November 2019 Archives

 Halifax, Life Magazine, July 17, 1939)

(Edward Wood, Lord Halifax)

The pre-war British establishment was Communist (Freemason) to the core.

They put Hitler in power and maneuvered him into

a two-front war that would destroy Germany once and for all. 

They were all Freemasons (i.e. Cabalists, Satanists.) 

The goal of Freemasonry is the triumph of Communism-- 

the political manifestation of Cabalist Judaism which disguises

its tyrannical agenda by an appeal to "equality."  They perceived

Germany to be an obstacle to the New World Order. 

(Updated from May 2015) 

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

In Dec. 1942 Heinrich Mueller, Chief of the Gestapo, rolled up the Soviet spy network in mainland Europe and secured a list of Soviet agents and informants in England that reads like a "who's who" of the British establishment. This list lifts the veil from modern history.

mueller.jpg(left, Gestapo Chief Heinrich Muller) 

Soviet spies include Edward Wood, Lord Halifax, Neville Chamberlain's Foreign Secretary and an architect of the "Appeasement" policy. 

 Appeasement was designed to trap Hitler in a two-front war which would level Germany (and Europe) and kill sixty million people.

Mueller's list of spies includes Victor Rothschild, the head of the central banking dynasty, one of the "Cambridge Five" traitors. Curiously, the other four (Burgess, Maclean, Blunt, and Philby) aren't on Mueller's list. Halifax's son married a Rothschild.

The list also includes Charles Hambro, another banker of Jewish origin who was part of a Bank of England decision to continue financing Nazism in 1934 as a "stabilizing influence." Obviously, as a Soviet asset, this man was not pro-Nazi. The explanation is that both Nazism and Communism are Illuminati creations. 

The list also includes Sir Robert Waley-Cohen and many members of the anti-appeasement "Focus" group that funded Winston Churchill. Waley-Cohen was the Chairman of the Rothschild-controlled Shell Oil and the leader of the British Jewish Community.

Other bankers, banking scions, and industrialists include Eugen Spier, Maurice Baring, Leonard Montefiore, Edward Guggenheim, Sir Robert Mond and Sir Phillip Sassoon. All are of Jewish origin.

Prominent Labor Party and trade union leaders included Ernest Bevin, Harold Laski, Herbert Stanley Morrison and Sir Walter Citrine. Members of ancient aristocratic families include Richard Combe Abdy, Baron Strabogli, and Admiral Reginald Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax. There was press mogul J.S. Elias, cartoonist Victor Weisz, and Daily Express Chairman Ralph D. Blumenfeld.

Prominent civil servants include Rex Leeper of the Foreign Office ruling clique and Sir Maurice Hankey, who as cabinet secretary and Clerk of the Privy Council (1919-1938) knew all the secrets. There was Slavonic scholar Bernard Pares and Jurist Sir Hirsch Lauterpacht. (The complete agent list is at the end of this article.)


What did this disparate group have in common? About half of them are recognizably Jewish. But the connection that binds all of them likely is the Illuminati, the top rung of Freemasonry. Its aim is to weaken mankind through a series of contrived  wars in order to establish a Masonic or "Illuminist" world dictatorship dedicated to the "light giver" Lucifer (their alter ego.) Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Kerry etc. are all members.


The Illuminati started Communism. Their common anniversary is May 1; their common symbol is the satanic inverted pentagram. They funded the Bolshevik Revolution and secretly ran the USSR, which was a model for the New World Order. Far from being spies for Stalin, some of these men probably were his superiors.

Soviet Russia was a dummy-state creation of the London-based Illuminati bankers. The Second World War, the Cold War, the War on Terror and now Cold War II are all their inventions. They are responsible for 9-11 and for the neopagan assault on Western Civilization, Christianity and Islam (incl. family, nation, race, morality, and truth) that we call modernism, humanism and globalism.

Heinrich Mueller died in California in 1983. The CIA recruited Mueller in Switzerland in 1948 and paid him $1 million for an Interrogation running 1000-pages that include this list. Mueller left his microfilmed archives to his nephew, "Douglas Gregory" who has published a part.


The Bank of England funded the rise of Adolf Hitler through the Schroder Bank. 


(left, Tiarcks and his granddaughter) 

F.C. Tiarcks, the Managing Director of the Schroder Bank, was also a Director of the Bank of England. 

Eustace Mullins writes: "Because his own financial backers, the Schroders, were sponsoring the Appeasement Party, Hitler believed there would be no war [with England.] He did not suspect that the backers of the Appeasement Party, now that Chamberlain had served his purpose in duping Hitler, would cast Chamberlain aside and make Churchill the Prime Minister." (The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, pp.76-78.)

While history portrays Hitler as duping the naive Neville Chamberlain and Lord Halifax, Hitler himself was tricked into thinking he could expand eastward with impunity. Neville Chamberlain wasn't in on the secret. (He died prematurely "of cancer" just months after leaving office.) But as a Soviet informant, Halifax certainly was instrumental.

As an early opponent of British rearmament, Halifax encouraged Hitler's plans and later complimented the dictator for being a "genuine hater of Communism." In 1937, Halifax actually offered Hitler changes in the "European Order" in regard to Danzig, Austria and Czechoslovakia.

"It was Halifax, not Hitler who first mentioned by name the areas where the Versailles Treaty might be reinterpreted to Germany's benefit," writes historian Andrew Roberts. "Halifax did the one thing which Eden had told him not to, and which Vansittart warned would 'bring the European card-castle tumbling down.' Moreover he did it not once but thrice in the course of the conversations." (The Holy Fox: A Biography of Lord Halifax, 1991, pp. 67, 70-71.)

Halifax's closest adviser was Philip Kerr, Lord Lothian, a member of the Rothschild-Milner-Rhodes  Round Table secret society (i.e  the Illuminati). According to Roberts, Lothian was "a friend of Halifax's and had  non-parliamentary political influence of a type seldom seen in today's politics." (109)

Appeasement was designed to encourage Hitler to take action which would justify a declaration of war by the West. 

"What we want to secure is the certainty of a war on two fronts," Halifax said in March 1939. (Roberts, 146) Halifax was responsible for the foolhardy British guarantee of Poland that led to this war declaration in Sept. 1939. The USSR also invaded Poland but there was no declaration of war against it. Stalin was pre-primed to attack the Nazis in 1941. (This is essentially the deal Christian Rakovsky offered Stalin 1938.)

 The whole knuckle-biting drama of war and peace in 1939-41, including England as the lonely defender of freedom, was a charade. Germany was in the cross-hairs all along. 

The appeasers and their opponents were two Illuminati house teams pursuing common goals. Lady Astor's Cliveden Manor was supposed to be the HQ of the (pro-Nazi) appeasement party but, as Andrew Roberts points out, arch anti-appeasers like Duff Cooper, Anthony Eden and Russian Foreign Minister Maxim Litvinov (nee Meir Finkelstein) were regular guests. (67)


Wars are the artificial creation of the Illuminati, a satanic cult that extends its tentacles over the whole planet. "Muller's List" provides a glimpse at the composition of this group: bankers, industrialists, aristocrats, military, scholars, trade unionists and media.

There are a lot of Jews but it should be obvious that the Illuminati victimized Jews as much as anyone. Jews have been the cannon fodder for Communism, Zionism, and Nazism. Instead of defending the Illuminati, Jews should revile it. Otherwise, they appear to be in collusion.

Hitler was groomed and funded for the purpose of destroying German nationalism and providing a pretext for the State of Israel. The only question is, was he in on the plot? I think he was.  Like Donald Trump, he was a Judas Goat charged with leading his country to destruction. 

The Illuminati starts wars to destroy nation-states, demoralize humanity, consolidate power and produce huge profits and debt slavery. This cult, which has a stranglehold on thought and expression, pretty much defines reality. Our best course is to find our truth from different sources and define reality anew. 

"Mueller's List"  from Douglas Gregory, "Gestapo Chief: The 1948 Interrogation of Heinrich Muller Vol. 3 p.107.

Lt. Col. Frederick William Abbot
Sir Maurice Hankey
Richard Combe Abdy
Eugen Spier
George Dixon Abraham
Baron Strabogli
Frederick Edward Fox Adam
J.S. Elias, Baron Southwood
Admiral Sir Percy Addison
Sir H.L. Rothbard
Elkan Nathan Adler
Sir E.L. Goschen
Admiral Oliver Backhouse
Mrs. Blanche Dugdale
John Ball
Sir Robert Wood
Maurice Baring
Sir Robert Mond
Ralph D. Blumenfeld
Jurgen Kuczynski
Sir Harry Robert Boyd
Sir Robert Waley-Cohen
Sir Charles Hambro
Rex Leeper
Edward Wood (Lord Halifax)
Sir Walter Citrine
Walter Rosenhain
Victor Rothschild

Charles Masterman Herz
Sir Philip Sassoon
Victor Weisz
Sir Bernard Pares
Friedrich Saxl
Ernest Bevin
Sir Hirsch Lauterpacht
Herbert Stanley Morrison
Harold Joseph Laski
Sir Reginald Plunkett-Erle-Drax
Edward Armand Guggenheim

Latest!--  Illuminati Jewish England Also Started World War One  (Thanks Robert!)

See also my:

Bankers extended WWI By Three Years

Bankers Engineered US WW2 Intervention

Hitler Didn't Want World War

and articles on Winston Churchill and Lester Pearson.

 Historian of "Soviet" Espionage, John Costello, Murdered

More on how British Bankers Financed Hitler


First Comment  from Brian Mitchell "Ex Insider"

Hi Henry, The new article on W W II is excellent just two small mistakes, you neglect to point out that Rothchild appointee Lord Cherwell
 who was inseparable from Churchill in W W II was probably the most important Freemason in the country, second only to Herbert Morrison
Home office minister who oversaw all war dept contracts going to Jewish firms.

Morrison as Peter Mandelson's grandfather was in daily contact with Seif in Hampstead, the base for Jewish support of the Russian war effort.

Nevile Chamberlian spent 4 years with a team of experts who were allowed into every German factory. Chamberlian believed Britain should join with Germany against the Soviet Bloc, which is why he was slowly poisoned by Churchills doctor Lord Moran. Lawrence Burgis Churchills secretary spoke of this on the record before his death.

You constantly push the lie that Hitler was part of the plan. You say Illuminati. During this period the word did not exist; it was just jews, and in fact, Rothschild's explicit order was no goy to be a major player, only Jews. Hitler had no choice but to attack Russia before they attacked him, Hitler was not Illuminati as you claim. Finally, a great article in many other respects

Robert P writes:

World War 2.
"We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not."  Winston Churchill. 1936 broadcast.

"Germany becomes too powerful, (Economically) we have to crush it." Winston Churchill, November 1936 speaking to US General Robert E. Wood.

"This war is an English war and its goal is the destruction of Germany." Winston Churchill, Autumn 1939 broadcast.

"The war wasn't only about abolishing fascism, but to conquer sales markets. We could have, if we had intended so, prevented this war from breaking out without doing one shot, but we didn't want to." Winston Churchill to Truman. Fultun, USA March 1946.

"Germany's unforgivable crime before WW2 was its attempt to loosen its economy out of the world trade system, and to build up an independent exchange system from which the world finance couldn't profit anymore. We butchered the wrong pig."

Winston Churchill. The Second World War, Bern, 1960.

"We made a monster, a devil out of Hitler, therefore we couldn't disavow it after the war. After all, we mobilized the masses against the devil himself. So we were forced to play our part in this diabolic scenario after the war. In no way we could have pointed out to our people that the war only was an economic preventive measure." US Sec of State, James Baker. 1992.

"The enemy is the German Reich and not Nazism, and those who still haven't understood this, haven't understood anything."

Churchill's chief counselor Robert Lord Vansittart, as said to foreign minister Lord Halifax, September 1940.

"Sexism" is Heterosexuality

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Heterosexuality is based on the exchange 

of female worldly power for male power expressed as love. 

This heterosexual contract (marriage) 

is symbolized by exclusive sex. 

Cabalists (Satanists, Communists) neuter both sexes and destroy gender identity by calling heterosexuals "sexist" and demanding "equality."


(updated from April 2002) 

By Henry Makow PhD 

Feminists think they're fighting the "patriarchy" but in fact, they are victims of a pernicious plot to bring down the birth rate by spreading sexual dysphoria.

Search for "Women's Studies, Rockefeller Foundation" in Google and you'll discover two million links. These people funded depopulation and Nazi eugenics are funding feminism. This is not a coincidence.

The Rockefeller Foundation and its allies are responsible for war, deprivation, terrorism, and disease. Ladies, do you really think they've suddenly taken a genuine interest in women's rights? Or gay or transgender rights? You are being used.

Second-wave feminism is an attack on heterosexual society. Starting in the 1960s, the media have disparaged the importance of wife and mother, father and the nuclear family. Women must find personal fulfillment in a career. We naively believed this social engineering was spontaneous.

Second-wave feminism was created and promoted by Communist activists like Betty Friedan and CIA operatives like Gloria Steinem.

By making women compete with men for the male role, feminism is classic Communist "divide and conquer". They use race and class as well.


A friend who is divorcing his wife told me: "I fell out of love because she became too masculine." Women are brainwashed to think they are oppressed and need to be more like men.

Feminists say they want to stop "sexism." This is a typical Communist "doublespeak."

On the surface, sexism refers to social discrimination on the basis of sex. Who can argue with that? All people, regardless of race or gender, should be measured on the basis of achievement. 

In practice, however, sexism means denying there are ANY natural differences between men and women. All differences are due to social conditioning.

By stamping out "sexism," which they equate with racism, feminists really want to expunge heterosexuality.

While championing "tolerance" for homosexuals, they are waging a hateful and underhanded war on your sexual identity.

A relentless barrage of pro-feminist and gay propaganda fills the media; social engineering for a "brave new world" has overrun our schools. Yet we seem strangely passive, like frogs in a pot of water on a stove. The heat is gradually increasing, and we are gently being brainwashed.


Let's begin by reaffirming our distinct male or female identities. Perhaps this personal manifesto from a happily married male frog [ME] who finally jumped out of the pot will serve as a reference:

The essence of masculinity is power.

Isn't it obvious? It's what women respond to. Similarly, men are drawn to vulnerability in women. We want to protect them.

To equalize power is to eliminate sexual distinction. Women are powerful and effective as women, but not by becoming men.

Men -- steer clear of any sexual relationship where you are not in charge.

Just as femininity should be respected, so should masculinity.

You emasculate a man when you take away his power. (The corporate elite is using feminism to do just that.)

A husband will consult his wife but eventually, someone has to make a decision. A man who is ruled by his wife is less a man. He feels like a little boy with his mother.

On the other hand, when his wife accepts his leadership, he feels like a man. Women help to make men.

Similarly, a wife who follows her husband's leadership feels more like a woman. If she can't follow him, she should be married to someone else.

Men should avoid opinionated, aggressive, demanding women. It's too late to save them. This will spare you a great deal of time, money and anguish.

The essence of femininity is for a woman to depend on the man she loves.

The essence of the male-female dynamic is for a woman to entrust worldly power to her husband, and for him to use it to make her happy.

Man wants power. Woman wants love (They differ.) HETEROSEXUALITY IS THE EXCHANGE OF THE TWO. 


A man wants to make the woman he loves happy. Does he consult her? How else can he please her?

She reciprocates by making him happy. The energy flows.

A woman must give her husband the power to love her. If she is "strong, bold and independent," as she is being taught, he becomes redundant ( i.e. the true feminist agenda.)

Woman shows she loves a man by empowering him, by surrendering and trusting. Women want to be possessed by a man's love. (They are not men.)

Of course, the contract breaks down if the man doesn't keep his end of the bargain. He must be her champion, loyal and loving to the end. If this contract breaks down, the marriage is over.


A woman is a vehicle by nature. She is waiting for a man's call. She wants to be used by the man she loves for a higher purpose. One such purpose is to create a healthy happy family.

A man, therefore, should have a clear idea of what he wants, and the role he wants a woman to play. Then he finds a wife who meets HIS criteria instead of contorting himself for every sexually attractive woman he meets. A woman needs to be enlisted, not entreated.

Woman's nature is to nurture and love her husband and children. She wants to be needed, honored and loved in return. A woman should never be taken for granted. (Nor should a man.)

When a woman identifies with her husband, they become one in marriage. If they remain "independent," they remain roommates open to every temptation. Certainly, a woman has her own interests and career but these are not her first priority.

A woman has approximately 15 years in which to start a family. Millions have been duped into concentrating on a career instead of a husband. 

A woman wants to be an extension of her husband. She is the spiritual ground in which he plants his seed. She is the recipient of his spirit. By "accepting" him wholeheartedly, he "belongs" to her. This union results in psychological maturity for both. Together they create a new world and bring children into it.


RELATED   - Feminism makes Women Frigid - Psychiatrist 

------------------- The Effect of Sexual Deprivation on Women 

--------------------Male Dominant Marriage 

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