think that popular culture is a massive psyop
created by the Cabalist (Illuminati) Death Cult.

Bob Dylan schooled the baby boomer generation 
in self-righteous alienation from "the establishment" 
without identifying the real culprits.

 MK-Ultra mind-controlled "cultural icons" obfuscate
the Cabalist banking cartel's plot to enslave humanity. 
Dylan's evocative lyrics made no sense and were
not intended to. 

(UPDATE-New info added in BOLD)

from April 15, 2019
by Henry Makow PhD

Recently, I got a poem ("Lyin Zion" below) from a man who claimed to have been "Dylan's goyim song-poet in NYC during the mid-'60s."

He "didn't feel comfy getting too close to exposing a Jewish icon."

There is "no question of his serving "the god you can't see." [Satan]

"Dylan would joke about the "hypnotic splattered mist" that
engulfed his listeners in "a Jewish lullaby of acid."

"He was a clever [snide] guy who wrote those kinds of songs.

"I received payments from his Jewish manager and exited
when folks around him started inexplicably dying [Mossad?]

"Mr Zimmerman was the east coast's Laurel Canyon of the '60sI do have the history somewhere... but hesitate to go into detail."

We "made a legal agreement that he'd keep most of the money [from songs] and All the fame, and we'd keep it secret for 50 years."

 i wrote most of
"Visions of Yeshua" that he changed to "Johanna"
then he went in for a reprogramming & I fled to sanity.

later he used "tangled up in you"
                     [changed u to blue]in "blood on the tracks.

after the blurry "blonde on blonde" album, they said he had
a motorcycle accident, but i think he was given a "tune-up."

i believe Kris Kristofferson was his "handler or something."
anyway, it was all getting too MKultra for me and my wife.

many [songs] were mostly a talmud/kabbala stratagem to
delude young minds; already deluded on CIA acid

many of the early stuff [that i enhanced] were good.
later, they were contrived 2make addled kids feel grandiose.

the denouement was his moronic "Self Portrait" album
which disclosed the scale of his figurative lobotomy
also skim some his foul book "Tarantula" as a case in point

in short, his poignant jabberwocky was a cunning
distraction from what many of us were discovering.
my lyrics:
"lying zion is so pathetic, calling us anti-Semitic.
the word is absurd and grudgingly funny; cuz
all we did was to follow the money...
and if it ended up in one place
w/ one race, that's a fact we gotta face!"

"I wrote most of "it's alright, ma" [but Not the title]
and others on "Bringing it all back home"
got out after highway 61, though he still
used my stuff in "blood on the tracks"

Here are some excerpts of what I gave him:

Woody Guthrie song

about a fallen old world that's going wrong.
Seems sick and hungry, tired and it's torn
looks like it's dying and hardly been born. "

most of Hard Rain [inspired by an olde epic poem]

"There's restless hungry feelings that can't be understood,                                             
 and everything I'm saying, she can say it just as good.                                        
She's right from her side and i am right from mine.
We're just ONE TOO MANY MORNINGS and 1000
miles behind."

"every girl I've touched, I didn' t do it harmfully;                                                             
every girl that I've hurt, I didn't do it knowingly;
But to remain friends and dissension transcend,
You need time to stay behind and make amends.
When my feet are fast and point away from the past
I'll bid FAREWELL, cuz we won't meet again. [Bob dragged the beat!]

"Every song that strung a knot in my mind,
I might go nuts if it couldn't be sprung.
it weren't to stand naked in ordinary eyes,
it was for very few my stories are sung.
Blending with friends, poems comprehend,
errors with Eros where intentions ascend...
though the line's cut, but it ain't the end,
I'll bid farewell till we meet again

RAMONA come closer, shut softly your watering eyes,
the pangs of this sadness
will pass as perceptions rise.
 Life can be shitty but can look so pretty
sometimes; and there's no use trying to deal with what's dying;
though no one tries to
describe that with rhymes.

Ghostwriter's Recent Work 


"preachers go on about Babylon and the so-called "captivity,
but they only captured affluent Jews; seems suspicious to me.
when the Persians said: "you can go back home now,
most of them Hebrews stayed.
perhaps they liked learning how
unearned money is made.
Talmud art & shylock shark of fractional reserves;
and derivatives gives Mammon to the god it serves.

they sent the Talmud with Hillel on to the Pharisees
to scam the elders of Israel into re-pealing Jubilees.
in a Jubilee year, most debts got clear, so nobody got too rich,
it ain't healthy to get too wealthy, or broke as a son of a bitch.
Usuries kill economies, but Hillel persuaded them how
exponential debt should be kept;
that's the mess we in now!

in the Talmud Kabbalah, in every second generation;
Lucifer would choose 2 use 1 minister of information.
Hillel's grandson was Gamiel; the teacher of saint paul.
Who bet the Paraclete a threat & vowed 2 skew it all.

Paul was willing 2 do the killing, but Gamiel said "fake a conversion."
than imitate what you most hate, & infiltrate through subversion.
so Paul's pious virus spread to warp and misconstrue
& they burned what Yeshua did & said,
& them that said it too!
Related - Was Bob Dylan a "Change Agent"? 

----------------- Does Bob Dylan Worship Satan?   and here 

------------Joni Mitchell "Bob is not authentic at all. He's a plagiarist, and his name and voice 

------------------- Leonard Cohen- Cabalist Secret Agent?

----------------Dave McGowen - The Laurel Canyon Conspiracy 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for " Bob Dylan's Goy Ghostwriter Speaks "

Alan said (April 15, 2019):

I think the Ghostwriter in his "Lying Zion" poem, while I agree with much of it, also has a hidden agenda and that is undermining the New Testament.

Paul was willing 2 do the killing, but Gamiel said "fake a conversion." than imitate what you most hate, & infiltrate through subversion. so Paul's pious virus spread to warp and misconstrue & they burned what Yeshua did & said,
& them that said it too!

Even a cursory and hypercritical reading of any of Paul's epistles will clearly show the genuineness of Paul's conversion and his deep love for Man and God. Fact is, if you undermine the Pauline epistles you have to throw the whole Christian bible out. Paul is the most unpopular of all the biblical authors because he clearly condemns homosexuality and the LGBTQ agenda as well as other sins of the flesh. We all like our sins and hate being called out on them and that is why many are desperate to find a reason to 'diss' Paul. Don't know who Ghostwriter is alluding to when he says, 'they burned what Yeshua did and said, and them that said it too': Talmudic Phariseeism, Roman Catholicism and Jesuitry have been the main opponents of the true Gospel throughout the centuries.

Paul no doubt was a black-hearted self-righteous Pharisee before his Damascus conversion. Many Christians from all cultures, races and backgrounds have also been directly touched by the hand of God in a similar fashion to Paul and they will affirm how God transformed their lives from one extreme to another, just as "Saul" a man of darkness became "Paul", a man touched by the light of truth. Always be suspicious of those who try to undermine Paul. Read his epistles and you can't help but recognise the genuineness of the guy's faith; his amazing teachings that truly and accurately reflect the mind of Christ and his reluctant yet completely dedicated status as a disciple. The sufferings and opposition that Paul endured speaks volumes about his dedication to the spread of the Gospel.

G said (April 15, 2019):

On Dylan... We want him to remain the spokesman for a generation, the conscience of the young who were fed up with the ways of the world. How dutifully he filled that position and I worshipped at his altar. Was there ever a higher edict in any land of modern culture that practically begged us to do better, fiercely encouraged us to dive deep into the meaning of life, while all the while soliciting God to be on our side? All this was done under the umbrella of rock and roll music. And then the letdown...

Stories of plagiarism, stolen songs, lawsuits. At first, no one believed it. Then testimonies came forth, like the one you've printed here, and then the first gulf war where Bobby was silent, unavailable to his fans. And consequently, war after war, more silence, and glazed superficiality with songs about frogs and nonsense.

What happened? I guess he lost access to his ghost-writers. But one still wonders just how much he himself wrote, as one wonders what he thinks of when he's alone with his thoughts. Is it on the order of, "I sure fooled a lot of people?" Or is it more like, "I tried, and I got caught up in some weird stuff."

I do believe he found Christ for a while, so perhaps that leaves open a perpetual door for him to come clean, not just for us but for his soul. Myself, I'll never get over the betrayal because I gave him high trust and high love for many, many years. But it's okay, Henry, I'm only bleeding.

Peter said (April 15, 2019):

Isn't it weird that pop songs which have had so much influence on people never have to put in credits for where they get their stuff, like all good academic books and journals have to. Compare and contrast to Pretenders singer Chrissie Hynde on where she got Don't Get Me Wrong
from the tune of the British Airway's boarding dongs.

Gilad Atzmon would call this Jerusalem vs Athens . Trickery vs Honesty.

Owen Benjamin recently did a hilarious take and analysis on this fake here (stars 6min 44s) .

JG said (April 15, 2019):

The Rock and Roll psyop of the late 60s advocated a generational divide along with sex outside of marriage and sexual immorality under the name of sexual liberation. Drug use was also promoted in many of the songs going all the way back to ' Puff the Majic Dragon'. It was designed to overthrow the Christian American culture and replace it with the subculture of sin and self-indulgence.

Bob Dylan's music wasn't as destructive as many of the other artists. The soundtrack he did for the movie 'Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid' may have been his best. The song 'Knockin on Heaven's Door' is quite a moving melody but the lyrics are not.

Very few artists create all their own music even though their names might be on it. As for Dylan, he did write some top 10 hits for other artists as well as for himself.

JG said (April 15, 2019):

The Rock and Roll psyop of the late 60s advocated a generational divide along with sex outside of marriage and sexual immorality under the name of sexual liberation. Drug use was also promoted in many of the songs going all the way back to ' Puff the Majic Dragon'. It was designed to overthrow the Christian American culture and replace it with the subculture of sin and self-indulgence.

Bob Dylan's music wasn't as destructive as many of the other artists. The soundtrack he did for the movie 'Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid' may have been his best. The song 'Knockin on Heaven's Door' is quite a moving melody but the lyrics are not.

Very few artists create all their own music even though their names might be on it. As for Dylan, he did write some top 10 hits for other artists as well as for himself.

Chad said (April 15, 2019):

When you study pop culture, you discover that most all of it is psychological warfare. Almost without exception. Even the “good” songs. You can suggest those are allowed to exist to keep people from changing the channel. I’ve discovered, if you find a “good” artist, acquire their music separately and listen to it on your own terms. As in, using your own device(s). Play your LPs, CDs or MP3s on your own gear. Avoid any and all broadcast radio or television. These days, it would be websites such as YouTube that would suggest alternatives or additional selections on the sidebar.

The entire for-profit music industry is owned by “them.” You wrote about this with your article on black people, rap music and the Prison Industrial Complex, as well as another article from the past. Music and video imagery can target the brain in subtle yet dangerous ways. This has been known for likely over 100 years. Therefore, my suggestion to people to turn off both the radio, television and any auto-play type settings on YouTube. You must be conscious of what you’re watching and always in control of the stop switch.

n addition, the same goes for “news” programs. Most notable, for America, National Public Radio. With their droning and monotone speech, it’s designed to hypnotize and lull you into lowering your guard. Opening your mind to full propaganda attack. They’ll inform you with revisionist history while lying through omission. PBS isn’t much different. For the unaware, this is seriously deceptive media and readily plays on the minds of the unconscious.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at